
  1. Bionic Bytes

    No option to dock

    So a little background first. I've been engaged in powerplay for the last few weeks and have become hostile in Federation space...and as I understand it it's just a powerplay thing meaning that the super power hates me, not specific local factions. Anyway, my latest activity whilst I wait for...
  2. BZSm1th

    PS4 Chat (Noob question - apologies in advance)

    Just started playing ED (love it by the way...totally addicted, no sleep, unhappy wife etc etc etc lol) Couple of questions regarding the Comms panel How do you replay directly to another player (instead of simply messagign local) More of a console question in general, but will any USB...
  3. zeppeldep

    South African Elite backers

    Hi There... If there are any other South African Elite backers.. and If they use Steam.. I started a Steam group for south african space sim fans: ZA Space Sim Gamers (ZASSG) Come join me... lets form squads in online space sim games.. : )
  4. deej

    Will Elite Dangerous Launch on Steam?

    Steam? Will E4D evetually make it's way to steam once released? The reason why I asked is because on numerous occasions friends of mine have bought the game they saw me playing a lot.
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