2023 Essential habitat animals META-WISHLIST:

1. Secretary bird
2. Coquerel's sifaka
3. Fossa
4. Klipspringer
5. Sichuan takin
6. Northern Luzon giant cloud rat
7. South American coat
8. African crested porcupine
9. Marabou
10. Yellow-backed duiker
11. Wolverine
12. Pere David's deer
13. Southern gerenuk
14. Ratel
15. Javan langur
16. Gelada
17. North Island brown kiwi
18. Tasmanian devil
19. Javan banteng
20. Tadjik markhor
21. Red river hog
22. Fishing cat
23. Mantled guereza
24. Goodfellow's tree kangaroo
25. Yellow-footed rock wallaby
26. Bennett's wallaby
27. European bison
28. Common eland
29. Hawaiian goose
30. Laysan teal
31. Eastern black rhinoceros
32. Watusi cattle
33. Six-banded armadillo
34. Grey-crowned crane
35. Shoebill
36. Reeve's muntjac
37. Himalayan tahr
38. Barbary sheep
39. Somali wild ass
40. Greenland musk ox
41. Bush dog
42. Manul
43. DeBrazza's monkey
44. Great white pelican
45. Vicuña
46. Patagonian sea lion
47. Darwin's rhea
48. Patagonian mara
49. Aye-aye
50. Striped hyena
I’ll put my top 50 most wanted terrestrial and aquatic habitat species in order, like was allowed on Random Goat’s meta-list. But this new list still does not account for many of the “new” things we all know are now possible. Flying species are now entering PZ with the soon-to-come fruit bat. Why aren’t flying species allowed in this list? Without them this list will just be a repeat of the other, older meta-list with only some minor differences.

1. West Indian Manatee
2. Arapaima
3. Alligator Snapping Turtle
4. Coconut Crab
5. Mandarin Duck
6. Greater Roadrunner
7. Beluga
8. Burrowing Owl
9. Secretary Bird
10. Green Sea Turtle
11. Snowshoe Hare
12. Blacktip Reef Shark
13. Bottlenose Dolphin
14. Koi Fish
15. Pacu
16. Hawaiian Goose (Nene)
17. Southern Ground Hornbill
18. Mute Swan
19. Bush Baby (Galago)
20. Freshwater Stingray
21. Brown Pelican
22. Nicobar Pigeon
23. Wattled Jacana
24. Goodfellow’s Tree Kangaroo
25. Golden Lion Tamarin
26. Helmeted Guineafowl
27. Atlantic Goliath Grouper
28. Atlantic Puffin
29. Geoffrey’s Spider Monkey
30. Linnaeus’s Two-Toed Sloth
31. Tasmanian Devil
32. Chinese Giant Salamander
33. Indian Giant Squirrel
34. Gelada
35. Colobus Monkey (Mantled Guereza)
36. Nine-Banded Armadillo
37. Shoebill
38. Walrus
39. Desert Tortoise
40. African Crested Porcupine
41. South American Coati
42. Short-Beaked Echidna
43. Black-Footed Ferret
44. Musk Ox
45. South African Springhare
46. North Island Brown Kiwi
47. Lesser Mouse Deer
48. Northern Luzon Giant Cloud Rat
49. Pallas Cat
50. Argentine Black-and-White Tegu
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1. American Elk
2. American Black Bear
3. Whitetail Deer
4. Bobcat
5. Roseate Spoonbill
6. Alligator Snapping Turtle
7. American Crocodile
8. American Marten
9. Greater Roadrunner
10. Desert Tortoise
11. Nine-Banded Armadillo
12. Ocelot
13. White-Nosed Coati
14. Ringtail
15. North American River Otter
16. Sandhill Crane
17. Eastern Wild Turkey
18. North American Porcupine
19. Canada Lynx
20. Virginia Opossum
21. Atlantic Harbor Seal
22. Domestic Sheep
23. Domestic Goat
24. Black-Handed Spider Monkey
25. Dromedary Camel
  1. Sloth (any)
  2. Goose or Swan (any)
  3. Walrus
  4. Elephant Seal
  5. Kiwi Bird
  6. Pelican (any)
  7. Scarlet Ibis
  8. Tassie Devil
  9. Prehensile-Tailed Porcupine
  10. Crested Porcupine
  11. Emu
  12. Fossa
  13. Tree Kangaroo (any)
  14. Giant Salamander
  15. Alligator Snapping Turtle
  16. Mata Mata Turtle
  17. Shoebill
  18. Red River Hog
  19. Indian Giant Squirrel
  20. Chinese Giant Squirrel
  21. Nilgai
  22. Wallaby (any)
  23. Leopard Seal
  24. Sea Otter
  25. Giant Eland
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Flying species are now entering PZ with the soon-to-come fruit bat. Why aren’t flying species allowed in this list? Without them this list will just be a repeat of the other, older meta-list with only some minor differences.

We don't know what type of enclosure flying birds will use, so we don't know where to list them. But it's probably not under the "habitat animal" wishlist. Probably an exhibit animal wishlist? Unless they make something new.

I assume this list will still turn out very different, because the old one includes older choices of people who didn't know which species would be included in the packs we have now. So for instance, if someone who was including lots of cat species in the early days is now satisfied with the amount of cats in-game, the many cats on their list would no longer represent what they currently want.
I’ll put my top 50 most wanted terrestrial and aquatic habitat species in order, like was allowed on Random Goat’s meta-list. But this new list still does not account for many of the “new” things we all know are now possible. Flying species are now entering PZ with the soon-to-come fruit bat. Why aren’t flying species allowed in this list? Without them this list will just be a repeat of the other, older meta-list with only some minor differences.

There is an aviary wishlist. (https://forums.frontier.co.uk/threads/essential-aviary-animals.565435/)
1) Emu
2) Tassie devil
3) Quokka
4) Short-beaked echidna
5) Brushtail possum
6) Bennett's wallaby
7) North Island brown kiwi
8) Matschie's tree-kangaroo
9) Greater rhea
10) Sloth bear
11) Caracal
12) Gelada baboon
13) Dromedary camel
14) Spectacled bear
15) Ocelot
16) Kinkajou
17) Collared peccary
18) Linnaeus's two-toed sloth
19) Patagonian mara
20) Golden lion tamarin
21) Mantled guereza
22) Three-banded armadillo
23) Brazilian porcupine
24) Indian crested porcupine
25) Sumatran rhino

26) North American porcupine
27) American black bear
28) African leopard
29) Hamadryas baboon
30) Bush dog
31) Pallas's cat
32) South American coati
33) White-nosed coati
34) Black-headed spider monkey
35) Black howler monkey
36) Common marmoset
37) Maned wolf
38) Secretarybird
39) Shoebill
40) Magpie goose
41) Australian pelican
42) Sumatran tiger
43) Grey-crowned crane
44) Roseate spoonbill
45) Yellow-throated marten
46) Fossa
47) Himalayan tahr
48) Hoffmann's two-toed sloth
49) Saiga
50) Black rhino
1. Secretary Bird
2. Virginia Opossum
3. Common Treeshrew
4. Cape Porcupine
5. Red Squirrel
6. Hoffman's Two-Toed Sloth
7. Mallard
8. Shoebill
9. Quokka
10. Among us
11. Walrus
12. Harp Seal
13. Rockhopper Penguin
14. anne robinson
15. Hare
16. Mongoose
17. Yak
18. Groundhog
19. Weasel
20. Jackal
21. Dugong
22. Civet
23. Marmoset
24. Thorny Devil
25. Highland Cow
1. Secretary Bird
2. Virginia Opossum
3. Common Treeshrew
4. Cape Porcupine
5. Red Squirrel
6. Hoffman's Two-Toed Sloth
7. Mallard
8. Shoebill
9. Quokka
10. Among us
11. Walrus
12. Harp Seal
13. Rockhopper Penguin
14. anne robinson
15. Hare
16. Mongoose
17. Yak
18. Groundhog
19. Weasel
20. Jackal
21. Dugong
22. Civet
23. Marmoset
24. Thorny Devil
25. Highland Cow
This list is sus
1) Black Rhinoceros
2) Talkin (Sichuan)
3) American Black Bear
4) Maned Wolf
5) Pacific Walrus
6) Mountain Goat
7) Striped Hyena
8) Gaur
9) Dromedary Camel
10) Sloth Bear
11) Wolverine
12) Spectacled Bear
13) Asian Lion
14) Giant Eland
15) Giant Kudu
16) Nigial
17) Southern Elephant Seal
18) Golden Snub Nose Monkey
19) Secretary Bird
20) Golden Pheasant
21) YangTze Crocodile
22) Wild Boar
23) Red Deer
24) Hamadryas Baboon
25) Black Buck
1. Kiwi
2. Sloth species

3. Great white Pelican
4. Howler monkey
5. Spoonbill
6. Red river hog
7. Secretary bird
8. Lion Tailed Macaque
9. Golden Lion tamarin
10. patagonian Mara
11. Maned wolf
12. Tiger Quoll
13. Emu
14. Tasmanian devil

15. Wolverine
16. Honey badger
17. Lar gibbon
18. striped hyena
19. Crested porcupine

20. Scarlet Ibis
21. Helmeted guineafowl
22. Andean bear
23. Gold takin
24. Addax
25. Collared peccary
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1. Domestic Yak
2. South American Coati
3. Alpine Marmot
4. Wild Boar
5. Cotton Top Tamarin
6. Nigerian Dwarf Goat
7. Domestic Donkey
8. Emperor Tamarin
9. Coppery Titi
10. Azaras Night Monkey
11. White Faced Saki
12. Mallard Duck
13. Mandarin Duck
14. Yellow Throated Marten
15. Tree Kangaroo
16. Victoria Crowned Pidgeon
17. Hawaian Goose
18. Parsons Chameleon
19. Black Swan
20. Celebes Crested Macaque
21. De Braza Monkey
22. Low Land Anoa
23. Patagonian Mara
24. Collared Peccary
25. White Stork
26. Wester Capercallie
27. Blackbuck
28. Nilgai
29. Red Deer
30. Reevees Muntjac
31. Canadian Goose
32. White Faced Whistling Duck

Tdlr: Monkeys and Birds Baby, Monkeys and Birds
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  1. Dibatag
  2. Hirola
  3. Spotted Cuscus
  4. Banded Linsang
  5. Tiger Quoll
  6. Kagu
  7. Fanaloka
  8. Tayra
  9. Tomistoma
  10. Satyr Tragopan
  11. Greater Malayan Chevrotain
  12. Red Uakari
  13. Barasingha
  14. Chiru
  15. Vaal Rhebok
  16. Persian Onager
  17. Patagonian Huemul
  18. Chousingha
  19. Culpeo
  20. Kodkod
  21. African Jacana
  22. Lac Alaotra Bamboo Lemur
  23. Kipunji
  24. Southern Viscacha
  25. Northern Black Koorhan
This list taught me there are a lot of animals I still don't know about.
Yeah i didn't know about the kipunji existence, not even by other name. The rest i know them though. I don't think any of those are really "essential" for the game as a whole though, but we all have our sepecific wishes and necesities i guess 😅
1. Wolverine
2. Yellow-throated marten
3. Striped polecat
4. Spotted skunk
5. Honey badger
6. Japanese badger
7. American badger
8. Red river hog
9. Wild Boar
10. Peccary
11. Giant forest hog
12. Aardwolf
13. Maned wolf
14. Fossa
15. Civet (any)
16. Tasmanian devil
17. Quoll
18. Tanuki
19. Sea otter
20. Musk deer
1. Secretary Bird
2. Marine Iguana
3. Wild Boar
4. Wallrus
5. Wolverine
6. Harpy Eagle
7. Ducks
8. Toco Toucan
9. Griffon Vulture
10. Bald Eagle
11. Hare
12. Green Sea Turtle
13. Red River Hog
14. Japanese Giant Salamander
15. Black Rhino
16. Narwhal
17. Amazon River Dolphin
18. Brown Pelican
19. Markhor
20. Wandering Albatross
21. Wild Yak
22. Saiga Antelope
23. Puffin
24. Red-Footed Tortoise
The 2023 list is updated. I kind of like comparing the counting systems. This was fun and interesting. I've been learning a lot about different types of animals from the lovely people of this forum, but I'm no expert in wildlife. If anyone sees a glaring issue, please let me know.

A few of reminders:
  1. There are no substitutions (no re-voting), but I will renew the list around the next anniversary if the developers continue support. You can change up your votes then.
  2. No exhibit animals or aviary birds, please.
  3. If you haven't done so, please submit your top 25 essential habitat animals to random goat's list. It has many more participants, and your choices should be counted there as well.
A few notes:
  1. I skipped animals with fewer than one vote in the hybrid list to keep things somewhat controlled.
  2. The hybrid list takes 25% of the priority to favorites list points (uses all 50) and all of the count list points (uses top 25) to give each list equal weight.
  3. Thank you to all participants! I will count the votes again next month.
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