If At First You Don't Succeed...... Try Again

Last week I had checked the EOK BLUAE sector and was within 10 jumps before heading out of the WD field and zooming to Anchorage when I got a call from Cmdr Bill Quincy who said he was local and would I like a meet-up?

Bill Quincy is a relatively new Cmdr, only joining a few months ago but he knows a fair bit about exploration - his close accomplice is the more famous explorer Baldyeagle.

Met up at a Neutron Star that Baldyeagle found with a solo ELW for company (how I would wish for one of these orbiting a White Dwarf!)


Took a few pics and co-mapped the ELW.




As Bill was in the area knew a close A Star where we co-discovered and mapped the ELW.

No landables were found here so we moved around to another star with landable Geo features around a Gas Giant and look at some Sillicate Vapour Geysers.


Such a shame but my choice of destination was the worst possible- the dark side with the Gas Giant on the other side.





Stayed for a while but there's still missions to do so off we parted. Decided to spend the last week eco-plotting to Anchorage.

The tour so far has given me a total of a whopping 25,429 systems. How many ELWs have I found orbiting a WD- zero!

The next task is to check out the final ELW orbiting a WD at. HYPIAE PHYLIO ML-Y D25 . This is the third one found on EDSM by Mooing, he found despite the WD not being found. Looks like Mooing has been there and finished. Plus I'm still on the look out for a Helium Rich Gas Giant and know the Galactic Centre has none.

This will possibly be the last of the tour before Odyssey arrives. as two of the three WD/ELW finds have been over 1300 above the galactic plane will try this out because, because... I may be clutching at straws but in hope that one may be found between 25 to 30,000 systems!
It was a great meet-up and we managed some interesting mapping. It was good to get back to BaldyEagle's lucky find a few years ago. Leif has posted some great pics which sum up our time together. I will only add one ...
basking in the rays from the NS :cool:
Arrived at the third WD system with an ELW, re-found by Mooing on EDSM at Hypiae Phylio ML-Y D25. The journey at over 1300 above the galactic plane was no issue until 500lyrs from the end when the WD field became too sparse and had to use other stars to continue.
WD ELW.jpg

Mooing has been there previously but left a HMC to map. Suspect he knew there would be a White Dwarf nutter turning up there :LOL:

As this is the only main WD/ELW found orbiting a multi star system and the second star, a M2 orbiting 1000ls away, plus the main DC WD being a rather warm 10k, has moved the habitable zone to 105ls. This is further out than a few of my co-orbiting ELWs.

Like this one I found on the way here at only 40ls away.
Co-orbiting ELW.jpg

The fourth co-orbiting WD/ELW found on this trip. Another fine find but keeps feeling like I'm hitting the posts now instead of finding the elusive A1 ELW.

So off I'll set to Colonia but will have to travel the galactic plane around the 1000-1200 zone as the field is still sparse but hopefully should fill up soon.
A year ago I started the WD ELW hunt setting off from Anchorage to look around Eos Chrea and still out finding the "very" elusive!

This post is about secondary stars- they are not so elusive as more than half of WD systems tend to have at least one. Most of them keep a respectful distance but a few times they can be a worry and around three times I got an unavoidable collision when entering.

I managed to video a close K star a few weeks ago where I hit it side on-

I thought the game had froze and was stuck when hitting it then realised what I was seeing was a lot of the star's Corona and the star had turned square!

After a bit of observation waited until the FSD returned and shot off with sparks flying, dusted myself off and carried on with the hunt :LOL:
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A year ago I started the WD ELW hunt setting off from Anchorage to look around Eos Chrea and still out finding the "very" elusive!

This post is about secondary stars- they are not so elusive as more than half of WD systems tend to have at least one. Most of them keep a respectful distance but a few times they can be a worry and around three times I got an unavoidable collision when entering.

I managed to video a close K star a few weeks ago where I hit it side on-

I thought the game had froze and was stuck when hitting it then realised what I was seeing was a lot of the star's Corona and the star had turned square!

After a bit of observation waited until the FSD returned and shot off with sparks flying, dusted myself off and carried on with the hunt :LOL:
Gulp :sick: ... a quick change of pants definitely needed there! I am surprised your ship wasn't frying, although it is difficult to figure out quite what was happening. With your inexplicable love of WDs I am surprised you have lasted this long without suffering terminal toasting ;)
Still hunting for a needle in a haystack, the ELW orbiting a WD but have now found a WD system with 2xELWs around a secondary star.. :)

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I think this may be the first time I have found two ELWs orbiting one star where they are not in binary orbit too

Just checked the data and I was surprised to find that this wasn't the first-ever WD double. Sweet find! Could you say what star type your secondary was?
The end of the tour is in sight with the arrival of Odyssey next month. Am currently 2k away from Colonia so I will eco-plot towards there and then head off to the bubble for launch .......and hoping my PC can handle it :eek:

So I am now heading into injury time to find the unicorn now :D

Ironically a few hours after the Odyssey announcement I found my best find of the tour- a co-orbiting ELW around a DAB WD and L Star. This is not my first (it is the sixth Co-orb ELW) but at 36ls away it is the closest found and the first to have a landable moon in orbit... so I had to pop down for a look.
Co Orbiting ELW.jpg

Dropped in around some geysers.
Co Orbiting ELW2.jpg

And the view of the White Dwarf and L Star from the moon.
Co Orbiting ELW3.jpg

Next stop Colonia.
So I found an ELW orbiting a WD, and not in a binary orbit with another star - but it's not quite the unicorn you're looking for; the WD itself is a secondary star in a Neutron primary system. Close, but no cigar. (It is cool though, and I have been looking for this configuration for quite a while).
So I found an ELW orbiting a WD, and not in a binary orbit with another star - but it's not quite the unicorn you're looking for; the WD itself is a secondary star in a Neutron primary system. Close, but no cigar. (It is cool though, and I have been looking for this configuration for quite a while).

Great find- would be interested how many ELWs have been found around secondary WDs. I know of one by Evoflash, DUNEE EH-U E3-714 orbiting a BH
With the imminent arrival of Odyssey in the next few weeks I have arrived at Colonia to end my White Dwarf Tour after over 14 months to return to the Bubble for launch. And yet it feels like a premature end to the journey, expecting a Beta to iron out bugs and gameplay issues and a launch date of around August... but I guess the Devs know what's best for us.

So now to the stats. Checked out 32,798 systems ( 14,936 DC, 10,056 DA, 4,000 DAB, 1670 DB, 950 DAV, 965 DCV, 177 DBV, 20 DAZ, 4 DBZ ).

Solely orbiting the White Dwarf I found 3 Ammonia Worlds and 25 Water Worlds (2 of these were Terraformable) and 5 Terraformable High Metal Worlds.

Close Orbiting Worlds that come on the radar on entry, within 32ls, I found this happened 268 times. Around 70% of these were from Close Co Orbiting worlds, so close Worlds that solely orbited the White Dwarf were pitifully small in total.

Hot worlds in total I found within 3ls of the WD were 13x High Metals, 11x Metal Rich, 3x Class V Giants, 5x Class IV Giants and 2x Icy Worlds.

Now to the Earth Likes. After all these months checking I may be stating the obvious - an ELW solely orbiting a White Dwarf are a very rare find in the Galaxy!!!!

But at least ELWs in White Dwarf Systems are a bit more common- I found 27 ELWs in total of which 6 were Co Orbiting the WD and secondary Stars and one System had 2x ELWs.

The Co orbiting ELW were found at BYOOMEAE NE-H D10-3582 , PHOI AUG JI-K D8-1775 , EOK BLUAE OQ-Y D1178 , NOIJE KB-O D6-1 , KYLOALL ZU-Y D800 , KYLOALL AL-F D11-1125 .

And the System with two ELWs were found at KYLOALL FB-O D6-1678 .

And if you want to put a mapping tag on one of these rarities, feel free to pop down and start shooting. I'm only in it for the First Discovery tags!!!!

One thing I noticed with such a long trip in the same Star class is you can't gauge the probability that certain worlds could be found. Sometimes I eco plotted a distant waypoint and sometimes I travelled up and down a Sector but would presume both methods worked on luck alone for good finds. I only found 3 ELWs in the first 10,000 jumps and a further 24 with the rest, including four within 100 jumps, which comes to an approx average of an ELW find every 1,000 jumps after.

The same with Co Orbiting ELWs. It took over 16,000 jumps to find my first and presumed it might be my only find but another 16,000 jumps got me another five. By the third find I thought I may be getting a bit greedy.......;)

Ammonia Worlds and Class V Gas Giants seemed to work the opposite way- I found three of both of these within the first 12,000 jumps and never saw another since!

I am almost convinced if I had found solo ELW and carried on looking I would have found another within a couple of months!!

So months of eco-plotting dead Stars with nothing of note than Icy and Gassy Worlds with the very occasional something other may not be every explorers cup of tea but in the main I did enjoy it. Saw some spectacular sights, found some amazing things , met two Cmdrs on the journey to keep my sanity intact in the void and joined up on a Fleet Carrier to help rescue a Cmdr from a five year jaunt in the abyss. Plus kept in control of the ship on entry and never had issues with the WD jets- White Dwarfs can be killers so some respect is called for.

Will go back for a third tour in a few years to find the elusive Unicorn ELW but now will concentrate on fast plotting and scoopable Stars and the trip back to the Bubble for the Odyssey release. Although I'll probably sit in a station on release day with a big bucket of popcorn watching the events unfold and finally put my feet on a planet after the second patch......... or maybe the third patch!
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