Game Discussions Star Citizen Discussion Thread v12

Why the hell should it be up to some random on the internet to refund people? What is with this obsession with absolving Roberts of any accountability? He has made a literal fortune from backers while failing to deliver on clearly stated and recorded promises, all the while lying and misrepresenting the development, and somehow it's the people who think he ought to be called on it that are in the wrong.

You're a "people here", and you've only ever been interested in policing others from some contrarian, self-styled moral high ground.
No one is trying absolve anyone, you are inserting words to incite!
I've got this idea for the next REAL BDSSE Kickstarter!

Solar Scullion : Crowdfund Refund!

GASP as you dodge dodgy space salesmen trying to sell you intangible graphical formats! COLLABORATE as CRUES in an intense multiplayer wallet-vs-wallet arena offering your own cash to randoms! SCORE a streak of UNLIMITED WOWS where YOU are the champion defeating the evil regime of game development and their most vile ally - DELIVERABLES! EARN SpaceBux from defeating old forum nerds. SCREAM as you embark upon an epic quest to plug the pipelines and rescue Princess HANDWAVIUM from the monstrous grip of cold, heartless Captain REALITY(TM)

Answer the faxl!
Is this the precursor blurb to No mans sky 2? :) Handwavium, brilliant.
And i'm winning!

In your face Alec Turner!


I swear half my likes have come from this thread and its previous incarnations.
I miss not being able to see my current ranking. I was never on the first page, but I was closing in on the single digit page numbers right before Frontier revamped the forums. :(
Never gave CIG a penny. I saw the red flags very early on.
I'll buy it for you and that way you can play and really hate the thing you abhor and tell us all about it.

I say this with sincerity as you seem to be a reasonably articulate individual with some great posts, if not sometimes a wee bit on the negative side.
Well, theoretically speaking a collapse is not a sure thing. CIG could eventually release a game that is really "playable now" by the unwashed masses and be enjoyable. It won't be the game people were sold, but it would be releasable product. Assuming CIG can ever solve the underlying technology issues and CR will get out of the way for enough time for the devs to actually get a few more gameplay loops in and who knows, maybe even a few extra systems.

true that. I was "waiting on CIG to collapse" for the longest time because the trajectory the company displayed hinted strongly at that possebility but it hasnt happened and might not even ever happen. When going over the reasons for that resistence you suddenly come back to terms like "sunk cost" or "fanaticism" because they really seem to be a part of the whole thing and not in the same way as every game community is criss-crossed with these elements. Star Citizen is playable but its not much of a game. CiG is starting to get there.....after 10 years of waste and disappointment. They might turn around....sure but until that happens....I ll continue to kick em in the heels because they certainly deserve it.

The following years or time wont change the past regardless how much some here try to advocate it. The "if they succeed everything will be forgiven" mantra. Good if that works for you. It doesnt for me. If people did wrong they need to own it and if they are unable to claim their own blame its important that others do it for them. If only to transport the message to others who might take a look and think "hey, maybe I can do the same?"

Imagine if others would try to squeeze and abuse their customers on the level CIG does. It happens and most of these cases are outlawed and subject to legal intervention being labeled "illegal". Almost all companies out to make money dance with that boundary all the time, trying to inch closer and closer without overstepping it but if you are sitting right in front of the abuse line it doesnt mean you have a white shirt in all this. You are "borderline" criminal and honestly....thats where CIG is right now.

For the longest time CIG seems to have wasted a lot of expensive time by fiddling their thumbs and just caring about all the money they are getting until even the dumbest brick in the wall realized "hey, we cant continue like this....if we do, we gonna end up in prison and we ll lose everything". Yeah....the problem is that after years of letting the mob go crazy on your behalf its next to impossible to reel it back in. In addition to straining to get something out the door CIG is curerntly also fighting its own fans who often have outlandish or extreme expecations. They dont want to disappoint anybody but they have to in order to stay on the legal side and make this a success (for them). In the process sunk cost fallacy and cult-like behavior are on full display when you observe obedience and loyalty on things that would create a crapstorm anywhere else. And these storms happen on Star Citizen....they just clash with the many people who do have a victim mentality "loving" and "admiring" their abuser to the end.

IMO...too much time has passed. By now the tech CiG works with is too old, too insufficient to allow them to make a game that would stand out or provide whatever they promised. Going back on your word isnt something they are concerned with I think. They did in the past and their fans have demonstrated ample willingness to accept reductions, limits and and disappointments without breaking a sweat. Which is shocking in itself when you consider what these very same people say about other games and why.

I see a lot of desperation in many of the "I m having so much fun" posts floating around. The desperate need to let others know, to convince themselves and to maybe trigger a likeminded reaction that allow everybody to turn a blind eye. If it wasnt for those "pesky haters" who dont let them. Who constantly drone on about SC being a scam or how it is never going to happen. Who repeat themselves in pages upon pages of negativity. Maybe what they say is correct or legit but man...its too much. I cant continue having fun when others say what I do is crap.

That desperation is projected on CiG, fatalistic hope to "prove the haters wrong" and because its taking so damn long many take it upon themselves to do CIGs job which is presenting the project in the best possible way, to cram SCs awesomeness down the publics throat no matter what....because CIG doesnt.....they dont because they are perfectly aware how narrow their path has become. How easy it is to "overstep" the line at which point certain bureaus get involved. So it has become an "all or nothing" mentality you can also observe in other areas of addiction.

if I win on the last play all is good.
If I have the last laugh I win.
As long as I m having fun...I m good.
As long as the others are wrong I m happy.
Simple stubborness when you cant say anything other than "but I m having fun" and use it like a "eat that" sign because you are unable to bring yourself to admit the haters might be right.

CIG is trying to get something together and they are pretty vulnerable while they are at it. Because they have to juggle so many things they accumulated in the years they didnt give a damn and now its biting them in their behind. They probably never got the tools, never built the foundation, dont have a final IDEA and these are not things you can "catch up" on. Its a total mess and its also painfully obvious by now. They are trying to catch up but maybe NOW they start to understand game development themselves after telling everybody else they dont ^^

Is it playable? Yes.
Can Star Citizen be fun? Yes.

In the grand scheme of things those things are not really important tho. The important bits are if Star Citizen can become the BDSSE that it was claimed to be. If Star Citizen can deliver the things it promised. If Star Citizen will ever reach an official release, not any of the intermediate stages. The Alpha, Beta, EA, playable now labels that allow it to play for time.

They might get something together and make a release. I dont think they deserve it anymore but they might do it. What I m pretty sure about is that Star Citizen will score low scores and be an epic disappointment at large. If the only thing it can do is "wet your appetite" based on 2 glimpses and leave you hungry then its not a success. And it it fails to provide what it promsed people who were loyal to the end....who allowed them and fought for them to give it their best have to face reality and accept that "this is pretty bad" I wonder what will happen next.

Star Citizen has often been compared with a slow-moving train wreck. Its horrible, especially when you look at the details, the individuals involved who get burned, damaged or killed in the process. But we cant look away. Somehow....Star Citizen is throwing rail tracks ahead of its course one by one and just in time to keep going but this is a fragile and dangerous balance act. Miss one thread, be too slow one time and the whole thing ends up in the ditch.
I'll buy it for you and that way you can play and really hate the thing you abhor and tell us all about it.

I say this with sincerity as you seem to be a reasonably articulate individual with some great posts, if not sometimes a wee bit on the negative side.

We have lots of people in this thread who owned it and refunded. Agony himself was playing in freefly events so he doesnt need to buy it to "have played it". Lots of the negativity from people here is based on actual experience which makes it pretty hard to dismiss them as clueless. Many people have made the effort, gave it a try/chance or three and still remain negative toward it. Does your offer of money stand for anybody else or just Agony? If you d be wiling to check off some games on my wishlist I could be talked into "dropping the negativity" /winkwink

I ve been told I m a thorn in some peoples side so just musing out loud :D
I must say, I haven't realized that criticizing something is a privilege than one has to pay for. And then I met SC fans and Spectrum.

Regarding whole "try before you judge" - does this logic applies to drugs too? Or SC is exclusive?

Depends on who you ask. I d like to think that I dont need to do certain things because others do it and say its awesome. This specifically counts for activities that have a high potential of self-harm or injury. There has been a TV show about a certain character who tries out everything in order to visualize the effects or consequences. Started out with "I eat McDonalds only for a month" or "I try to move as little as possible for a month" which are all things that are pretty obvious in my book but obviously...some people like the drama (guaranteed) or never have thought things to their ends. This same character was also doing a "all drugs you can get" under medical care (lol) doing heroic, crack and all the other hardcore drugs. Its a mystery he survived at all and even after 3 days only the addicition was a living hell. This is an example of something I dont need to try out for myself to know.

Extreme I know but lets talk about return value. Pretty much every product or service is designed to get money out of your pocket into the companies coffers. People dont do anything for free. It is a system our society is based on and I know and am afamiliar with this. But there are certain loops designed to exploit your tolerance to a degree that borders on abuse. Gambling is such an example. It doesnt use force, it leaves every decision to you so you cant sue them if you lose your house and car. But the setup is designed in a way that attracts people and there are certainly enough showcases out there who try to transport the message "I got rich by playing can too". Do i really need to pick up poker myself in order to be allowed to have an opinion or judge it? Most gamblers will tell you they have "fun" and dont care about the money they lose. Its their money I guess.

Star Citizen from afar appears to be designed similarly to gambling. I dangles promises in your face and charges you exobitant amounts for things of next to no value. They sell you as an "investment" or trying to let you think you are "supporting something worthy" but it doesnt require all this money to get done because based on the track record so far thery have been doing very little with the money being thrown their way. Instead the company has bloated up in a frightening way building their own Mocap studio, buying third party services to provide their promises to the fans and they have created a network of shell companies that are confusing and obtuse. Paired with what they actually did they alomost exclusively use vague language or stay silent on important matters so they break their word constantly starting with the "we will treat you respectfully as we would an investor"

If I picked up Star Citizen today and had wouldnt change my view on it because I think Chris Roberts lied to us in the past and just because I m having a good time wouldnt undo those lies. Maybe I would forgive him but I wouldnt take back whatever I said. maybe I would admit to being wrong in the past but that would require extraordinary evidence and proof. The risk of supporting a possible scam prevents me from buying a copy and even given for free I wouldnt want such a product anywhere near me. If people say I dont have any first hand experience thats completely true, I dont think I need any in order to judge it tho.
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🎶 Come with me, and you'll be, in a world of pure imagination 🎶


And nobody had mentioned it getting cancelled. Like not in the months around that. Not in the half hour of planning-babble they'd just indulged in. He just splurged that out of nowhere.

(But if you look closely enough you can see the back tension there, caused by the intensifying Calders scrutiny ;))
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We have lots of people in this thread who owned it and refunded. Agony himself was playing in freefly events so he doesnt need to buy it to "have played it". Lots of the negativity from people here is based on actual experience which makes it pretty hard to dismiss them as clueless. Many people have made the effort, gave it a try/chance or three and still remain negative toward it. Does your offer of money stand for anybody else or just Agony? If you d be wiling to check off some games on my wishlist I could be talked into "dropping the negativity" /winkwink

I ve been told I m a thorn in some peoples side so just musing out loud :D
So did I Fritz, tried it on and of over the last few years, horrible horrible thing. I recently had to (was forced to) install Windows 10 and thought F'it I'll give it another go.
I'm running an i5 2550k, 16gb of ram and an R9 3870 (I think) and it runs fine. Ironically the processor is from the same year that the game was founded I think?
As I said I was actually able to play it over a number of nights, I have never said anyone here is "Clueless" at all at any point please don't put words into my posts I create enough crap for myself without your generous embellishment but there are some really inane comments (Ecity) amongst others.

My offer of money was genuine at the time and for good reason. but you can take a hike :) I hear the Orkney islands are nice.

I am not a shill, I am not pro Roberts, I am not pro anyone really. (I don't even like the look of the man he looks like a used car salesman)
In fact I am at heart a cynic, I believe very little or nothing that I've not personally experienced or heard first hand.

I just said it was playable for me and I had a tad of fun that's all.
I'm going to clarify my post ECity-
This -
And like in most cons, the marks show up in droves praising the conman.

Must be one of the most ridiculously stupid comments I have ever seen actually posted, I have never met a person yet who has been genuinely scammed and found out that they have been scammed and then go on to praise the person, company, pikey(driveways) who robbed them WTgenuineF.

Mods I get the political point was wayward. It won't happen again.

Anyway this seems to have run it's course for me, good discourse troops and I don't comment to 'gain trust' it is an open forum promoting differing views some of this was mine.
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I'm going to clarify my post ECity-
This -

Must be one of the most ridiculously stupid comments I have ever seen actually posted, I have never met a person yet who has been genuinely scammed and found out that they have been scammed and then go on to praise the person, company, pikey(driveways) who robbed them WTgenuineF.

Mods I get the political point was wayward. It won't happen again.

Anyway this seems to have run it's course, good discourse troops and I don't comment to 'gain trust' it is an open forum promoting differing views some of this was mine.
When Charles Ponzi was in jail, people still sent him money to invest.
Must be one of the most ridiculously stupid comments I have ever seen actually posted, I have never met a person yet who has been genuinely scammed and found out that they have been scammed and then go on to praise the person, company, pikey(driveways) who robbed them WTgenuineF.
It happens all the time with scams; games, companies, cryptocurrencies, anything and everything. If it seems dumb, it is because humans are dumb.
blah blah blah. I wasn't talking about idiots but people with half a brain.
Fly safe Cmdr o7
Uh, I hate to say it, but anyone -- no matter how "smart" they are -- can fall for scams, end up being conned, and STILL praise the people that conned them. It's fascinating to read about and there's a ton of great books on the subject. Reading them made me realize anyone is vulnerable, including myself.

There's a lot of factors that go into it, but ultimately it comes down to sunk cost and not wanting to be ashamed you might be that stupid, dumb idiot that gave away thousands of dollars for no reason. You create reasons; you find excuses.

And if you think it can't happen because you're too smart or savvy, you're actually the perfect mark.
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