not at all, nothing offensive.___ and polite. - many of us enjoy helping.
as the rest of that missed line says, is there a reason you wanted to NOT use external sources?
Yes, and I'm so grateful.
That's why my original question was so carefully word: So the responses could be brief and to the point.
The reason I'm currently not using EDDB, Inara, etc (and I have used them in the past very successfully): I want to become a competent pilot without using any of the hundreds of external sources that are available. They just all become mind-boggling......
There's this for this, and this for that; and I can't keep up with learning the basic, fundamental flight skills of ED!
So I dropped them all ................. UNTIL NOW!
Wombat? ........ welcome back to EDDB!
It's the first, and there will be others, but slowly, slowly.
Now. Back to the basics. Get in the 'pit Wombat! Practice engaging 75% supercruise adjustment, 2sec supercruise drop out at the "target", practice, practice, practice ....