Elite Dangerous: Odyssey Update 3


Senior Community Manager : Elite Dangerous
Hello, Sally. o7
I would like to highlight three bugs.

1. There's still no option to choose a default flight suit (the black one). Nor there are option to use paid-for vibrant ones. And (at least) wanderer outfit is broken now - the upper part of the fligth suit that's under wanderer jacket corresponds with color of the jacket - only hands change colors appropriatelly (e.g. get red when you switch suit to red earth military suit).

2. DBX collision detection is broken (heavilly). Both on foot AND in SRV.

3. My personal bug. ;) The NPC lady's breast still disappear when you get close. It's really bugging me. ;) Very similiar to hair bug you fixed.

I know those are little things and won't ever be upvoted, especially by people that didn't buy those suits/ship, but for those who did it's extra irritating.

Oh Bart...number 3 cracked me up!!
Thanks so much for linking these. It helps so much with so many routes of communication we want to stay on top of. I crave and love tickets!! Thank you!!


Senior Community Manager : Elite Dangerous


Senior Community Manager : Elite Dangerous
FrontierStore decals (Character) d'ont appear in customisation menu is a know issue by Frontier ? I really should to know Sally, many players have this problem since Odyssey launch and is not solved after the three Update :cry:

https://issues.frontierstore.net/issue-detail/32007 --> Ticket from another player. "Confirming"

Hello Zokroz, I've got this under discussion now. Thanks so, so much for your patience o7
another bug? or working as intended?

Scanned a npc for their security rank
entered building using security - npcs inside started shooting as soon as they saw me, even tho I entered "legitimately"
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