
  1. N

    Unable to launch Elite Dangerous via SteamLink

    I've been playing Elite Dangerous for just nearly 1300 hours over the years since Horizons and since Odyssey's release. I've always been able to launch via Big Picture Mode on my SteamLink until the latest version 16 launcher update. Now, it's nearly impossible to launch via Big Picture mode...
  2. -EJ-

    In the market for some data material, Happy to negotiate.

    Hi there y'all, I'm just looking for some assistance with the procurement of some odyssey data. Having finally gathered all the manufactured materials I require, I'm pretty beat and hitting a brick wall at this point from all the grinding so I figured I'd throw up buy orders for the following...
  3. T

    Odessys UI...... Come on now!

    Is it just me!? Just to start I know horizons UI did need a little polish I'll admit....but I finally caved an bought the oddity DLC and at first I was super excited to be running around with my new legs an gasping at the sheer size of my krait!! Like holy hell that's one big pony!! But after...
  4. Commander Wolfy

    Odyssey on Consoles?

    One Of my subscribers commented on my video saying “when is Odyssey going to come to consoles?” Does anyone know If Odyssey is coming and when?

    SRV boarding makes loot float

    i parked near some wreckage and used the laser cutter to pop one of those rack of canisters. i walked back to my SRV and boarded. when i got back in my SRV all the cannisters and other loose stuff to pick up was floating a short distance out of reach. not sure if this has been reported yet. this...
  6. J

    Let us swap suits in loadouts

    No, seriously. Let me swap suits in a loadout. I'm tired of creating a loadout just to equip my newest higher level suit and then delete the old loadout.
  7. Moon dog

    Activities in elite/immersion

    I would love to go to a poor run down starport and drink some bootleg liquor!!.just think all the immersion odessy could bring.u could play poker and gamble ur ship away lol or or steal ships ull never could afford or even buy a little run down apt..endless options if they play there cards...
  8. I

    Newcomer / Intro how to equip things in engineering modification slots for you on foot weapions

    Hi all, I'm confused to how I would equip things to the engineering modification slots for any of my on foot weapons i have a lvl 3 plasma rifle that i found in the pioneer supples, but havent been able to find anything on google about how to equp things to the slots. any help would be great...
  9. Massacre2011

    Modes Odyssey The Start of a New Mediocre Loop: The New Hotel California.

    With Frontier now working on fixing Odyssey I find myself wondering if it will continue Frontier's trend of getting it to work and not evolving the idea into a more flush out system within Elite. We have already seen this with Fleet Carriers, Multi-Crew, Powerplay, the bounty system, etc. It's...
  10. D

    Generic security team accompaniment on away missions if on foot crew isn’t available

    These guys would have dominator suits as standard and some would carry plasma pistols some lasers and some explosives and ballistics his or her affinity determines alll
  11. O

    Quality of life and what commitment you would be satisfied with.

    Hi there, I realised that we are all have great conversations about the same things but there getting buried in busy forum. So I had the idea of having just two questions. And if everyone clicks to like the answers then FDevs will know what they can do to help. Question one is what is the...
  12. M

    Temperature Issues for missions.

    So I've been experiencing issues with the temperatures being too hot or cold on planets when trying to disembark to complete a mission. I contacted the support team and they said to offer up any suggestions I had here. So I have a couple of ideas that I think could help this issue: 1. Allow us...
  13. P

    Dont you just love the orange of Elite Dangerous

    No not the hud the orange sidewinder message I was even excited when I got a blue cobra. For the past 4 yes I said 4 days I have been totally unable to get into the game past the player mode selection not in Odessy not in Horizons not in Beyond. So Friday was a hot fix more like the beginning...
  14. S

    Trying very hard to enjoy Odyssey...

    I came to Odyssey with extremely low expectations so the alpha... was actually kinda okay. But the more I play the release the more I find that I can't really find enjoy this..... I wasted 2 hours trying to get into 4 different combat zones in 2 different systems. Each time the zones were...
  15. M

    Disgruntled customer

    Ok so odyssey has been out for a few days now. I'm going to be honest, this is honestly pathetic. You people had 3-4 years, 3 to 4 YEARS to deliver...this? A buggy mess that is atrocious for a majority of people. I can excuse crashes when a release for a game like elite where its got a LOT of...
  16. D

    Lost missions and Merits in Odyssey

    Good morning, I kept two missions yesterday as it was getting late and this morning they have disappeared this morning and all progress has disappeared. Since I was working for a few hours on the Mission with a 30 mil payout this is quite annoying. I also lost the power play merits I shipped...
  17. S

    Visiting engineers feels like walking into a wax museum.

    I was a little excited to see how FDev could up the interaction or at least the immersiveness but I just visited deciat to find a lifeless, almost t-posing, Farseer just standing there, in a garage, by herself, surrounded by soda cans and rubbish. No hub at the station, no interesting...
  18. Genxav

    Scanning (non-illegal) mode turned bloody

    Story Time So I'm trying to do a fetch quest, looking for a locker and strolling around the place. I pull out my scanner and do a non-illegal scan. "BOUNTY DETECTED" (on scanned NPC) screams VERITY. Now the NPC proceeds to pull out his weapon and start shooting at me, the whole base turned...
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