Newcomer / Intro How do I find where to buy a Cobra MkIII?

That is, only using Elite Dangerous-Horizons. ie. Using no External Sites.
You have to fly there and look, there is no in-game way to see what a station has for sale remotely.

As Para has already said, industrial, extraction, and lastly high-tech systems are the most likely to have them.
You have to fly there and look, there is no in-game way to see what a station has for sale remotely.

As Para has already said, industrial, extraction, and lastly high-tech systems are the most likely to have them.
Hadn't asked you elsewhere, because you fly fully assisted with External Site assistance. ;)
Stangely, High-Tech is rather sparse for the MkIII (less than 50 stations) - industrial is the best bet followed by extraction and refinery.
Thank you for telling me where. (y)
However, the question was also meant to infer that if it was possible, how do I physically do it ? Thank you.
You have to fly there and look, there is no in-game way to see what a station has for sale remotely.

As Para has already said, industrial, extraction, and lastly high-tech systems are the most likely to have them.
It is the Bodies (eg. Stations, Carriers, etc ) that have the shipsyards, not Systems as I understand it.
ie. Bodies within System have the shipyards.
Or do Systems list ships for sale in shipyards?
I'm there now. No. Hence my question.
you have been told by a couple cmdrs

there is no ingame method to find ships or modules
fly to large stations and look is the only way.

I made another post elsewhere that does tell what types of stations tend to sell certain ships. but this boils down to experience and seeing the patterns.

but only large space stations have shipyards(not all but most do have a shipyard), outposts do NOT, and planetary bases are a coin toss regardless of size.

to repeat there is no ingame method to find ships or modules
your best bet is using eddb if you really want to not waste time and gain frustration.
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As far as the underlying logic goes, which is I think what OP is wondering about, it's very unclear. Roughly speaking, systems that are richer and with more technologically-advanced economies will carry more advanced ships in their shipyards, and also have more slots in the selection. This seems to apply across all ship sizes, so even the poorest backwater starport will stock some kind of large ship, so it's not just based on cost. Afaik the Cobra is a moderately advanced small ship, so you'll be most likely to find one in economies (like industrial, as mentioned above) that are moderately but not maximally developed. Unfortunately this is only a very broad rule of thumb that is guiding the RNG - the desire for more reliable information is exactly why the external databases were compiled.
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