Map of the entire roster by (approximate) animal distribution

That's indeed the case. The icons look like these in the final game.

Grizzly Bear

Himalayan Brown Bear

Would you happen to still have animal thumbnails from the beta? It'd be nice to see what else changed between then and now!
Leopard just southwest of the Amur tiger, siamang between the binturong and saltwater crocodile, oryx a bit northwest of the hyena, horse somewhere in southwestern Mongolia (east of the Bactrian camel).
After two last DLC’s not much changed and we still need:

  • Australian animal pack
  • South American animal pack
  • Middle East / Desert animal pack
  • Grasslands animal pack
  • Temperate / Mountain animal pack
  • Ground birds animal pack
After two last DLC’s not much changed and we still need:

  • Australian animal pack
  • South American animal pack
  • Middle East / Desert animal pack
  • Grasslands animal pack
  • Temperate / Mountain animal pack
  • Ground birds animal pack
Were there any 'ground birds' beside flightless ones? If yes what?
After two last DLC’s not much changed and we still need:

  • Australian animal pack
  • South American animal pack
  • Middle East / Desert animal pack
  • Grasslands animal pack
  • Temperate / Mountain animal pack
  • Ground birds animal pack
And what animals will be in those packs? May I know? PS scimitar oryx's in Conservation pack, the latest pack.
And what animals will be in those packs? May I know? PS scimitar oryx's in Conservation pack, the latest pack.
Australian / Oceanian animal pack

Tasmanian devil
Tree kangaroo
Yellow footed rock wallaby

South American animal pack

Howler monkey
Maned Wolf
Spider monkey
Chacoan peccary

Middle East / Desert animal pack

Stripped hyena
Arabian leopard
Somali wild ass

Grasslands animal pack

Maned wolf
Secretary bird
Giant eland
Patagonian mara

Temperate / Mountain animal pack

Pere David’s deer
Golden takin
Red fox
Gray langur

Ground birds animal pack

Great white pelican
Gray crowned crane
Ground hornbill
Great Malayan argus pheasant
Black swan
Saddle billed stork

South Asian animal pack

Lar gibbon
Sumatran rhino
Sloth bear
Indian muntjac
Lion tailed macaque

Safari animal pack

Black rhinoceros
Red river hog
Mantled guereza
African civet
Blue Nile patas monkey
I like that now with the new DLCs the map gets updated in different places instead of focusing on one single area. I'm looking forward to seeing the new version after the release of the convervation pack :D
This map is the second best thing that happened on this forum right after meta wishlist. Thank you @yoav_r for creating this project 🤩🤩🤩
Thanks! Yes I'm ready to update it.

Another interesting thing is the exhibits. North America has so so many exhibit animals, and Asia is nearly empty. I'd really like mire reptiles, especially any large snake. It's weird there aren't any.
Even though it’s just a single animal, the oryx sure does create a good illusion of making North Africa appear more filled in. Meanwhile the other three all get lost in the mass that is Asia.
Yeah, as good as these animal additions are, I feel like this pack was a little too Asia-focused.
While I don't get the appeal, "Greater Asia" was one of the most popular pack ideas in the last few months. This pack is pretty much it. I do hope the next packs focus on other regions, although western asia is still empty.

I think they meant the opposite, as in Northern Asia/Siberia still looking empty.
IMO northern asia is fine. Check the duplicates map, it has many animals. In fact, I think there are more northern asian animals than australian animals.
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