A Call For Frontier To Put VR Legs On The Upcoming Road Map

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Or stampeded by whiteknights...
One part that makes me think they really don't get it, is after saying VR now off the table. (even though VR is something we say we really want) Is that they try and placate us straight after with the fact that after bug fixes they're not stopping and will be adding other things ( probably horrible base building and a fancy srv) which even less people than use VR would actually really want. Now those things would also take up way more time to do than getting rid of that awful flat screen...that people actually ask for. Crazy!
Now I do understand still that before thinking of ever going full 3d they'd definitely need to improve the fps.....a lot. And that could take a long time.
That's very interesting! I'm not sure I disagree with him, either, and I say that as someone with a Valve Index who plays Elite solely in VR.
I absolutely disagree. I am an adult, 49 years old. I can decide what is best for me, and I decide what my kids are allowed to play -- and how. I positively resent being patronised by others, particularly when those are not even physicians -- and even then, it is MY life.

(If we start down that road, where does it stop? Heck, you could make a point of abolishing alcohol, smokes, dangerous sports . . . the list is endless, all for the "improvement of QOL." Problem is, by taking that away, you whittle away at freedom of choice. I don't drink, I don't smoke, I don't take any drugs . . . but I love to play Elite Dangerous VR. That's my vice, my choice.

One thing is that they cannot realise it in OD; another entirely is that they try to patronise their players. The first one I understand, the second option would earn a ginormous middle finger (and the instant closing of my wallet) from me.

Sorry, I get anxious about such things. The way to hell is paved with good intentions, and all that...)

After seeing this, it just shows how close full VR is. That video is amazing, looks like VR working.
So what’s up, is Fdev lying to us.
What is their problem do they even understand their own program.

Never the less this gives me HOPE that full VR is possible.

Check out the above video
I think we can't make that assumption. I have been keeping my eye out for any solid information about how many VR players Elite has, or even how much of FDev's bottom line comes from Elite, and I haven't seen anything reliable yet. (Links gratefully accepted!)
Oh, I'm not making any assumptions, really. I do get the feeling that VR is a significant minority of the player base, that cannot be easily dismissed, but naturally actual hard facts are difficult to come by.
You definitely have to balance the costs of the development against any projected revenue.
True, but as has been discussed to death, much of that development is already in place.
We can all look at the current features of Elite, VR and otherwise Elite (ex. SRV turret, free look), and say, "Surely it can't be hard to support VR, 90% of it is already there!" However, as a developer—but not a video game developer—my experience with "just do X" is that it's never that simple in software development.
No, but as a software developer, it should be clear that it wasn't exactly something that would have required a major rewrite. The in-VR pancake screen borders on being more effort to implement than an actual no frills VR view. It is as if a conscious decision was made to actively deny a VR mode to on foot play on Odyssey.
I'm also not sure what the talent pool is like in Cambridge. That can be a limiting factor.
My feeling all along has been that FDev have had a resource management problem. Whether it's a lack of resources, or experienced resources, or retaining them, or project managing them, Odyssey represents a frightening limited amount of development for what should be a software company of FDev's size.

At best the feature set is a bare MVP, which might explain the lack of VR support because it is so bare-bones that literally anything other than the absolute bare minimum has been omitted. Look at the xenobiology game play - it's little more than a hack with a very limited procedural generation model for the flora (which would repeat before very long) and a basic, incredibly limited play loop. Can you imagine trying to rank up to Elite with that? You'll go postal long before.
I have seen some fairly optimistic predictions of where the VR market is headed. At least in 2021, it's hard for me not to think that the global shortage of GPUs and other chips, as well as the expense and limited availability of VR headsets (for example, the Index will become available in Australia this August) may be suppressing the any potential growth in VR. Frontier taking a "let's wait and see in 2022" approach seems plausible to me.
And that may well be the rationale. Thing is, despite FDev's promises about openness, we still don't know, hence the speculation.
That's very interesting! I'm not sure I disagree with him, either, and I say that as someone with a Valve Index who plays Elite solely in VR.
Perhaps, but call be a libertarian, but I don't take kindly to being told what's good for me. I do think that the release of a MVP was probably the primary reason for why it has been omitted going forward, but naturally we're going to speculate on alternative reasons in lieu of official ones.

However, if it is principally a resource issue, that they released a MVP and are not planning to do further development thereafter, then that would imply that it won't simply be further development in VR that will suffer, but any additional content of features. Basically, if this is the case, there won't be much more to Odyssey in the future, outside of a few reskinned assets (Thargoid models that simply reuse the same 'human' AI and game loops).
Any more detail or confirmation would be great, but I suspect that’s as far as the CM’s can go at the moment. Think it’s clear that the production leads etc aren’t ready to pull the trigger officially on VR Legs yet.
It really is time people stop clutching at straws. It's not happening. Ever. Let it go.
After seeing this, it just shows how close full VR is. That video is amazing, looks like VR working.
So what’s up, is Fdev lying to us.
What is their problem do they even understand their own program.

Never the less this gives me HOPE that full VR is possible.

Check out the above video
I tried it yesterday, and it works just fine. The fps is similar to the fps I get in VR pancake mode. You even have head movement when running or walking.

To me, it seems that they were working on this until very close to release, and then in the last minute decided to ditch it, because of the situation they had put themselves in with all the other lies. Just like they ditched the bioscanner, the optimization and fixing the bugs that were reported during alpha.

So, is FDev lying to us? Is a frogs butt watertight?

Now, we have no leverage to make them fix this mess, because it's their game, but I must say that they are making it more and more difficult for themselves. Imagine when Yamiks gets a hold of this story. 🍿🍿🍿

They might try to nerf it, acting equally clumsy as they've done so far, but it's already documented on Youtube, so that would resemble gluing their reputation to an A-bomb and lighting the fuse. Somebody at that company seems to be the dilettante of them all.

Holy Spaghettimonster, what a mess!
Is a frogs butt watertight
No, no it's not...
I don't think Fdev are lying to us, it's more an omission of information, probably laid down from on high.

@Arthur Tolmie Instead of simply saying, 'no plans for...' why not come into this thread and lay a bit more information down for why. An omission of facts is still a lie according to Delenn (Babylon 5), may she RIP - because apart from Sally on update thursday I've not seen any evidence of more CM involvement in the ED forum since the promise of more transparent communications.
No, no it's not...
I don't think Fdev are lying to us, it's more an omission of information, probably laid down from on high.

@Arthur Tolmie Instead of simply saying, 'no plans for...' why not come into this thread and lay a bit more information down for why. An omission of facts is still a lie according to Delenn (Babylon 5), may she RIP - because apart from Sally on update thursday I've not seen any evidence of more CM involvement in the ED forum since the promise of more transparent communications.
This does make the whole "VR is dear to us" seem, not like an omission of information, but just a plain lie. I don't like being lied to. :mad:
I think we can't make that assumption. I have been keeping my eye out for any solid information about how many VR players Elite has, or even how much of FDev's bottom line comes from Elite, and I haven't seen anything reliable yet. (Links gratefully accepted!)

Impossible to get solid information on the former, but we have some hints that headset ownership amongst ED PC players is probably higher than the '2%' of Steam etc. IE:

  • A reddit poll of 1.5k players found over a third owned a headset, even if not all were 'VR exclusive' by any means in their playstyle.
  • The flight sim community more broadly sits at around 17% HMD ownership.

The only data we have on ED revenue is fairly old now AFAIK, with everything else being projections. IE:

I think the facts on the ground that we do have are:

  • FDev, knowing the number of EDVR players internally, made the call that they did, and focused on the core 2D game first and foremost. Clearly they feel it's a '2D first' game, and/or that there is more money to be made from the '2D' market comparatively. More units sold etc. (Not a hugely surprising calls honestly).
  • Despite this obvious operational decision, and not initially planning to do so, they have at least retained VR support in the current build and budgeted for its maintenance. This suggests at least a nominal attempt to retain support for VR and keep EDVR players on board.
  • The EDVR community is substantial, passionate and continuing to be vocal ;). (This may have played a role in the former decision).
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FDev, knowing the number of EDVR players internally, made the call that they did, and focused on the core 2D game first and foremost. Clearly they feel it's a '2D first' game, and/or that there is more money to be made from the '2D' market. More units sold etc. (Not hugely surprising calls honestly).
That's the thing. Whether VR is commercially viable or not is probably not the problem. The problem is that they lacked the resources to release anything other than the most basic MVP and as 2D is the 'lowest common denominator', so they had to concentrate on it. When you think about it, Odyssey was/is so bug-ridden that it would be insane to introduce new functionality when the base functionality is still broken.
Also, LOTS of bad blood between him and DB. Lots
Well, one was knighted by the Queen and made millions on their (Bell's and Braben's) collective child, I wonder how Bell is doing right now. And has anyone outside our grandpa club playing the originals actually heard of him...
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