
  1. A

    Help Needed! Low Performance, Laggy despite 3080 Ti

    I have an Alienware gaming laptop with these specs attached below: according to this, I have way more than enough to run the game (I also have 2TB SSD) and yet it is very, very slow. even for small parks. I just whipped my entire laptop, updated everything, have it plugged in, and have power...
  2. M

    Tooltips not showing up when item is selected, lag when hovering over ui elements, hdr way too dark, first person camera movement smoothing.

    Whenever you have an item selected, you cannot see the tooltip names of the item your cursing is above. When you do not already have an item selected you can see the items tooltip name. This is what it looks like when no item has been selected and is ready to be placed. This is what is looks...
  3. R

    Unable to provide for more habitats?

    Hi i have recently started playing 2 weeks ago and was enjoying the steep learning curve when i hit approximately 8000 guests and started lagging. Found the limit guest function and placed that down for a bit but at this point if i dont uncap the guest i wont have enough income to place more...
  4. KaoRu

    Lag and crashing? Educational object in wrong place? Keepers not filling all feeders!

    So I haven't played Planet Zoo for a few weeks aswell as be on this forum so I'm not sure which of the last 2-3 updates did it but I finally played again today and it was laggy and whenever I clicked settings the game would freeze and then crash. Has this happened to anyone else? Also I noticed...
  5. Saluki

    Major lag improvement soloution

    Hello, I think that I've come up with a good way to optimize lag in Planet Zoo. There should be a way for people to set a "Rendered Visitor Cap" - this wouldn't change the total number of visitors your park can support, just the total number that actually get rendered. If this was enabled on...
  6. R

    Major audio latency

    So this has happened twice now, Im playing then all of a sudden i get audio playing from hours ago. I was mat farming a few hrs ago and now i get replays of that audio, Weapons fire and sfx of my srv, it seems to be on a loop just playing maybe 30 seconds then restarts. And even after i exit out...
  7. C

    Terrible damage lag in PVP

    Hi all, I love flying in PvP but recently I've been hit by terrible latency. When I attack my opponent, the damage would only show up on their end after a a little time, which makes PvP combat quite unplayable as by then they would have already shifted their pips into weapons or engines rather...
  8. Jwh1o1

    Lag in Private sessions

    My friends and I have noticed that we are getting a lot of lag in private MP sessions with 3 or more people it gets to the point where we get 2 seconds or more of not being able to move or anything. All we are doing is bounty hunting but the lag is enough that good ships get in between us and...
  9. Beckysaurus III

    Frame Rate Drops - PS4

    I'm experiencing severe frame rate drops, particularly in challenge mode, but generally once I pass the second star mark on any island or once my parks fill up with assets and AI. It usually returns to normal once I delete all my buildings and sell all my dinosaurs and/or there are no guests...
  10. Irios

    It would be nice if FDEV could keep us updated on server problems. Please.

    The last 24 hours we have been plagued with "CONNECTION ERROR - Could not connect to transaction server" disconnects. The game is unplayable in its current state, and it is impossible to find any information whatsoever regarding this issue. (Are you even aware of this problem?). The same goes...
  11. T

    It's now time to throw P2P out the game.

    Dunno what muppet you guys employed to write your netcode, but fixed weapons are just about unplayable at this point, the target reticule making 3-6 inch hops accross the screen, matching no vector whatsoever. GET DEDICATED SERVERS OR HIRE SOMEONE WHO KNOWS WHAT NETCODING IS. Seriously, it's...
  12. theGunner76

    Galaxy map LAG

    Was just logging in today to gather intel on my next stretch, when I experienced the mother of all lags! Im about half way to Sag A, and have had lag before, but nothing like this. It was completely useless... So im wondering. Is there any trick to get around this? Ticking of every Star type...
  13. Serenity03

    Mission board issues and wing missions in SOLO play? Why?

    Please remove wing missions from the mission boards when in solo play. For two very important reasons. 1) Its solo play! 2) You replaced a big part of the reputation building missions and solo missions with wing missions. Now trying to build rep is even more of a grind than it already was...
  14. W

    Keep having connection errors when coming out of supercruise at particular station! >:(

    This keeps happening to me at a specific station. When doing evacuation passenger missions, the "coming out of supercruise" phase keeps freezing randomly, then I will get a connection error. And like every second time I redock at the damaged starport the passenger lounge experiences a server...
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