Planet Zoo: Europe Pack and Update 1.8 Out Now!

Just finished downloading, and can't wait to jump in. Really excited for the possibilities that are opened up by the expansion of the color morph possibilities.

I think I've mentioned this in past update notes, but just to say again: I really do appreciate that you've listed all of the new pieces/features/, etc. individually. I often come back to these update notes after I've played for a while, and realize that there's something I've forgotten that can come in really handy down the line. (For me, it especially happens with foliage, where I end up using the same ones over and over without thinking about new ones, which I'm so glad we've gotten so many new pieces of).

I'll also add this: while I'm not much of a builder (much more into animals), I actually Greatly Appreciate the way that the building pieces for this pack/update seem to be being done, with a lot of the additions being things that can be added to strengthen, augment, enhance, enrich, build upon and mix with the existing themes. Seems like it will be a good way for people to go back and revisit and redecorate their existing zoos

Okay, now to go play with my animals!
Great update!


Just noticed an awesome thing - made a quick Lynx enclosure with some climbing frames and the lynxes were actually sleeping on the climbing structure! I mean, I have never noticed that any of the previous cats would just sleep like this. They were laying there sure, but looking around or licking themself for a bit then going down, but this time the lynx was just sleeping there for a whole 2-3 minutes of real life time, it was amazing. A nice touch of realism!
I'm losing hope update after update, and it's a shame considering the quality of the latest animals by Frontier, but at this point nothing will change. At least there is the remake mod for the people that want a real Malayan Tapir in the game. 😢
I’m not giving up hope. They might tie it in with a future tropical or rainforest animal pack for example.

Nonetheless it is irritating that it isn’t given a higher priority and I cannot believe it would involve that much work.

It’s clear to me that we must politely remind Frontier via @Tim Smith @Jens Erik and @Eltanin Casciani at every opportunity that as loyal supporters of Planet Zoo - and indeed paying customers - we deserve a Malayan tapir that matches the standard of all the other amazing animals.

(As for the mod, that isn’t an acceptable substitute for me I’m afraid. I don’t use mods and having paid for a Malayan tapir - and everything else Planet Zoo has produced - I expect to get one).
We have a confirmed ticket in the issue tracker, and months of feedbacks with a lot of threads here, on reddit and so on. The silence is the most scaring thing and this is the reason why i am losing hope. It seems that they are ignoring this problem and the time is passing (considering that they immediately corrected the Binturong, that was a real disgrace, and the Dhole).

I would like to hear one "it's on the radar", "the devs will look into it", "we passed your feedbacks" but nothing yet, even one "it will not be addressed" at least we can stop asking for it under every update post, that are the most viewed by the Cms...(Honestly i don't think there's more we can do about it)

The mod is not acceptable for me either, since i paid for the Dlc, but at least is an acceptable substitute, nothing more..

Let's wait for the 1.9 and see what's next for the poor Tapir.
Nonetheless it is irritating that it isn’t given a higher priority and I cannot believe it would involve that much work.
Can we at least appreciate a new update and DLC for a minute before going on another lengthy string of comments on the tapir? I know it means a lot for people, and you've all been quite vocal about it in many many topics. There's nothing wrong with that, but they know. There's no need to bring it up again with every update, it's not like they're unaware.

Constantly asking about it isn't going to make things all of a sudden a higher priority, if anything this constant overreaction to these minor changes that are needed are the thing that is becoming irritating in my eyes. Much more than not having a perfect Malayan Tapir.
I remember when PZ’s senior artist Lisa Bauwens in January 2020 give really nice tapir oriented interview:

“Let’s get this out there first, because it’s important: Bauwens' favourite animal is the tapir, which I respect (I respect the opinion, that is. But I also respect the tapir itself. Only the Malayan version though, as it looks like a nice pig crossed with a battenberg cake. I do not respect the inferior Brazilian Tapir, which looks like a fool). Bauwens says she “really grew a liking” to the tropical snufflers while the game was in development, being especially delighted by their stripy babies, and their tendency to "use their snouts as snorkels while swimming". Bauwens was right: tapirs are great.”

@Eltanin Casciani please have mercy and let us know if we can expect any news on the subject of our beloved Malayan tapir eleganza extravaganza? We addressed this problem million times already.
Can we at least appreciate a new update and DLC for a minute before going on another lengthy string of comments on the tapir? I know it means a lot for people, and you've all been quite vocal about it in many many topics. There's nothing wrong with that, but they know. There's no need to bring it up again with every update, it's not like they're unaware.

Constantly asking about it isn't going to make things all of a sudden a higher priority, if anything this constant overreaction to these minor changes that are needed are the thing that is becoming irritating in my eyes. Much more than not having a perfect Malayan Tapir.
A simple "we are aiming to fix it" would solve the problem, though. It's not a question if they've seen ot or not, it's a question of weather it will be addressed. Yes, people who aren't happy with the tapir are very vocal about it - but being dead silient on the other end won't make them quieter. I get the frustration, and I'm not bothered by the Tapir to a huge extend (though I do agree it needs fixing).
A simple "we are aiming to fix it" would solve the problem, though. It's not a question if they've seen ot or not, it's a question of weather it will be addressed. Yes, people who aren't happy with the tapir are very vocal about it - but being dead silient on the other end won't make them quieter. I get the frustration, and I'm not bothered by the Tapir to a huge extend (though I do agree it needs fixing).
I understand, but it's not that people have been dead silent about it either. I'm certainly not saying you can't bring it up once in a while, but there's a healthy middle ground. Starting another whole series of posts about it right after (we're not even a day in) we got a brand new DLC and update which added a lot of stuff isn't the most respectful thing to do in my eyes. 🤷‍♂️

But we're all different in that, and I really do understand the frustration here. I just don't think now and this topic is the time and place for it.
I don't get it. I mean there's some animals I'd like to see fixed as well, so it's not like I don't understand how you people feel, but can it wait, at least, til tomorrow ?

I mean "Great update, but Tapir". Like yeah we got new update and dlc with ton of cool new, requested stuff, but Tapir tho.

Like it's equal. You know all the great work you guys put into update and dlc aside, not fixing Tapir just levels it.
Thank you to the Frontier team for this great update and pack ! You made my day !

To be honest, there are some new pieces that I will probably never use. For example, the gondola and the medieval shields. They look great but I feel like they don't really belong in a zoo. I would have prefered to get my backstage props but I'm still hoping we will get those someday.... That being said, there are still so many new pieces I love that I'm still very happy with the pack ! The new stone wall set is incredible, the decals, the egg props (!), the new LED lights, the new branches and climbing platforms, the new foliage.... I LOVE IT ALL SO MUCH !

Now just two things I'm a little disappointed about and I hope you can fix in the future (please take this as constructive criticism):

1) Why can't guests enter the fallow deer habitat? There are plenty of examples of fallow deer walkthrough habitats and that's one of the reasons I was really happy it was picked over the red deer. In Pairi Daiza, you can enter the fallow deer habitat and even sleep in some lodges located in their habitat ! I hope you can reconsider this and change it.

2) I love the new shop counters but I'm a little bit disappointed they are not available for every shop, especially the ice-cream shop. Foodtruck for ice-cream is pretty common right? So I really hope you will consider adding this option for all the shops in future updates.

There we go. Overall, I'm really happy with the pack and the fact you're listening to us so much. You are awesome 🥰 Hoping for more great packs next year. But I'm going to enjoy my badgers now. I'm so in love with them OMG !
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