I am Ordering my Carrier Decomissioned.

Currently I am Ordering my Carrier to be Scrapped.
In the End. All it does is costing Money.

I liked the Idea of the Game. But frankly. That Idea is just not gonna happen it seems.
FDev is just not Competent enough to make it happen.

I am not even Angry anymore about the botched up Odyssey Release.
This was Annoying. But no real Gamebreaker. Just Devs that tried to Punch above their weightclass and failed.

But there is just no Reason to Play. And ultimately I notice that I just wont Play.
Not because I say oh I quit. Or if you dont do what I want i.ll not support you.
But simply because its not Fun and so I just wont play it.

Thats the thing.

The only thing the Devs know to Implement to keep People busy. Is Grind. Grind. And more Grind.
Everything is Grind. No Challenge. No meaning. Just Grind.
And if you dare not using the Specific Grind the Devs want you to use. Then you Grind 5 times as much.

And because they underestimated how much People are willing to Grind. They then need to somehow make the old Grind useless and Implement some new Fantasy Currency that cannot be gained with the old Currency so that the old Currency becomes irrelevant and you have to Grind again. Because well. Grind is the only thing they can offer.

See Guys. I dont even mind Grindy Games. I played alot of them.
But they at least had some Flair and Reason to it. And they made sure to never Invalidate it by just hiding the next expansion behind something that needs to be Grinded from the Start again.

Elite Dangerous my Rear.
More like Eternal Grind.

That Bug ridden, unstable and unfinished mess that is called Star Citizen hilariously has more diversity and challenge of gameplay than ED.
Likewise Games like X4 which made the effort to really make the World feel Interactive and Dynamic are a pure Paradise compared to ED despite it having faaar less sophistication.

Economy is more of an Magic thing based on the average movement rather than having any actual requirements.
Diversity is a distant dream as everything just looks the same with little to no distinction to make things appear a bit Unique. Especially on Weapons for People and Ships.
Rifles cost more than Starships. And high grade Rifles and Starships have Price Increases are exponential while their actual improvements are linear.
And while Engineering for both Personal and Ship Based Equipment is mandatory for anyone actually wanting to participate in stuff. Its all walled behind exceedingly boring and repetetive grinds which cannot be circumvented unless you want to do 5 times the amount of an different repetetive boring grind.
Oh and its not interchangable of course as you have to grind for one thing here and the other there to make sure that anyone who grinded beforehand cant use that stuff here.

Whats so Difficult about giving Space and Ground Equipment (including Ships and Suits) a proper Price Scale. Somewhat representing their Improvement plus some Extra.
Whats so Difficult about just having a Starter Pilot Start in a Rented Ship instead of Owning it. So that the Starter Ship can have the proper price a few 100 Grand and actually show that a Ship is more Expensive than a Basic Rifle.
Whats so Difficult about giving the Equipment some actual proper Names instead of Ranks by Letters which are all the same. And maybe give some Variations in between like one Shield maybe having a bit more Energy Protection while the other is better against Kinetic by default etc.
Whats so Difficult about not turning Ground Combat into a Minigame of Swapping Weapons constantly. And instead of doing Energy and Kinetic Weapons being Shield and Body stuff. Instead just have different advantages. Like not needing to be Reloaded due to being linked to an Energy pack while Kinetic maybe has better Armor Pen but needs to be reloaded all the time etc.
And why is it so Impossible to make things Buyable. Why the hell cant I buy stuff like Nickel and Iron while being able to Buy Gold lol
Why is there no system to Randomly Generate some stuff around the Basic Station Templates like some Mining Depots, Dockyards etc etc.
Why the Refusal to let Player maybe Pilot slightly bigger Ships like Frigates and Destroyers ?
Why not allow Players to Own Stations which are part of the Economy actually converting Goods ? I mean seriously. If any Game has enough Open Space for that. Its ED lol.

But No.
Grind it is. Grind. Grind. Grind. Grind. Grind.
Just boring Grind all Day....

Good Luck on your Future Journeys Guys. I am out.
No reason to stick around when I basicly stopped Playing already anyways.
Nice post hope you feel better for getting these good points off your chest ?

I like the point about able to buy Gold/Slaves but only grind Iron and nickel !!

Also we should be able to trade data as well as other goods and assets.

Good luck

PS I am a welder and get paid to use an Angle grinder all day:D
I too have not purchased Odyssey yet or invested in a Carrier and will not do either until I see some consistent positive energy surrounding both. I have plenty of things to do and games to play; I'm okay with my ED break until some more of the kinks are worked out.

Take care, CMDR.

Thank you for your heads-up mate. Me wonders if the OP ground himself into the floor, by grinding for a carrier...? Seems like a shoot yourself in the foot move, but gives more stuphz opportunity so I can't complain really!

So, Mr OP, duz you have any stuphz worf hazzing please?
yeah, I see a lot of people that obsess about wanting a carrier (or any big ship really) without actually thinking about what they'd do with that big ship once they have it.
yeah, I see a lot of people that obsess about wanting a carrier (or any big ship really) without actually thinking about what they'd do with that big ship once they have it.

Agreed mate. I think I had roughly enough cash when they came out, and now a lot more in a non-bragging way - but the point being that I still haven't bought one as I don't really have a need for it.

In other words your point is so pertinent - grinding for something you don't know what to do with, is only going to make you jaded in the majority of cases.
Dude, your carrier doesn’t pay for itself? Lol, just manage it better; it can pay for itself.
If I knew what I'd do with a Fleet Carrier, maybe. But no form of mining is even half as profitable as it was in the beginning, so the grind for credits is too long to bother. Looks like stacking pirate massacre missions from several systems and kills counting for all of them has been nerfed.
I though having a carrier as a base for groups exploring a region of the galaxy might be a fun idea. Then someone proposed an expedition doing just that. Within a couple of days two other commanders with carriers looking for a reason to exist said they would bring thiers. I think there are two ships per carrier now. And they only travel at 500ly every 20 minutes, so not great tools for reaching some other part of the galaxy. Any half decent exploration ship build will travel at least twice as fast as that.
Moving your whole fleet somewhere else in the bubble for a CG seems the best use. But there are enough multipurpose ships in the game of different sizes with decent jump range to make even that use questionable.
Other than making mining easier due to have a 25,000 ton cargo hold next to you, what is the point? What is the point of mining for the sake of mining?
I'd love to learn of an interesting use for a Fleet Carrier, but I have not seen one yet.
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