New Planet Tech is KILLER of Exploration (all terrain is tiling/repeating/not procedural/random)

That is new to me. Equal at best, but better? I need evidence to believe that. Although I can think of 2 possible reasons why this could be so: 1) Linux itself gives less overhead from the system itself
I know that the older Microsoft Flight Simulator runs noticeably better for me on the same hardware in Linux than it does in Windows. I figure it's simply due to APIs being more efficiently implemented in Wine than bloaty Windows. The key is in what Wine stands for - "Wine Is Not an Emulator", meaning that there isn't an extra layer of translation, it's just different code implementing the same functions and methods. If the Linux version of "Draw" is written more efficiently than the Windows version, the overall performance of the game calling methods on that class will be better.

Also, I tend to run a very light version of Linux with very little going on in the background. Windows is like an overweight man carrying someone on his back in a marathon, where my light Linux is much more spry.

That's not to say that all Linux code will be more efficient than Windows code, due to obvious differences in the OS. One could even argue there is a layer of translation, not of hardware, but of things like the Windows filesystem, interprocess communications, etc. Another variable is how well your hardware is supported by Linux. Not all Linux drivers have full access to the top features of proprietary, locked-down patent-encumbered hardware.
Personally I think it's amazing all by itself that you can play windows games on linux. And that for many games it actually works very well.

On the other hand last night I went to a barnacle forest and managed to get a thargoid to appear, unfortunately the game hung at exactly the same spot (and that twice as I relogged). Now I'm left wondering is it a bug in EDO, or is it a bug in linux. I might install windows just to play edo, as there are some other things that I'd like to add like VA, etc.
Now I'm left wondering is it a bug in EDO, or is it a bug in linux.
As crazy as it sounds, it might actually be a bug in Windows! I remember back when I developed software, sometimes APIs didn't work as intended, and we had to compensate for the bug. Later the API is fixed, which in turn broke our software because we wrote it with a broken API in mind. So the irony is that some Wine Tricks have to actually replicate bugs in Windows APIs in order for Windows software to run properly, LOL.
It's an absolute nightmare when a bugfix completely breaks code that was built to work around the bug, even worse when the bugfix comes a decade and three dev teams down the line and you've built so much more stuff since then which called on the original bugged lines and repurposed them for something else.
It's an absolute nightmare when a bugfix completely breaks code that was built to work around the bug, even worse when the bugfix comes a decade and three dev teams down the line and you've built so much more stuff since then which called on the original bugged lines and repurposed them for something else.
I used to comment such code with # DAMN APPLE!!! or something like that. I was part of a small team, so we knew each other well and understood such comments. And of course the next comment line detailed exactly what I was doing to work around the broken API I was forced to rely on. Lots of "try / except" code was written because of bad APIs as well.
Some galnet stuff, they are doing a little buckeyball race.
Yep that covers it. No news, no updates, no progress on anything at all and nothing to announce.

I do wonder how FDev can justify having so many community managers when they have nothing to communicate!! they rarely post on the forums, I'd love to know what they actually do all day.

Good bye Elite and thanks for the memories.
Yep that covers it. No news, no updates, no progress on anything at all and nothing to announce.

I do wonder how FDev can justify having so many community managers when they have nothing to communicate!! they rarely post on the forums, I'd love to know what they actually do all day.

Good bye Elite and thanks for the memories.
They have fun with fans and friends it sounds like! I like it.

:D S
As crazy as it sounds, it might actually be a bug in Windows!
I've had confirmation that it's CTD on windows too. But apparently it doesn't crash if you're further away from the central barnacle. I'll try again tonight. So it looks like it's actually a FDev bug and not wine/linux related.
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