What other games are we all playing?

Is that best played standing up?
I do all my gaming standing up (and I don't do VR ... yet). I started standing up to do computer stuff at work a few years ago, for the same reason Ralph described. I know, tmi.

And I also played WoTs but no more; only WoWs. I avoided WoTs for a few years after its launch because I couldn't get my head around tanks from all nations being on the same team. I played Steelbeasts when WoTs came out; SB being a proper armored warfare game. fwiw
Been playing MechWarrior 5 again. New updates are nice.

Not using melee much, on the account of 'it's still got guns if it's still got arms', but the new environment types, improved AI, and tougher missions are a pleasant upgrade.

I've also been messing with the game's TAA parameters to get it to look less like crap and run better, with modest success.

I couldn't get my head around tanks from all nations being on the same team.

Captured materiel pressed into service...or eBay.
Fatal Frame: Maiden of Black Water. Definitely the weakest of the FF/Project Zero games and least creepy but still worth playing now that it's finally available on PC. Great that the option of playing in Japanese with English subtitles is there. Hopefully they'll remaster the earlier ones and bring them to Steam too.
My post-op condition made me do something truly horrible: I played Warplanes.

Note: Seal Clubbing is still a big thing. They don't respond to my pleas that I'm a dog, not a seal. :(

Thinking about calling the Humane Society.
Been playing MechWarrior 5 again. New updates are nice.

Not using melee much, on the account of 'it's still got guns if it's still got arms', but the new environment types, improved AI, and tougher missions are a pleasant upgrade.

I've also been messing with the game's TAA parameters to get it to look less like crap and run better, with modest success.

Captured materiel pressed into service...or eBay.
I just returned to it again. Each update/patch makes the game better and better, and brings it closer to its potential. I like doing those cantina missions that unlock special upgrades for my mechs.

The last patch brought DLSS to the game, so that is nice if you are having framerate issues. I play it on all high settings (raytracing off) with TAA, using DLSS on "quality." It can look nice in those settings.

I just returned to it again. Each update/patch makes the game better and better, and brings it closer to its potential. I like doing those cantina missions that unlock special upgrades for my mechs.

Yeah, it's feeling reasonably complete and polished at this point. My main save has over 75 years game time on it and I'm in the process of collecting all of the Hero mechs...still haven't played the expansion campaigns.

The last patch brought DLSS to the game, so that is nice if you are having framerate issues. I play it on all high settings (raytracing off) with TAA, using DLSS on "quality." It can look nice in those settings.

DLSS has been in the game for a year and a half. It should also replace TAA entirely, but I haven't tried it as I don't have the game installed on my better NVIDIA setup.

Performance is one area that could still use some polish. There are a lot of UE4 oddities that were never officially addressed that can cause issues. Fortunately, most of them have workarounds.

Running in D3D12 and fixing the game's thread affinity issues helped resolve some stuttering I was getting. Some custom variables regarding TAA, DoF, motion blur, and shadows also helped me get image quality more to my liking while also increasing framerate.

After considerable trial and error, I'm using the following command line arguments:
-d3d12 (D3D11 is, or was the default, and had serious visual artifacts on my setup)
-notexturestreaming (fixes some texture LOD issues I had, with no perceptible downsides)
-preferredprocessor 1 (pointed at the second logical core of my CPU's fastest physical core, fixes some serious stutters due to affinity problems)
-useallavailablecores (still testing this)

I'm also these additions to Engine.ini (which has to be kept read only to keep the game from breaking them), which tune TAA to my tastes, eliminate some annoying shadow artifacts when zooming in, disable all excess blur, knock out the integrated sharpening (as I use driver settings for that), and force some settings that seem to be influenced by others back to what they should be:

Still dips lower than I'd like during certain events--like air strikes against buildings that produce a lot of smoke and debris. Unfortunately, most of the in-game settings each cover a mix of things and I don't want to reduce any off them off of in-game maximum, but I'm not sure if there is any way to tune the particle effects with the granularity I'm looking for. Reducing "sg.EffectsQuality" does a bit too much, but I still need to try adjusting "r.ParticleLODBias", to see if that can be an acceptable trade-off.
MW5 is really tugging at me. I watched a couple of MW Online videos to see if I want to dive back into it before I do MW5, and I'm beginning to think No to MWO (for now).
I have a small but nice fleet in MWO but I have not played in at least two years or more and a lot has changed (from what I've seen) plus I'll be going up against ppl who play a lot, with my machines that are only updated to levels 3 years ago. Seems a lot has been added to MWO that I don't want to study right now but look good, so on to MW5, as soon as I close in on my WoWs goal. WoWs is eating up most of my time atm, with a little X:Rebirth thrown in.

GL HF Commanders
MW5 is really tugging at me. I watched a couple of MW Online videos to see if I want to dive back into it before I do MW5, and I'm beginning to think No to MWO (for now).
I have a small but nice fleet in MWO but I have not played in at least two years or more and a lot has changed (from what I've seen) plus I'll be going up against ppl who play a lot, with my machines that are only updated to levels 3 years ago. Seems a lot has been added to MWO that I don't want to study right now but look good, so on to MW5, as soon as I close in on my WoWs goal. WoWs is eating up most of my time atm, with a little X:Rebirth thrown in.

GL HF Commanders
You just had to do it to me, didn't you?

My MWO account is still active. My last activity was 30 NOV 2014.

And, they have an account of all my purchases.

$871.13 USD.

I think I've paid my fair share for this game. And, what it cost me in RL, too.

That leaves Wargaming, and I do not want to count what I've paid to the guys with the Cyprus beachfront condo's.... :(

I've left those days behind. Now, I just grind. Like Elite.
I just found out how to find all my Wargaming purchases. They keep records.

This will include, Tanks, Warplanes, and Warships. While certainly not one of the Great Whales, it should be horrifiying.
Well, MWO removed over half of my mechs, and all of my stored equipment. They "refunded" me for each item, but all my old stuff has been grossly power-creeped.

They did give me a group of trial mechs to fill my slots. Since I'm not spending money on this, I'll just live with the loadouts I get (and the ones still alive).

This gives me the freedom to die as much as I want to. Stats are now out the window. My goal is to actually hit one thing before dying...
omg this is a s**ts n giggles coop paranoia fest. Hunting games ringtone to its narrative.
Real-time physics and a huge map.
Crafting you name it. But best of all is the npcs.
Stealth or loud..choice is yours..just know the latter will bring it on big time.
Still in development.
A fun dx12 supporting pancake screen game that's a distraction but a fun one.
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