Twitch Drops Cargo Breach


Volunteer Moderator
Is this for PC only?

Not sure how we are going to link console accounts?

On other Twitch drops this is set up prior to watching a stream via the game vendors site. For example if I want my PS4 account to get the drops and not my PC login not quite clear on that.

The instructions as they stand look a bit vague. I can see lots of 'Where are my drops?' posts coming

Hopefully there will be some clarification.
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To the folks who are already posting here about their willful ignorance (the "what is this I don't know I don't want to know" attitude), or complaining about creating an account on a new-to-you-service-that's-existed-for-9-years... um... welcome to 2020 I guess? This is how the online world has been for a long time. It's not scary. =)

Thanks for that. Made me laugh

But no, this is not an acceptable scheme. Or are you suggesting that if a service (that I do not use) exist for x years I should get an account anyways? So next there will be a dual engineered scb for Twitch drops.. What is that? P2W? How about Prime Drops then?
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