Game Discussions Star Citizen Discussion Thread v12

SC provided and, at least for me, that experience is worth the 45$ alone.

SC is totally worth the $0 i've given CIG! Years worth of entertainment!

Also, seems Drew is another CMDR moving to greener pastures and joining the refugee camp after hardware checks.

Drew has flip flopped on leaving ED for years. He's really struggled to give it up though, he's had several videos where he said he was quitting but didn't manage it. He's finally dipped his toes into SC and seems to be enjoying it so far. Its understandable why he struggled to leave, after all, he was a major fan of the series for decades and wrote 2 books for it. That's some serious investment.

We will see how his experience with SC pans out over the coming months.

As we've seen, some people are initially drawn in, but after some time realize that ship interiors and high fidelity sometimes aren't enough to keep a person engaged when there are a lack of gameplay loops and constant bugs. As backers are fond of saying, "maybe alpha isn't for you".
.... As backers are fond of saying, "maybe alpha isn't for you".
It may seem like an offhand brush-off comment, it is however very true. SC does take a fairly high level of tolerance and patience simply to face all the bugs day after day, week after week...month after month... ad infinitum. It draws on frustration like a vampire sucking blood...but it can certainly have it's rewarding moments if you can stand the pain :)

It isn't for everyone, that's just a fact...whether you just disagree with the business practises of Ci¬G or balk at the money spent on the project or not...I know you lot on here harp on about the ten years of mismanagement and backwards development, but for those of us who play it's become part of the background process, we can see it moving forward a little bit at a time so we sort out the bad bits and play what's left...that's not saying we're happy with it, but it is what it is.

If the playing the game part of the entire process of Ci¬G's mismanagement were as bad as many of you imagine or think it is...most of us wouldn't be playing...simple as that. It's easy to watch Mikey throw a wobbler every time he streams or wade through 1,000 Twitch streams giggling at dodgy physics or exploding ramps and project that as what every backer who plays regularly goes through every time we click on the launcher, it's not :)
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It may seem like an offhand brush-off comment, it is however very true. SC does take a fairly high level of tolerance and patience simply to face all the draws on frustration like a vampire sucking blood sometimes...but it can certainly have it's rewarding moments if you can stand the pain :)

It isn't for everyone, it's a fact...whether you just disagree with the business practises of Ci¬G or balk at the money spent on the project or not...I know you lot on here harp on about the ten years of mismanagement and backwards development, but for those of us who play it's become part of the background process, we can see it moving forward a little bit at a time. We sort out the bad bits and play what's left...that's not saying we're happy with it, but it is what it is.

If the playing the game part of the entire process of Ci¬G's mismanagement were as bad as many of you imagine or think it is...most of us wouldn't be playing...simple as that. It's easy to watch Mikey throw a wobbler every time he streams or wade through 1,000 Twitch streams giggling at dodgy physics or exploding ramps and project that as what every backer who plays regularly goes through every time we click on the launcher, it's not :)

I absoloutely agree with you.

A couple of points relevant to this though:

1) How its used by people. Its not usually said in a nice way, like "Sorry man, it is an alpha and you really should have understood that before buying in" and instead comes across like "You're a sad loser and not worthy of this project"

2) CIG playing both sides of the field, on the one hand, saying its alpha when it suits them, but their sales and marketing all try and cover this up and present it as a fully playable game which the mandatory disclaimers do not really overcome the message that CIG are pushing. "Playable now". Regardless of what certain backers might say in regard to this, yes it is somewhat playable, the message given to the unwitting is "this is a really good game that is eminently playable right now even though its still in development". That is the marketing message.
It may seem like an offhand brush-off comment, it is however very true. SC does take a fairly high level of tolerance and patience simply to face all the draws on frustration like a vampire sucking blood sometimes...but it can certainly have it's rewarding moments if you can stand the pain :)
Also aside from the obvious show stoppers, the thing that irks me the most is there's all the non-functional things that are just 3D assets. Going inside the MSR is a good example of that: there's plenty of stuff inside there, that's just decoration.
The whole "recreation quarters" and "sleeping quarters" thing makes zero sense in a game with TTK counted in seconds. And even ignoring that, nothing in there has any kind of interaction: the food stuff, the shower, the toilet, huge duffle bags and lockers where you cant store anything (and cant take the duffle bags out), there are 2 sitting desks with completely fake screens that are just a texture with a short animation loop. And that's just for the sleeping quarters, every other part of the ship has plenty of things that have zero use.
The whole "smuggler" thing is also completely non existent. You cannot escape detection in any way. Storing things in the "secret" part of the MSR also serves no purpose.
Still no data running either, even though that was promised years ago.
I could continue with a really long list but you get my point: it really looks like they are flexing their art team muscles, but there's absolutely nothing to make that interactive. The very few interactions we have with the in-game world are at best riddled with bugs, at worst stupidly lethal. The free flight was interesting to see: many free flyers complaining they lost everything by falling through the planet, a lift, a ramp, etc. (because of course they added the "death has consequences" thing before fixing all the lethal bugs)...
All bling, no substance.
I absoloutely agree with you.

A couple of points relevant to this though:

1) How its used by people. Its not usually said in a nice way, like "Sorry man, it is an alpha and you really should have understood that before buying in" and instead comes across like "You're a sad loser and not worthy of this project"

2) CIG playing both sides of the field, on the one hand, saying its alpha when it suits them, but their sales and marketing all try and cover this up and present it as a fully playable game which the mandatory disclaimers do not really overcome the message that CIG are pushing. "Playable now". Regardless of what certain backers might say in regard to this, yes it is somewhat playable, the message given to the unwitting is "this is a really good game that is eminently playable right now even though its still in development". That is the marketing message.
Leaving point 2 totally aside since I usually leave the discussions on the morality of Ci¬G's marketing department up to others, my reply was just my take on the "Maybe an alpha isn't for you." comment... some idiot backers may well put it across it like you said, most don't... or certainly don't offer it with any malice, even in cases where the remark may be viewed as such..
Also aside from the obvious show stoppers, the thing that irks me the most is there's all the non-functional things that are just 3D assets. Going inside the MSR is a good example of that: there's plenty of stuff inside there, that's just decoration.
The whole "recreation quarters" and "sleeping quarters" thing makes zero sense in a game with TTK counted in seconds. And even ignoring that, nothing in there has any kind of interaction: the food stuff, the shower, the toilet, huge duffle bags and lockers where you cant store anything (and cant take the duffle bags out), there are 2 sitting desks with completely fake screens that are just a texture with a short animation loop. And that's just for the sleeping quarters, every other part of the ship has plenty of things that have zero use.
The whole "smuggler" thing is also completely non existent. You cannot escape detection in any way. Storing things in the "secret" part of the MSR also serves no purpose.
Still no data running either, even though that was promised years ago.
I could continue with a really long list but you get my point: it really looks like they are flexing their art team muscles, but there's absolutely nothing to make that interactive. The very few interactions we have with the in-game world are at best riddled with bugs, at worst stupidly lethal. The free flight was interesting to see: many free flyers complaining they lost everything by falling through the planet, a lift, a ramp, etc. (because of course they added the "death has consequences" thing before fixing all the lethal bugs)...
All bling, no substance.
The free-fly was a marketing run event, a senseless one at that given the state of 3.15. Dev time and resources wasted on a cash grab as far as I'm concerned...whilst devs from almost every department were roped into presenting and making the expo work, it took them away from what should be the primary focus...making the game.
Leaving point 2 totally aside since I usually leave the discussions on the morality of Ci¬G's marketing department up to others, my reply was just my take on the "Maybe an alpha isn't for you." comment... some idiot backers may well put it across it like you said, most don't... or certainly don't offer it with any malice, even in cases where the remark may be viewed as such..

Maybe different experiences or interpretations, that's how i've always felt it was presented. Its not usually just the phrase itself, but the whole tone of the post beyond that.

In other news, this comment from the refunds sub gave me a good chuckle.

Chris promised us NPCS that would be so smart you wouldn't know who was a player and who was a NPC. This of course turned out to be very difficult, so now they are doing plan B, make the players behave like NPCs instead.
Maybe different experiences or interpretations, that's how i've always felt it was presented. Its not usually just the phrase itself, but the whole tone of the post beyond that.

In other news, this comment from the refunds sub gave me a good chuckle.
I'm not suggesting they don't...I suffered much the same type of snarky underhand comments on this forum back when I was an Xbox player daring to post in the PC master-race sausage party of DD...incidentally where most of my infractions and warnings for 'masked swearing' came from by replying in kind...more than likely one of them from you. ;)

That's almost as bad as my alt Spectrum handle of '[Deleted by Nightrider-CiG]' :D
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I'm not suggesting they don't...I suffered much the same type of snarky underhand comments on this forum back when I was an Xbox player daring to post in the PC master-race sausage party of DD...incidentally where most of my infractions and warnings for 'masked swearing' came from by replying in kind...more than likely one of them from you. ;)

I'm not wanting to throw hyrdrogen onto the jump drive, but I gotta agree with you on this.

The rather vicious way this community used to snap at people in the varying stages of this games development are no different to those of the more feverent members of the SC community.

We saw it only a few pages back when someone went dogpiling into our little chat about how it was nice things seemed to have worked out in the end for that SC white-knight who seems to have hung his sword and shield up at last.
The rather vicious way this community used to snap at people in the varying stages of this games development are no different to those of the more feverent members of the SC community.

No my friend, some of SC’s fan base have been far more ferverent over the years.


Source: Comments section


Etc etc.

No doubt sunk cost sentiments drive some of these guys to protect the game that aggressively, and beyond the standard 'this game isn’t for you' back-handedness and general aggro whiteknighting seen around many a title. But regardless of the cause, suggesting there’s parity here would seem to be silly.
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SC is totally worth the $0 i've given CIG! Years worth of entertainment!
Fair play to you.
(Keep us advised if you decide to spend more though ;))
Try this, how much would you pay Frontier for a DLC that added the ability to land on planets like this:
No new features, ships or missions, 0 new gameplay, just the same exact Elite: Dangerous we have but with the ability to land on planets looking like that?
I'd bet if we post this question in the DD area some CMDR's would come forward with numbers around the hundreds and up to thousands.

There's something in accomplishing childhood dreams as an adults that goes above reasoning. Call it nostalgia or Peter Pan syndrome but as we get older we inevitably get cynical and bitter and these little things can have the ability to bring back some of the old youth joy.


PS- The little things matter
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Try this, how much would you pay Frontier for a DLC that added the ability to land on planets like this:
No new features, ships or missions, 0 new gameplay, just the same exact Elite: Dangerous we have but with the ability to land on planets looking like that?
I'd bet if we post this question in the DD area some CMDR's would come forward with numbers around the hundreds and up to thousands.

There's something in accomplishing childhood dreams as an adults that goes above reasoning. Call it nostalgia or Peter Pan syndrome but as we get older we inevitably get cynical and bitter and these little things can have the ability to bring back some of the old youth joy.


PS- The little things matter

I've repeatedly said, if i had the choice of what DLC FD should do next, it would be atmospheric planets rather than space legs.

CIG do have some nice planets. Just imagine that scaled up a bazillion-fold thanks to proc gen. Odyssey has some wonderful looking planets now, much better than Horizons. If FD can extend it as the next DLC i'd be overjoyed. Ship interiors can be damned for the moment. That can be the N+1 or N+2 DLC for all i care.

Perhaps we can also turn the question around, what do CIG still need to do to have a game that could be released to the public? I mean, nostalgia, immersion, and whatnot are all well and good, but at the end of the day, CIG (in theory) need to make the product releasable at some point.

So many things CIG still need to do on that front though....
Try this, how much would you pay Frontier for a DLC that added the ability to land on planets like this:
No new features, ships or missions, 0 new gameplay, just the same exact Elite: Dangerous we have but with the ability to land on planets looking like that?
I'd bet if we post this question in the DD area some CMDR's would come forward with numbers around the hundreds and up to thousands.

There's something in accomplishing childhood dreams as an adults that goes above reasoning. Call it nostalgia or Peter Pan syndrome but as we get older we inevitably get cynical and bitter and these little things can have the ability to bring back some of the old youth joy.


PS- The little things matter
Try this, how much would you pay Frontier for a DLC that added the ability to land on planets like this:

Given the next DLC is years away, if it comes at all, I wouldn’t even get involved with the daydream ;)

Much the same reason I stay away from SC’s promises of future greatness and technical consolidation friend. I’ll believe it when I see them ;)

PS- The little things matter

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Try this, how much would you pay Frontier for a DLC that added the ability to land on planets like this:
No new features, ships or missions, 0 new gameplay, just the same exact Elite: Dangerous we have but with the ability to land on planets looking like that?
I'd bet if we post this question in the DD area some CMDR's would come forward with numbers around the hundreds and up to thousands.

There's something in accomplishing childhood dreams as an adults that goes above reasoning. Call it nostalgia or Peter Pan syndrome but as we get older we inevitably get cynical and bitter and these little things can have the ability to bring back some of the old youth joy.


PS- The little things matter
Lovely video, and kudos to the Music Composer Pedro Camacho, its top shelf stuff and he achieved something only the best can and that is come up with theme music that perfectly communicates the vibes of the particular artistry, the second tune in its full length is Star Citizen.

Try this, how much would you pay Frontier for a DLC that added the ability to land on planets like this:
No new features, ships or missions, 0 new gameplay, just the same exact Elite: Dangerous we have but with the ability to land on planets looking like that?
I'd bet if we post this question in the DD area some CMDR's would come forward with numbers around the hundreds and up to thousands.

There's something in accomplishing childhood dreams as an adults that goes above reasoning. Call it nostalgia or Peter Pan syndrome but as we get older we inevitably get cynical and bitter and these little things can have the ability to bring back some of the old youth joy.


PS- The little things matter
I'd be much more interested in CIG delivering what they said they could make for the amount of money they said it would cost in the time they said it would take than any sort of daydreams about Frontier putting another $400 million into Elite and finding another 600 staff to work on it and taking 5-8 years to make it.
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