#StellarScreenshots - Win Unique Paint Jobs!

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Probably gonna need to repost this once a week. Or better still, close this thread maybe?
Hi all,

If you would like to submit Stellar Screenshots please post them in our Stellar Screenshots thread, post them as a reply to that week's Stellar Screenshot Facebook thread or Tweet them with #StellarScreenshots. We won't be counting entries posted in this thread.

There is no deadline as such for sending in a Stellar Screenshot, however winners will be selected each week so you will want to get your entries in before Wednesday each week. If you aren't selected that week you can always try again the week after :)

You can use post-processing but we would prefer unedited if possible.You can use higher resolution images than 1920x1080 however please be aware that any winning images will be rescaled to this size so that they can be used to highlight winners.

Please remember to make sure your CMDR name is clearly mentioned when submitting your screenshots or we may not be able to provide you with the paint jobs if you are selected.


Senior Community Manager
We'll be leaving the thread open so anyone who has questions about the competition has somewhere to ask them. Unfortunately any screenshots posted in this thread that are not submitted via the official methods simply won't be included in any featured highlights.
Hi all,

If you would like to submit Stellar Screenshots please post them in our Stellar Screenshots thread, post them as a reply to that week's Stellar Screenshot Facebook thread or Tweet them with #StellarScreenshots. We won't be counting entries posted in this thread.

There is no deadline as such for sending in a Stellar Screenshot, however winners will be selected each week so you will want to get your entries in before Wednesday each week. If you aren't selected that week you can always try again the week after :)

You can use post-processing but we would prefer unedited if possible.You can use higher resolution images than 1920x1080 however please be aware that any winning images will be rescaled to this size so that they can be used to highlight winners.

Please remember to make sure your CMDR name is clearly mentioned when submitting your screenshots or we may not be able to provide you with the paint jobs if you are selected.
Instagram #StellarScreenschots too?
Can you advise which colour will be available this month? Is there a list or colours for each month somewhere? Or can I pick the colour myself and indicate it in my post?


Senior Community Manager
Instagram #StellarScreenschots too?

Submissions via Instagram are not currently included.

Can you advise which colour will be available this month? Is there a list or colours for each month somewhere? Or can I pick the colour myself and indicate it in my post?

The paint jobs will change each month on a rotation basis. This month (October) will be the 'Ice' theme, November will be 'Acid' and then December will be back to 'Lava'.
FCOC Shackletons Folly, parked above our new home world in LHS 2687
is there a deadline for the screenshots? I have just uploaded several as I really wanted to win the Blue one, but I can see you have already posted the winning shots. will they still count for the next week? or do I have to wait until November?
I was lucky enough to win the Ice Paint Job, but my group of friends and I noticed that the livery doesn't show up for other players. Only the owner of the ship can see the paint job, everyone else sees just the stock, dark blue livery. Maybe a bug? I was able to confirm it with multiple people.

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