Not a normal game

Well when you see the same complaints from the same people at each major release since 7 years it gets hard to take them serious. So far every update has been the worst, and with every update they somehow forgot how much they already hated the game before. Everytime it's 'Now they've done it! That's too much! Now it's doomed!'
There’s this bloke called David Braben who keeps making posts apologising. Doesn’t he know there’s nothing wrong?
Well, I would say that if FDev makes the same mistakes with every major release for 7 years then the complaints are justified. Do not blame the players (customers).
It doesn't really matter that they fix it later, the complaints are still valid at release.

As I said, they don't learn from their mistakes.
It's obvious that they make mistakes. It's also obvious they don't stop making them. It's also obvious that it's not the fault of the players. That wasn't my point though.
It always baffles me when Elite is treated like it's just another game. It's not.
Nobody ever tried something like this before let alone adding more and more stuff to it.
Odyssey is a brutally ambitious project and I don't get how people are able to look past that.

I don't care about the bugs and glitches that are in the game right now.
I also don't care about how messed up the launch was.
I especially don't care about assumptions about the why and how and who's responsible.

In my opinion the devs of this wonderful game deserve respect for what they created and I'd pay double for a DLC half as complex and double as broken as Odyssey is right now.

There. Bash me all you like. I won't read it.

Godspeed, Frontier!

They aren't mutually exclusive, it possible to have respect / admiration, be in awe of the scope and aspersions of the project whilst simultaneously be critical of how it's presented and delivered. I think this is something that folk don't seem to understand, being critical of something is often not only done from a position of complete frustration but also full support for the project.

There's a natural tipping point where the frustration starts to erode the support but the responsibility of that frustration lies purely in the ownership of the developers, it's the same in every walk of life.

Strangely enough not being critical and just fully accepting of what is delivered is counter productive. There are times when criticism here goes overboard but for the most part it's good objective criticism and that should always be welcome.

You not wanting to read it is a YP not a MP.
It always baffles me when Elite is treated like it's just another game. It's not.
Nobody ever tried something like this before let alone adding more and more stuff to it.
Odyssey is a brutally ambitious project and I don't get how people are able to look past that.

I don't care about the bugs and glitches that are in the game right now.
I also don't care about how messed up the launch was.
I especially don't care about assumptions about the why and how and who's responsible.

In my opinion the devs of this wonderful game deserve respect for what they created and I'd pay double for a DLC half as complex and double as broken as Odyssey is right now.

There. Bash me all you like. I won't read it.

Godspeed, Frontier!
Really? You don't care about bugs and glitches?
I mean, I can be forgiving, more or less patiently waiting for fixes, but it doesn't mean I don't care about bugs and glitches. If you say you don't care, you probably don't play.

And if you are so happy to accept full release to be in such state, then that and worse is what you're going to be getting. Why bother if consumers are so forgiving that they are willing to thorw money at you even if you provide them with unfinished product?

There would be less of a krapstorm if Frontier would sell Odyssey as EA. I knew it wouldn't be perfect, I've lowered my expectations, I'm trying to have fun despite bugs and glitches - and I'm not overly outraged like some people, but I would prefer not to trudge through this game, but rather enjoy it fully.
They aren't mutually exclusive, it possible to have respect / admiration, be in awe of the scope and aspersions of the project whilst simultaneously be critical of how it's presented and delivered. I think this is something that folk don't seem to understand, being critical of something is often not only done from a position of complete frustration but also full support for the project.

There's a natural tipping point where the frustration starts to erode the support but the responsibility of that frustration lies purely in the ownership of the developers, it's the same in every walk of life.

Strangely enough not being critical and just fully accepting of what is delivered is counter productive. There are times when criticism here goes overboard but for the most part it's good objective criticism and that should always be welcome.

You not wanting to read it is a YP not a MP.
Nuance and reasonable debate? On the interwebs? I don't think it will catch on.

They aren't mutually exclusive, it possible to have respect / admiration, be in awe of the scope and aspersions of the project whilst simultaneously be critical of how it's presented and delivered. I think this is something that folk don't seem to understand, being critical of something is often not only done from a position of complete frustration but also full support for the project.

There's a natural tipping point where the frustration starts to erode the support but the responsibility of that frustration lies purely in the ownership of the developers, it's the same in every walk of life.

Strangely enough not being critical and just fully accepting of what is delivered is counter productive. There are times when criticism here goes overboard but for the most part it's good objective criticism and that should always be welcome.

You not wanting to read it is a YP not a MP.
Yeah. Criticism and pointing out things that don't seem right is very important. That's called feedback.
I got my own list of issues with Elite. It's not that I think it's all peachy and well.
A lot of criticism though is not just well over the tipping point, but jumps straight forward into the pit with no intention of being constructive.
In terms of "not reading", I do look at what's posted here, but actually dismiss anything that starts with jumping off into said pit above. :D
Yeah. Criticism and pointing out things that don't seem right is very important. That's called feedback.
I got my own list of issues with Elite. It's not that I think it's all peachy and well.
A lot of criticism though is not just well over the tipping point, but jumps straight forward into the pit with no intention of being constructive.
In terms of "not reading", I do look at what's posted here, but actually dismiss anything that starts with jumping off said pit above. :D

You're going to get that, no one is immune to becoming subjective, especially when it involves something you're invested and passionate about. A lot of us have been around a long time often providing the same feedback about the same things repeatedly, eventually that leads to frustration

I've had a good rant on this forum over the years, mainly around the time of engineers where I eventually just disappeared for two years (without a goodbye thread 😉).
Yeah. Criticism and pointing out things that don't seem right is very important. That's called feedback.
I got my own list of issues with Elite. It's not that I think it's all peachy and well.
A lot of criticism though is not just well over the tipping point, but jumps straight forward into the pit with no intention of being constructive.
In terms of "not reading", I do look at what's posted here, but actually dismiss anything that starts with jumping off into said pit above. :D
I wonder if you read the first post in this thread and do so honestly, whether you could really call it constructive?
I think we probably disagree on the basic premise that the more ambitious Frontier (or indeed any other company) is the more poor implementation can be excused.

I applaud Frontier’s ambition, I don’t applaud their implementation.
I don't applaud their current implementation either, first they need to fix the most important issues. And even when they fix them it's no excuse for the broken release. People are right to complain when they can't run the game on recommended specs. And they are right to complain when they fail a mission because of a bug. And they are right to complain when the planet generation doesn't look as good as it's supposed to be. Does that mean the game is finally doomed and that it will be abandoned in the next few months? Probably not. Most critical issues will be fixed over the next weeks / months while some remain in the game forever.

When it comes to complaints, there are several layers of 'quality', some are very much justified while others are just venting frustration. Over the last years I learned to differentiate between the former and the latter. I take the justified complaints serious and laugh about the doom stuff.
The issues I’m having, I suspect, are largely due to my increasingly-obsolete video card. Even in Horizons I was getting only 40 FPS, figure my current texture pop-in and 90+ degree CPU temp trace back to that. Getting a new laptop soon, hope it helps.
Learn to do what? Are you speaking on behalf of the community? Have you seen the light and "know how it should be done"?

Next time, lets start a post like that with "IMO".
he is right...

if you have a look to the achievable to unlock weapon you'll see that you'll get old before getting an tier level.

It was the ame road on the blueprint guardian.

Stop dismiss other facts and try to confute them... if you are able.
I don't applaud their current implementation either, first they need to fix the most important issues. And even when they fix them it's no excuse for the broken release. People are right to complain when they can't run the game on recommended specs. And they are right to complain when they fail a mission because of a bug. And they are right to complain when the planet generation doesn't look as good as it's supposed to be. Does that mean the game is finally doomed and that it will be abandoned in the next few months? Probably not. Most critical issues will be fixed over the next weeks / months while some remain in the game forever.

When it comes to complaints, there are several layers of 'quality', some are very much justified while others are just venting frustration. Over the last years I learned to differentiate between the former and the latter. I take the justified complaints serious and laugh about the doom stuff.
Then again there are those who try to frame any kind of criticism as a 'doom' post and therefore something that should be dismissed out of hand, even if there may be a kernel of truth hidden within.

Certainly there are extremes on both sides, though they tend to co-exist quite happily on my ignore list.

Personally, I'd be happier if the mods were more stringent when it comes to considering posts that according to forum rules are required to be at least respectful and not personal attacks.
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