Bootmgr is corrupt, Computer doesn't recognize the Windows 10 Installation USB-Stick and won't start BIOS/show the Key for it

Finally found out that the old Cable doesn't work. The old Computer has way more ancient Hardware inside than I've expected and the Motherboard Cable seems to not be connected to the Power Supply Unit with a Plug but completely integrated into it (at least I think so. The Components inside take up so much Space that you can't even take a proper Look into it). Why does Stuff like that always need to happen when way too much Stuff is going on? 😑
You can remove and reseat individual wires from those clips, takes a steady hand and good tools, I have done it myself a number of times, they should all be the same length though.
Can you send a Link to a Guide that explains how to do it? I think if I should already have the necessary Tools (my Father claims that only a Screwdriver is needed but he isn't really a smart Person 😅) I'll just try it before I need to wait a Eternity again for a Delivery to arrive 😑
It's perfectly possible to remove pins from a power connector with a thin screwdriver, a paper clip, or even a good toothpick, but a dedicated pin tool does make it easier.

You should look up how these parts are assembled and how they fit together, as well as what the basic purpose of the components are. Seeing that rubber band around a not-even-seated ATX power connector is concerning...that's the sort of thing I'd do if were trying to melt some connectors, or was trying to build a fire rather than a computer.

Anyway, if you want some guides, much of these are relevant:

You can ignore the sleeving aspects, I just picked out sleeving guides because pin removal is an early step in cable sleeving.
Before you go ahead and try to switch the pins over I suggest that you at least try the plug from the old psu in the newer motherboard, first making sure that both computers are not plugged in. You should then be able to tell if the old plug actually latches properly with the newer socket - if it doesn't then thee is no point in going through the effort of swapping all of the pins over since the problem is more likely to be with the socket on the motherboard.

If the old plug does latch properly I would think that something like

would be safer than trying to swap the pins since you will be able to make the middle plug/socket stay together with tape etc.
Before you go ahead and try to switch the pins over I suggest that you at least try the plug from the old psu in the newer motherboard
The Cable in the old Computer is directly connected to the PSU and it was the same with the Cable that was attached to the PSU that was in the current Computer before I bought the current one last Year. Sadly it seems like this was pretty common with older PSUs, so sadly either this or buying a new Cable are the only Options. Just hope I can't accidentally kill the Motherboard or the PSU if I try to do this with the Cable.
Hopefully I can start to try it later. Just came Home from Work now and it's already dark here because even though I have the Freedom to choose when to arrive at my Job, the Outside World is currently so torturous (is that a existing Word?🤔) and depressing that it's hard to even get Motivation for anything
It worked for almost 24 Hours now and now when I try to restart it, it won't work again. I'll definitely need to order a whole Set of new Cables because they are pure Trash 😑
Edit: ok, it turns out it was the same Cable again, so I probably should try to fix it a bit more when I have Time (just a bit afraid of damaging it). But another one was also not sitting properly yesterday and I don't know how I could fix that one, so I hope it will just work again for now.
Now it's also getting loose in the Power Supply Unit 🤦🏻‍♂️
Does anyone know if Seasonic is always making such bad Products or if I'm just not having much Luck?
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I've never had a Seasonic, but in the USA they have a 10yr warranty, so its probably worthwhile checking with them what the warranty on your unit is, it might be longer than you think,
I've never had a Seasonic, but in the USA they have a 10yr warranty, so its probably worthwhile checking with them what the warranty on your unit is, it might be longer than you think,
I've read it a few Days ago and if I understood it correctly the Warranty doesn't cover it if only a Cable is defective. The Power Supply Unit itself is working fine
Even so, it might be an idea to speak with them and see what they suggest. Especially if you are now having issues with the PSU end of the cables.
Time for some good old Thread Necromancy because I'm desperate.
I've got a new Problem and tried to solve it on my own but it just doesn't work, no matter what I try.
When I wanted to play Fallout 4 again after a long Time (I assume this might play a Role due to Performance Issues) it froze the Computer after the Loading Screen. Restarted the Computer, tried it again, was able to play for a few Minutes and then it froze the Computer again. After restarting, Windows 10 failed to load my User Profile (however that's even possible. It's directly on the Computer. I don't use the Online Profile), so I've looked up a Solution online and found one. But this "Solution" somehow made it even worse even though I precisely followed every Step of it. Now Windows 10 can't start anymore and if I try to delete the Partitions in the Installation Menu, it shows a Notification that it can't be deleted due to Error 0x80070017. Then I thought it might work to just delete all Files on the Drive manually in Linux but it won't even allow me to click the Delete Option because it's greyed out. I'm already trying to find a Solution since Weeks or even Months again.
Might the Problem regarding the Game and the User Profile have happened because the SSD with the System is so small? (50 GB but thanks to getting more Money now, I might be able to buy a better one next Month) The Game worked without Problems before I decided to use 2 SSDs instead of one
I think you should do some stress testing from your bootable Linux drive to make sure there aren't any over hardware issues, then backup whatever you need/can, wipe all local drives, and start over with a fresh Windows install.
I think you should do some stress testing from your bootable Linux drive to make sure there aren't any over hardware issues, then backup whatever you need/can, wipe all local drives, and start over with a fresh Windows install.
I'm pretty sure there's just a important File missing because the "Solution" for the Problem that Windows failed to load the User Profile, was to delete something and change the Name of the Copy-File to fit with the deleted one and I assume maybe the Copy of the File had some weird Error which is the Reason it can't start Windows anymore. Just don't understand why it needs to block me from doing what would basically such a easy Solution and also can't just make a new Version of the File.
As I said deleting everything from the System Drive was the very first Thing I wanted to do but because of this damn Error, it won't let me. Neither with the Windows 10 Installation Menü nor manually in Linux (maybe I need some special Software for it🤔 but if I remember correctly Linux can't even just start a exe File)
Pretty sure everything's ok with all other Hardware. As I mentioned, the Error Code is 0x80070017 but I can only find Solutions that tell me to do something in Windows 10 but this obviously doesn't work because the Error prevents me from starting the System
Files don't delete or corrupt themselves spontaneously without some underlying cause and Windows is supposed to protect the integrity of critical files to make it hard for malware to infect/co-opt the OS. Instability, especially related to memory, is frequently behind data corruption, which is why I suggest testing the system with bootable tools.

Anyway, wiping the drive doesn't involve interacting with a file system that is likely already corrupt, it involves cleaning the drive of all data, including the file system, and starting over. From the firmware/bios options of the board you might fight a secure erase tool; that would be ideal. Failing that booting to linux and using Gparted or any other GUI disk management software it includes to clean the drive should work. The windows install media can work too, if you select the options that get you to a command line so you can use diskpart. There are guides all over the internet for all of these things.
Anyway, wiping the drive doesn't involve interacting with a file system that is likely already corrupt, it involves cleaning the drive of all data, including the file system, and starting over. From the firmware/bios options of the board you might fight a secure erase tool; that would be ideal. Failing that booting to linux and using Gparted or any other GUI disk management software it includes to clean the drive should work. The windows install media can work too, if you select the options that get you to a command line so you can use diskpart. There are guides all over the internet for all of these things.
Thanks, I'll try these Things. Already tried to find a Software for it. Now that I know that it's called secure erase tool. Also wondered tonight if I even already tried if I already used Command Prompt (I think I did but I'm not completely sure). Definitely going to try all of this after Work and hope that I'll finally find a Solution.
Do you know if the Size of the System Drive is important for Games with good Graphics and a Open World? As I said, the Problem started when I wanted to play a Game again that always worked perfectly before I started to use 2 SSDs but when I tried it, it just froze the Computer after a short Time which then caused the other Problems after the second Try
Thanks, I'll try these Things. Already tried to find a Software for it. Now that I know that it's called secure erase tool. Also wondered tonight if I even already tried if I already used Command Prompt (I think I did but I'm not completely sure). Definitely going to try all of this after Work and hope that I'll finally find a Solution.

A simple "clean" command for the drive in question in diskpart through a command prompt from a modern version of Windows should be just as good as a secure erase tool.

And make sure you've saved everything you want to keep somewhere off your local drives.

Do you know if the Size of the System Drive is important for Games with good Graphics and a Open World? As I said, the Problem started when I wanted to play a Game again that always worked perfectly before I started to use 2 SSDs but when I tried it, it just froze the Computer after a short Time which then caused the other Problems after the second Try

Windows needs enough free space for logs and caches to function. Many apps, including games, will grow in size over time as they are updated, saves are made, and logs recorded. Keeping your games off the system drive is a good idea, as is being sure than none of your drives get completely full.
Have you considered buying a games console?
No, don't like those, wouldn't allow me to play all of my Games and it wouldn't solve the Problem at all

A simple "clean" command for the drive in question in diskpart through a command prompt from a modern version of Windows should be just as good as a secure erase tool.

And make sure you've saved everything you want to keep somewhere off your local drives.

Windows needs enough free space for logs and caches to function. Many apps, including games, will grow in size over time as they are updated, saves are made, and logs recorded. Keeping your games off the system drive is a good idea, as is being sure than none of your drives get completely full.
Can't wait to try the Clean Command.

Don't need to save anything because there are only System Files on that Drive

Is there a Minimum Size that you recommend for a System Drive with Windows 10? My current one is only 50GB big and I assume that's way too small. Luckily I'm earning more Money now, so I should be able to buy a proper one next Month and then I can also use the current one as a Backup so I can still use the Computer while trying to find a Solution if I should get a Problem again 👍
Is there a Minimum Size that you recommend for a System Drive with Windows 10? My current one is only 50GB big and I assume that's way too small.

You can get by with less, if you know what you're doing and are careful, but I'd really recommend at least 120GB for a Windows 10 system (C:) drive, even if you install no games or large apps to it. Page file, hybernate file windows updates, system restore, temp files, caches, logs, etc...they all add up. Some of that can be disabled or moved, but not all of it.
Slowly I start to think this Drive can't be saved anymore. There were several Problems while trying to clean it, which led to the Conclusion that it is write protected and Diskpart can't delete this Protection for some Reason
Edit: at least I found a cheap SSD with 120GB, but there's also a 128GB Version for only 1€ more, so I think I'll take that one just to be sure that it'll be really big enough. It would be delivered until tomorrow. Don't have enough Money on my Bank Account, so I'll need to go to the Bank first to pay more Money into my Bank Account (I hate going to the Bank so much 😑 but it's a Sacrifice I'm willing to make if it means that I can use my Computer again)
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My new SSD arrived but when I install Windows 10, it does the second Step only to 97% and then claims that for some Reason the necessary Files can't be installed. Can the Files on a DVD get damaged if it is used too often to boot? Do I need to make a new one?
For some Reason even though the Message says something completely different, it still shows the Error Code 0x80070017
Creating a new Installation Disk solved the Problem. I wonder if I can also fix the old SSD with it but for now I just want to play🥳
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