General / Off-Topic The safest place

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medcram today . Dr. Seheult talks about Antibodies, Immunity....taking up the Spain Study on seroprevalence I linked into here a few pages ago . As awlays, short, clear and concise explanations directly translatable into knowledge by the viewer . The man is a Legend...


I take vitamins as well. It's humbling to have to take the "senior" ones...

If it stays somewhat bearable for you, I truly wish for you to be able to go on supplementing "senior" vitamins and other nutrients for decades to come . I plan to .
Just leaving a pic here, of 1918, the last Pandemic - which coincided with the Great War.


Yes things are bad now, because you have to stay at home and wear a cloth mask, and the haircuts - Oh the Humanity.

Imagine being shot at in the mud, while you wear a stinky rubber gas mask.
Yes, they fought a World War, during their Pandemic.

Maybe we could sort of suck it up a bit better?

( Also- o_O look at those flying saucers...)
When I see all human misery through the ages, I sometimes say to myself that death is a deliverance.

🦠 🦠 🦠 🦠 🦠 🦠 🦠 😷
Anyone who can't tell that the current revolutionary anarchy we're seeing in America is too big to be sneeringly dismissed as "some little thing" is either being astonishingly disingenuous or is woefully deficient in observational skills. Something is coming. It isn't a laughing, trivial matter now, and when it finally arrives it will be terrible. Not just for American's, I might add.
The end of Western civilization as we know it today ?

🦠 🦠 🦠 🦠 🦠 🦠 🦠 🦠 😷
America is on a teeter totter. On one side is reality, sanity, law and order. On the other is a complete breakdown of the system, the abolishment of free speech and thought, the abandonment of law and order, not to mention reason and sanity. This teeter totter is leaning very heavily towards the latter, and in my judgement it's too late to pull back the other way. I hope I'm wrong of course. It might take another year or so, but I think chaos will be the order of the day at that point.

I can't lay out the case without getting into trouble again, so I'll just leave it at: what's happening right now is very serious, very dangerous, and a tiny little glimpse into a hellish future of anarchy and bloody revolution. It's the future I've tried to warn people against, to no avail.
But he said, "America Great again" :eek:

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Sunny day today.
We have road traffic like before. Restaurants open, got us BBQ. Cooking some chilli now.

One other doctor had to get emergency surgery last week, from where I work.

If Covid had shut down surgery services, both of us would be dead today. Even with massive prep for the epidemic, thousands invested in gear, a hospital service at our disposal, and an ICU under our personal jurisdiction, and 5 decades of medical training between us.
We'd still have died without the external services of others, and a functional civilization, with power, roads, law enforcement, ambulances, pathologists, garbage collection, etc.

It's important to be grateful for whatever benefits we still enjoy. Don't take it for granted. Things go bad, you can very rapidly find out how ineffective you become, no matter your efforts, friends, training, and resources.

Take care cmdrs. See you in the Black.

300% spike. No masks.


No effect. Masks.

The white grievance posters should note: this is numerical data, not opinion. I was wrong about the BLM protest risk being high. But the info from going back to check is valuable.

Wear masks, or worsen the infection. Worse infection = Worse economy in November. Just pointing out that little flaw in the battle plan. Carry on.

Same here. Protests are allowed (both BLM and anti-lockdown) as long as you adhere to social distancing. Masks outdoor not mandated but strongly recommended. So far no uptick in cases due to protests because people are more often than not sensible and mindful of others. Oy one protest was banned; a planned anti-social distancing protest with the organizers saying they would not adhere to any safety measures.

Beyond that things are mostly well.
But over here COVID19 is a medical issue, and whatever personal and political agenda each of us here have, we take medical emergencies seriously.
But over here COVID19 is a medical issue, and whatever personal and political agenda each of us here have, we take medical emergencies seriously.

It's s shame you guys don't take medical emergencies equally seriously elsewhere. :p

Our police had to disband huge crowds of dutch tourists who were not exactly respecting anything even closely resembling social distancing.


I'll just add (even though it could be contained in your second point), that "we" finally realised the many benefits of remote working. People could finally live where they want (instead of piling up in cities to make daily commutes more bearable), spend a lot less money on commutes / travel pases / fuel / meals, waste a lot less time commuting, public transportation could be a lot less crowded, traffic could be a lot less dense, companies could spend a lot less in offices, and many people could be a lot more happy. Even the people who can't (or dont want) remote working would benefit a lot.

The company I work at is still deciding how the "post-covid normal" is going to be, we've been working from home since february, best months of work I ever had in my 20 year career. If the company decides we have to go back to the office, I'm certainly gonna bail out and find another that allows remote working.

edit: just remembered the best benefit of all: no more air conditioner wars!! I can finally work in a cool environment, without being at the mercy of perpetually cold people who always seek to turn the office into a damn sauna.
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It's s shame you guys don't take medical emergencies equally seriously elsewhere. :p

Our police had to disband huge crowds of dutch tourists who were not exactly respecting anything even closely resembling social distancing.

yeah, hit the news here too. These are the kind of young folks that will get stoneface-drunk the second their plane lands and do whatever they feel like because 'nobody at home will ever find out what is happening'. They are insufferable in normal times, and worse now.

I hope Portugal punishes these tossers as hard as the law allows. :mad:
yeah, hit the news here too. These are the kind of young folks that will get stoneface-drunk the second their plane lands and do whatever they feel like because 'nobody at home will ever find out what is happening'. They are insufferable in normal times, and worse now.

I hope Portugal punishes these tossers as hard as the law allows. :mad:

To be fair, it's not just the dutch, and not just foreign tourists either. School age tourists are always the worse kind in any country.

It's the bad part of having sunny weather and cheap alcohol, all the drunkards want to come here :D
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