Gankers' rights movement?

San Tu is 50ly from Shinrarta. It's the hub for organized PvP.
Intriguing. I'm pretty sure you mentioned Shinrata in the other thread. All the pieces of the jig saw are now falling into place.

That sounds like a fun system.
Ive survived a 1v8 gank attempt on me, just barely. I could teach you how to survive something like that but it would take a lot of practice.
And you gotta be absolutely on your game
I would definitely not screw around if you were teaching me.
San Tu has some extremely pretty rings that are fun to fight in. There are some systems with denser rings, and prettier fog, but they're way out in the sticks.

San Tu, as well as having all these fun arenas to scrap in, has the benefit of location, location, location.

There's a system out my way that has a breathtaking res site (specifically: a really dense, rocky ring with heavy fog and a giant star so it's strongly backlit) but it's over 200ly away from ShinDez.
This topic is about people spouting condemnations and behaving in a toxic fashion when being the victim of a game mechanic that endorses villainy, even if it does not promote it. However some vile, purist individuals are irrationally imposing their narrow minded peace mongering and demanding that the game be tailored to their minority playstyles. I believe these "false justice warriors" should be opposed.

Here here!

Unfortunately, FDev designed a game that encourages "ganking" and "dueling" as the only two forms of PvP (unless you consider PMFs that are in conflict with each other trying to out grind each other in the BGS as a form of PvP). FDev "passively discourages" PvP for some reason and do not have the backbone to take a stand one way or the other. Personally, I would rather see team-based PvP encouraged in the main game (CQC and the like are non-starters for me).
Here here!

Unfortunately, FDev designed a game that encourages "ganking" and "dueling" as the only two forms of PvP (unless you consider PMFs that are in conflict with each other trying to out grind each other in the BGS as a form of PvP). FDev "passively discourages" PvP for some reason and do not have the backbone to take a stand one way or the other. Personally, I would rather see team-based PvP encouraged in the main game (CQC and the like are non-starters for me).
Duelies ?
I have long proposed that all that should be given the opportunity to fly with the CQC on their ships and assemblies from the main game, and give there mode duels ... but all as usual.
Here here!

Unfortunately, FDev designed a game that encourages "ganking" and "dueling" as the only two forms of PvP (unless you consider PMFs that are in conflict with each other trying to out grind each other in the BGS as a form of PvP). FDev "passively discourages" PvP for some reason and do not have the backbone to take a stand one way or the other. Personally, I would rather see team-based PvP encouraged in the main game (CQC and the like are non-starters for me).
We do team based PvP all the time. 3v3's, 4v4's and even 8v8's. What are you talking about?
We do team based PvP all the time. 3v3's, 4v4's and even 8v8's. What are you talking about?
The problem is that it's something that players are having to organise themselves rather than actually being directly supported in any way, so people that aren't in the right place to hear system chat tell them about it and aren't paying attention to forums/reddit/discords never get to hear about it.
It's actually the same problem that mobius has. The demand is obviously there for that kind of group but players have had to sort of hack something together themselves.
See also: literally every other add-on that players have made that really ought to be part of the main game interface.
Well it just teaches them to be away from open untill they too have such git gud ships. Off course that reaction causes those multiple open only threads :D

But late to the party here, but in my opinion it just teaches them to stay off Open period! You gankers have done nothing but damage the player retention in Elite, sadly, and at minimum, made Open a very dead place.
But late to the party here, but in my opinion it just teaches them to stay off Open period! You gankers have done nothing but damage the player retention in Elite, sadly, and at minimum, made Open a very dead place.
Done nothing but damage you say 🤔

Do you actually play in open? Cause it was pretty populated with people when I was last on.
Do you have any evidence for these accusations?

Deleted member 192138

But late to the party here, but in my opinion it just teaches them to stay off Open period! You gankers have done nothing but damage the player retention in Elite, sadly, and at minimum, made Open a very dead place.
If FDev have issues with how game design effects player retention they've had years to do something about it. We got: a cluster of starter systems that still don't teach you how to use pips.
Done nothing but damage you say 🤔

Do you actually play in open? Cause it was pretty populated with people when I was last on.
Do you have any evidence for these accusations?

I am playing in Open on the PS4 and it isn't nearly as rich with activity in key systems as it once was. The game has grown somewhat tired and I know people who have moved onto Red Dead Redemption etc, but I also know people over the years who have grown sick of the gankers in wings swooping in seal clubbing vanilla ships and the like, or complaining a solo bounty hunter flies with crimes on. They're a toxic lot - some of them anyways. If it doesn't drive players out of Elite, it is my opinion that it, at the very least, drives many of them to Solo.
I am playing in Open on the PS4 and it isn't nearly as rich with activity in key systems as it once was. The game has grown somewhat tired and I know people who have moved onto Red Dead Redemption etc, but I also know people over the years who have grown sick of the gankers in wings swooping in seal clubbing vanilla ships and the like, or complaining a solo bounty hunter flies with crimes on. They're a toxic lot - some of them anyways. If it doesn't drive players out of Elite, it is my opinion that it, at the very least, drives many of them to Solo.
Nah, it really doesn't. You're playing on the least popular platform for Elite so it's no wonder that it's dead. Open is quite populated on PC and on Xbox and in my 4 years and 3000 hours of playing in open on both platforms, the only time I see a down tick in player population is when the devs introduce something that drives players away from the game, like the recent mining nerf.

On the other hand, if a player gets so upset at dying from another player that they flee to solo or PG, than that player probably shouldn't be playing in open to begin with.

Its very easy to survive and escape a gank, even in an unengineered ship.

Ganking is a legitimate part of the game whether you like it or not and gankers themselves are actually some of the most helpful players in the game. I personally run a crew of about 20 gankers that teach players how to survive a gank and almost every group and discord made to help new players, is run by gankers.
Nah, it really doesn't. You're playing on the least popular platform for Elite so it's no wonder that it's dead. Open is quite populated on PC and on Xbox and in my 4 years and 3000 hours of playing in open on both platforms, the only time I see a down tick in player population is when the devs introduce something that drives players away from the game, like the recent mining nerf.

On the other hand, if a player gets so upset at dying from another player that they flee to solo or PG, than that player probably shouldn't be playing in open to begin with.

Its very easy to survive and escape a gank, even in an unengineered ship.

Ganking is a legitimate part of the game whether you like it or not and gankers themselves are actually some of the most helpful players in the game. I personally run a crew of about 20 gankers that teach players how to survive a gank and almost every group and discord made to help new players, is run by gankers.

I'll start by saying not all gankers are created equal, but generally, whether you like me saying so or not, ganking is destructive towards the game community. Most of them are toxic bullies who spew all sorts of vile crap via comms whilst utilising crimes on where it suits them, such as switching to them near a station just to troll someone, or flocking in wings to hammer a target then fleeing when alone, which just lends to the experience of a really tedious affair when the only people that seem to be showing up is them.

They're usually the sort who agree to 1v1 duels then when your shield drops the watchers all go for a kill. In my experience, very few of them are honourable and decent in comms and seeing as seal clubbing isn't outside of their activities, new players already working a tough learning curve and stuck in vanilla ships might never come back to open, or the game itself for that matter. Again, my opinion.
I'll start by saying not all gankers are created equal, but generally, whether you like me saying so or not, ganking is destructive towards the game community. Most of them are toxic bullies who spew all sorts of vile crap via comms whilst utilising crimes on where it suits them, such as switching to them near a station just to troll someone, or flocking in wings to hammer a target then fleeing when alone, which just lends to the experience of a really tedious affair when the only people that seem to be showing up is them.

They're usually the sort who agree to 1v1 duels then when your shield drops the watchers all go for a kill. In my experience, very few of them are honourable and decent in comms and seeing as seal clubbing isn't outside of their activities, new players already working a tough learning curve and stuck in vanilla ships might never come back to open, or the game itself for that matter. Again, my opinion.
That might be the case for a few on PS4 but the rest of the ganking community on PC and Xbox aren't like that. You say the majority but your sample size might be 20 compared to the over 2000 spread across other platforms. Also being that you don't actually know any of them, how could you possibly know what kind of people they are?

You can say gankers are damaging to the community all you want but it's just not the truth. Open is still just as popular as it's ever been and most do just fine playing in it. Many have been honest about groups like mobius, that it's mostly dead, and seeing another player is extremely rare. I know many players on PS4 that don't share the opinion as you. @Idiot_Savant could probably step in here about the PS4 landscape better than I can.
@Idiot_Savant could probably step in here about the PS4 landscape better than I can.
I can't speak to the greater PS4 landscape, far fewer players comparatively speaking.
I got ganked by members of G4NK. THere was no trash talk..I currently have a stalker in Colonia who tries to harass me off game via messaging. He's a toxic POS but he also thinks I'm a grefer(sic) because I had a brand spankin new FDL I was outfitting for PvP. I'll get to handling him one of these days (he's a "white knight" his words). I'd say Ganking is pretty much like it is on PC. Kill or be killed (get away) and mostly a lack of vile trash talk or ganging up. Exceptions might be squadron vs squadron stuff (RPing). Obviously Spear is a big group. I find them to be toxic despite their law and order claim.
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