Not a normal game

It always baffles me when Elite is treated like it's just another game. It's not.
Nobody ever tried something like this before let alone adding more and more stuff to it.
Odyssey is a brutally ambitious project and I don't get how people are able to look past that.

I don't care about the bugs and glitches that are in the game right now.
I also don't care about how messed up the launch was.
I especially don't care about assumptions about the why and how and who's responsible.

In my opinion the devs of this wonderful game deserve respect for what they created and I'd pay double for a DLC half as complex and double as broken as Odyssey is right now.

There. Bash me all you like. I won't read it.

Godspeed, Frontier!
Odyssey is a brutally ambitious project and I don't get how people are able to look past that.

Sure, the game is a mess that FD urged people to pre-order, knowing full well it's deplorable state, and lied about the tech to get that sweet pre-order 💵💵💵 . . . but at least they had high ambitions.

Whew! That really changes things. Sometimes when a company screws consumers we forget that while the company did get the cash, they also feel the heartbreak of not realizing their hopes and dreams. 😥🌧
I am very much in agreement with OP.

To me, Odyssey is a tremendous achievement that takes ED to a new level. Obviously it is buggy, plagued with bad performance, connection issues and in need of some UI improvements. Most of this will come.
FDev just never learn.
One example: engineering and mats collection

They released it with Horizons and their idea of engineering was utterly wrong and disconnected (materials as cargo space?). So they fixed it a bit.
Then they released the Guardians grind and again - it was absolutely awful and had to change it again after community feedback.
And here we go again with Odyssey - 40 opinion polls which are rare and RNG managed. No. Just no.

It's just the same thing over and over and over again.
They. Never. Learn.

And the worst part? Almost every issue has been communicated to them during alpha and they just couldn't care less.
Well when you see the same complaints from the same people at each major release since 7 years it gets hard to take them serious. So far every update has been the worst, and with every update they somehow forgot how much they already hated the game before. Everytime it's 'Now they've done it! That's too much! Now it's doomed!'
FDev just never learn.
One example: engineering and mats collection

They released it with Horizons and their idea of engineering was utterly wrong and disconnected (materials as cargo space?). So they fixed it a bit.
Then they released the Guardians grind and again - it was absolutely awful and had to change it again after community feedback.
And here we go again with Odyssey - 40 opinion polls which are rare and RNG managed. No. Just no.

It's just the same thing over and over and over again.
They. Never. Learn.

And the worst part? Almost every issue has been communicated to them during alpha and they just couldn't care less.
Learn to do what? Are you speaking on behalf of the community? Have you seen the light and "know how it should be done"?

Next time, lets start a post like that with "IMO".
Learn to do what? Are you speaking on behalf of the community? Have you seen the light and "how it should be done"?

Next time, lets start a post like that with "IMO".
Learn from their previous mistakes.
They introduced 2 bad ways of engineering and then they did it again.

It was just one of the example.

Sorry, I didn't know I have to start each and every post on a discussion forum with IMO. Chill.
Im enjoying EDO, but there are definitely issues with lighting, some fixing of UI needed, etc. But ED, with each progression, seems to run into these similar issues. How many years were we supposed to have textured planets but they were all just grey....remember that?

Im not a developer at all, but I would love to know why things like that happen again and again. How does updating other things make it so the station hologram isnt aligned? There was a time when the stations hologram wasnt aligned years ago, I recall, then they fixed it. My question is, why is that issue back? Can someone explain how that reoccurs? Is it random? Or do they always restart from an old secure, but faulted, build and go from there? Ok, lets pretend that's the case. Why didn't they apply the fix for the station hologram to EDO? They know it's a potential issue but just pretended it's not there? Or did they mean to upset everyone, actually?

In a year or 2, if they make a new expansion, will all these issues just be there as if starting from scratch again, but feign ignorance to the issues they've fixed before? Im going to assume a yes, regardless of what is said, since that's how it's always been.
... there are CEOs from two space games that now have claimed their games are ambitions.

Line up the feature list of both games.

Also factor in previously developed work that's been fielded doesn't count for future ambition.
Last time one of the two claimed the same, Microsoft had to forcibly step in, take the project away from the CEO, and have it finished in some state, because it wasn't getting done. This time, neither have a force like that intervening.
It always baffles me when Elite is treated like it's just another game. It's not.
Nobody ever tried something like this before let alone adding more and more stuff to it.
Odyssey is a brutally ambitious project and I don't get how people are able to look past that.
This may well be true (though it sounds suspiciously like Star Citizen speak), but it’s still not an excuse for implementation so bad that David Braben had to make an appearance to post on the forum, twice, in the same year.

Plus how can something be ‘brutally ambitious’?

"We've had a lot of customere complaining about Bob in sales recently, have you talked to him?"

"Nah, customers have been making the same complaints about Bob for 7 years now. It's gotten hard to take them seriously."

Bob is the worst guy on earth.
1 year later.
Bob was great, now Bob is the worst guy on earth.
1 year later.
Bob was great, now Bob is the worst guy on earth.
1 year later.
Bob was great, now Bob is the worst guy on earth.

I'd say your customer is an idiot.
Bob is the worst guy on earth.
1 year later.
Bob was great, now Bob is the worst guy on earth.
1 year later.
Bob was great, now Bob is the worst guy on earth.
1 year later.
Bob was great, now Bob is the worst guy on earth.

I'd say your customer is an idiot.
Well, I would say that if FDev makes the same mistakes with every major release for 7 years then the complaints are justified. Do not blame the players (customers). Or should everyone just be quiet? No, because then there will be no feedback and FDev stops fixing things that are broken.

And it doesn't really matter that they fix it later, the complaints are still valid at release.

As I said, they don't learn from their mistakes.
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