1.5 VR Update

the switcher app i installed was packet sniffing my internet in the background, and acting as a proxy for something else, I wasn't sure what,
maybe i installed the wrong switcher app or something,
won't be doing that again.


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Beta no longer supports Extended Mode - just supports HMD mode now. Everything works fine in live build, just the beta gives the horrible flickering......

Really? I've been playing the 1.5 beta with the OR in extended mode - runtime, GTX 980 with 358.50 driver - not checked the frame rate but looks pretty smooth to me, even around stations ...

Switched to .5.0.1 and flickering disappeared. Getting blurring which i've seen before when I was using too much DSR but not worked out how to fix yet. Still using HMD mode as that's all I can select in 1.5 beta 3

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correction - I can use extended mode and it fixes everything (Option in graphics settings does now call it HMD rather than Oculus Rift. I shouldn't assume.........)

Now I can get on with the Windows 10 upgrade
SC (in Odomazotz) still stutters like hell for me. Weird thing is it only starts after a few seconds, before that it's totally smooth. But it's the same as pre-1.5.

Yes, I've had occassional stutter in vanilla ED with a DKII. I found it tended to go away after a session change (going into, coming out of frame shift for example). When it's "on" it's horrific though. Turns my stomach inside out.
The subtle swaying of the view when yawing or pitching they introduced in this beta is terrible. This is the first time since ED came out I felt really nauseous after 1hr of playing in the Rift.
The effect is hard to see but I started to feel a bit queasy a minute after launching already.
I really hope they remove that before 1.5 goes live because I woudln't be able to play that way. I'd even prefer SC stutter to that.
It also goes against all guidelines for VR development - never force a movement on the player's POV that doesn't come from head movement!
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