A Call For Frontier To Put VR Legs On The Upcoming Road Map

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What really bothers me is the fact that ED has a fantastic camera option that allows for just about any location to be explored, but they say that VR is to much to ask for.I would think that VR would be easy to setup . Maybe the option should be to eliminate VR and allow the modding community to take a shot at it.
Free camera is broke in Odyssey, still waiting for it to get fixed…………………………………………………………….WAITING
I have psvr and am still waiting for reimbursement from fdev. Smh

It still has VR settings in the options. What a rooster tease
Which is why not prepping for the PS5 with new VR is so puzzling, stronger console plus better optics with the potential huge PS audience (plus not discounting the Facebook Quest which is also driving big sales) would seem to point the way forward.

It's not always about the immediate audience cash injection but future audience potential, the only space sim on the planet with working VR, an entire galaxy, firefighting in space and down on the ground or being a trucker, scavenger or following new storylines...
It's about the worlds press praising your game (and company) over any others for it's immersivenes and for being true to its consumer base.
Fdev just seem to want to squander all that free publicity and good will. Instead of wanting to stay on the cutting edge of technology and be at the forefront of what's possible in 21st century gaming they seem content to chase after the fleeting $ of an audience that will play it for two weeks then shelve it and never look at it again.
All of you lovely people do realize that while your efforts are valiant, FDev doesnt care, right? VR Support has already been removed from the steam store page and I would also like to remind you of their stance on the ship interiors (that they originally promised themselves): If there is enough interest. All the while the vast majority of players asked for it?

Surely they must hear our calls and act on it any day now :)
Well, they did change the 'VR not at launch' announcement to 'some VR now and a flat screen for landlegs.' so not impossible if like an annoying child you finally give in and say, 'here you go, shut the <redacted> up now' :)
It would be nice if someone like @sallymorganmoore would just pop in and assuage our fears somewhat, that VR isn't being deprecated and will be worked on when things have quieted down and they have breathing space where they're not putting out fires or trying to optimise for console launch (and who's betting they have an edict from up high that it needs to be ready before Xmas?).

Well, I'm off to jump in my Cobra Mk 3 (exploring the Orion Nebula with my music on random, landing on planets and scanning the bio's).
Well, they did change the 'VR not at launch' announcement to 'some VR now and a flat screen for landlegs.' so not impossible if like an annoying child you finally give in and say, 'here you go, shut the <redacted> up now'
Is that a subtle way for asking fro the orange blue meany avatars to make a return?

I presume the reasoning for dropping VR has not been offered?

I can't imagine that numbers are so small as to not make it commercially worthwhile, other than headset sales having increased exponentially since the release of the Quest 2, I don't get the impression that the revenue that comes from the VR community in ED is one that can be easily ignored.

Might it be down to this nonsense? All very reminiscent of how D&D and heavy metal turn kids to Satanism...
When talking to the Duchess Le Chardon, I'll refer to playing GTA or playing Civilisation 6 or playing CP2077, because those are games, but when it comes to Elite, because of VR, both her and I refer to it as "going to go fly my spaceship", not "playing Elite". The Duchess is a non-gamer, and even she sees the difference...
My misses plays a little ED.
When I told her the expansion wasn't VR she honestly said, "What? That's crazy!"
She could only conceive ED as a cockpit VR game :)
I presume the reasoning for dropping VR has not been offered?

I can't imagine that numbers are so small as to not make it commercially worthwhile, other than headset sales having increased exponentially since the release of the Quest 2, I don't get the impression that the revenue that comes from the VR community in ED is one that can be easily ignored.

Might it be down to this nonsense? All very reminiscent of how D&D and heavy metal turn kids to Satanism...
Not to mention humanity's zombification in the late 50's through television...or that we are all now just a glibbering blob of biomass if we travel faster than 100 km/h (steam trains). :sneaky:
I presume the reasoning for dropping VR has not been offered?

I can't imagine that numbers are so small as to not make it commercially worthwhile, other than headset sales having increased exponentially since the release of the Quest 2, I don't get the impression that the revenue that comes from the VR community in ED is one that can be easily ignored.
I think we can't make that assumption. I have been keeping my eye out for any solid information about how many VR players Elite has, or even how much of FDev's bottom line comes from Elite, and I haven't seen anything reliable yet. (Links gratefully accepted!)

I'm reminded of things like this Twitter thread on VR development or this random blog post from 2020 that speculates that HL:Alyx may never have turned a profit.

You definitely have to balance the costs of the development against any projected revenue.

We can all look at the current features of Elite, VR and otherwise Elite (ex. SRV turret, free look), and say, "Surely it can't be hard to support VR, 90% of it is already there!" However, as a developer—but not a video game developer—my experience with "just do X" is that it's never that simple in software development.

I'm also not sure what the talent pool is like in Cambridge. That can be a limiting factor.

I have seen some fairly optimistic predictions of where the VR market is headed. At least in 2021, it's hard for me not to think that the global shortage of GPUs and other chips, as well as the expense and limited availability of VR headsets (for example, the Index will become available in Australia this August) may be suppressing the any potential growth in VR. Frontier taking a "let's wait and see in 2022" approach seems plausible to me.
Might it be down to this nonsense? All very reminiscent of how D&D and heavy metal turn kids to Satanism...
That's very interesting! I'm not sure I disagree with him, either, and I say that as someone with a Valve Index who plays Elite solely in VR.
We can all look at the current features of Elite, VR and otherwise Elite (ex. SRV turret, free look), and say, "Surely it can't be hard to support VR, 90% of it is already there!" However, as a developer—but not a video game developer—my experience with "just do X" is that it's never that simple in software development.

True enough. Everything - software or not, tends to be considerably more complicated than it looks to a layman, and even the professional will more often than not understimate how long it will take to complete a task, by quite a lot.

BUT: There is also a tendency to strong misjudgement in the opposite direction. I feel confident in thinking that making the current situation stereo, is relatively trivial.

Cambridge does have the university, that no doubt pumps out a steady stream of new, but entirely inexperienced talent. I have been suspecting Frontier probably has a high turnover of such neophytes, passing through to get their "apprenticeship" - mentoring and flight hours in, before moving on to other work places...

I learned the other day that Ninja Theory (Hellblade) also is Cambridge based - I guess they may be a rival for self-managing talent in the area. :p
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It would be nice if someone like @sallymorganmoore would just pop in and assuage our fears somewhat, that VR isn't being deprecated and will be worked on when things have quieted down and they have breathing space where they're not putting out fires or trying to optimise for console launch (and who's betting they have an edict from up high that it needs to be ready before Xmas?).

I think the closest we’re going to get for now are statements like Arthur’s quote at the time, IE:

https://www.reddit.com/r/EliteDangerous/comments/o0ilo5/_/h1viqpd Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/EliteDangerous/comments/o0ilo5/comment/h1viqpd

And what Zac reiterated after:

The bottom part is pretty much what we've said. We're not saying it's never coming, just that it's not being worked on at the moment and there are no immediate plans to.

Any more detail or confirmation would be great, but I suspect that’s as far as the CM’s can go at the moment. Think it’s clear that the production leads etc aren’t ready to pull the trigger officially on VR Legs yet.
Cambridge does have the university, that no doubt pumps out a steady stream of new, but entirely inexperienced talent. I have been guessing Frontier probably has a high turnover of such neophytes, passing through to get their "apprenticeship", mentoring and flight hours in, before moving on to other work places...
I have read that UK and EU salaries for software development are generally much lower than in the US. "I have a CS degree from Cambridge" would certainly impress me as an American, so I wonder how many Cambridge graduates go directly to FAANG and the like (Facebook, Apple, Amazon, Netflix, Google) to get the fabled USD$200k/year starting salary (plus bonuses and options, of course).
I have read that UK and EU salaries for software development are generally much lower than in the US. "I have a CS degree from Cambridge" would certainly impress me as an American, so I wonder how many Cambridge graduates go directly to FAANG and the like (Facebook, Apple, Amazon, Netflix, Google) to get the fabled USD$200k/year starting salary (plus bonuses and options, of course).

I certainly don't know, but regarding employers like the above, specifically, I would speculate that those graduates who have sought courses specifically centered around game development, are probably likely to forego such opportunities initially, until the games dev industry has wrung the idealism out of them. :p

Heck... Didn't Ian Bell leave the whole field, in disgust..? :p

And next we all get shadow-banned because we exploited the vanity cam in a nonintended way! 🤭
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