State of the Game

Why best ppl in this world die so early? Is there some creepy theory behind this?

you say best... but so many die from poor choices they've made... rather than situations out of their control.

obviously not the best.

just like players who complain about gankers are not smart players.

the best would find a way to thrive without being a victim of what they are supposed to be besting.
I have cousins near Port Jackson, and in Anderson County. Expecting a very hot summer. And, hurricane seasons. The Trinity River in Anderson county floods like heck.
Meanwhile in Germany:

I have cousins near Port Jackson, and in Anderson County. Expecting a very hot summer. And, hurricane seasons. The Trinity River in Anderson county floods like heck.
It's been wetter than happy hour during fleet week here in TX for the entire spring, which is, at the very least, mildly unusual but not unwelcome. And we haven't been even close to 100 yet and we're halfway through June. (Realizes he's just jinxed himself again).
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