So where are you going to be on tuesday?

I'm sure a big green Krait MkII with a xeno kills tally decal and glowing green with Guardian weaponry will not draw too much attention sitting out in the open on 10c what you all think?
Naaaa. I'm sure you'll be fine.

"Is this going to be a stand up fight sir, or another bug hunt"?

I'm in position:

So where are you going to be on tuesday?​

-> I will be watching from very far away.

Looking From Far Away.jpg
Okay, I'm worn down by curiosity, I'll bite. After Zac posted this in the Discovery Scanner thread:

I cannot resist. I will move my butt over there. Probably in my cheap speed explorer iCourier in the hope that it's quick enough so I can do a brave Sir Robin if necessary. I have no AX ships and I don't know if my slow combat Corvette will do any good.
I can’t imagine there will be much real time to see. Galnet articles likely, and maybe some unique signal sources, but things should be relatively static.
I thought it was not that hard to understand.

August is holiday time for lots of people.

March ? Not that much if any.

People just take vacations whenever they can get the time. Here, August is generally not a common vacation time since school is starting again and it’s peak productivity season.
Since my main CMDR is quite far away, beyond Colonia a bit, I've dusted off and moved my other, rarely loaded, spare CMDR (Horizons only) into HIP 22460, just to have a peek to see what if anything will happen.

Knowing my luck he'll likely be in the completely wrong position in the star system to see anything interesting happen - and then he'll mutter "every. single. time..."

Or he'll get sucked into Witch Space.
I'm kind of torn.

I've been milling around the Pleiades the past few days doing random things trying to get back in the groove after not playing for a while. All the jumping around I've been doing and not hyperdicted once, even in/out of HIP 22460. I've never attacked a Thargoid, or picked up their Sensors, or anything, so I've never been "marked" or whatever.

So, I'd like to be in-system during the kickoff just to see the fireworks, but I also don't want to ruin my "status" (or whatever) by being right in the middle of ground zero for "Thargoid genocide day." I'd like to remain a "non-enemy" in case some other gameplay avenues arrive later down the line.
I, like so many others, have moved my carrier to a nearby system, so I have all my ships nearby; but remembering the tools Drew had to set up events, I'm not convinced there will be much exciting going on; ideally it should be something every commander can see in game at their own pace, but I doubt it will be. Then again, let's hope "narratives" actually means something this time, and there's single player content. But maybe they'll just boost the Thargoid spawn, so everyone can fight one at least? That'll be enough for me, as I've yet to do so...
I parked the carrier about 40ly away and now I'm sitting on 10A looking up at 10B.... Guess we will all know in a few hours.
Wish everyone good fortune who'll be there, unfortunately I'm gonna miss it this time. Hopefully the reports of carnage in the aftermath will make me nostalgic for the time I was aboard the Gnosis during it's wayward trip. :)
Managed to get a half decent internet connection last night and parked 'Thunder Child' my battered old AX Annie on 10A.
Usually listen to some Nightwish or my regular festival track Wasted Rock Ranger by Great White on the way to site every morning.......not today!


Afterall it was this week that they invaded :ROFLMAO:

Good luck everyone, just hope there will be something still to look at later tonight.

on holiday in Filey near Scarborough. no gaming for me this week.
may stick the next live stream on esp if there are cosmetic drops.

I hope what ever happens is something everyone can get to see at some point in the future and not a timed event for the lucky few
I'll be eating lunch, then doing housework and waiting for a Tesco delivery when/if the patch drops. I might fire up the download but I won't be playing.

Down to Earth Astronomy said yesterday that he's going to stream as soon as the patch goes live so I might put that on in the background.
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