I think this is a good place to copy my wishlist to, hopefully all these animals are already in those huge lists?
My wishlist is very powerful as all animals on it are very unique and not like animals already in the game at all! (which for you would be bad as you have to create them all from scratch lol)
I'm not a fan of duplicate animals, such as more zebra, lion, gorilla or giraffe variants, they aren't like Asian and African Rhinoceros, looking completly differently, only their colors are different and other minor differences.
Don't care for Leopards and Nile Crocodiles, sorry, so they only get a negative mention.
Now for my favorite 30 animals to be still included:
1: Markhor, make it happen, this game feels incomplete without it!
2: Maned Wolf, so many canines, while the most awesome one of them is still missing!
3: Saiga, the most bizarre of antelopes with its funny looking dust-mask nose.
4: Platypus, another bizarre animals this game can't be complete without.
5: Kiwi, really lovely ground birds!
6: Tasmanian Devil, a fan-favorite, and rightfully so!
7: Leopard Seal, I don't know if it would be realistic in a zoo, but this is by far the most awesome sea-mammal out there!
8: Capybara, worlds most friendly animal, the zoo feels dark without them!
9: Roadrunner Bird, no they won't fly away more than Flamingo's could, these symbols of speed are really awesome, and another bird is always good!
10: Frilled Lizard, is it big enough to be in a enclosure? I hope so, they are my favorite lizards!
11: Alligator Snapping Turtle, the only turtle I care about, nasty, big and mean.
12: Giant Salamander, the only amphibian big enough to be in a enclosure.
13: Lyrebird, the most beautiful of birds that can copy ANY sound, how awesome! The size of a peacock, so it can be in the zoo with ease.
14: Musk Deer, Deer Dragula, missed oppertunity with this latest asian pack, would have been better than the Dhole in my opinion.
15: Gelada, these mountain baboon-like creatures are awesome, I always put them with the Ibex and Markhor in my zoo tycoon enclosures.
16: Generuk,The most bizarre of the african missing antelopes, so I really want it!
17: Fossa, My username, the biggest predator of Madagaskar could not be absent!
18: Crested Porcupine, never been in a zoo-game before, WHY? these lion-killers are awesome!
19: Honey Badger, The strength of a wolf and the fearsomeness of a bear, aswesome critters!
20: Serval, The cat version of the Maned Wolf!
21: Shoebill, this game need more birds, well this is one of the very best and strange!
22: Secretary Bird, This is really one of my favorite birds after the Lyre and Cassowary! An eagle on stilts
23: Waterbuck, I just love the fact that they live in water and their flesh is very bad tasting so crocodiles won't often grab them.
24: Red River Hog, miss piggy, the vain and beautiful strange family member of the pigs.
25: African Ground Hornbill, cool birds!
26: Caracal. Another awesome smaller cat, and we need an Lynx/bobcat!
27: Ocelot, small but very beautiful!
28: Grey Fox, these beautiful foxes can climb in trees, how bizarre and awesome!
29: Sloth (ANY), preferable the biggest one, they are slow and dull, but still awesome!
30: Aardwolf, both awesome canines that are very different from other canines as they eat mostly insects.
Others: (you can ignore these animals for this topic, but I still want to mention them!
Giant Armadillo, rather rare, but maybe too much like giant anteater and pangolin...
Tree Kangaroo's, North American Porcupine (tree version) and Small Tamandua Anteaters are also cute!
Other than these the obivious ones that I don't like as much but which I still want in zoo's: White Rhinoceros, Puma, Bighorn Sheep, Meerkat, Fennec Fox, Polar Fox, Fallow Deer, Emu, Nandu, Musk Ox, Wombat, Moose, Beaver, Walrus, Small Penguin, Elephant Seal and Desert Skunk.
Of Course there are some fish, insects and smaller reptiles as well, but they aren't my main priority to get into this awesome game.
FAVORITE FISH: Cookie Cutter Shark, Any Seahorse, Piranha, Electric Eel, Giant Stingray, Thresher Shark, Airapaima, Alligator Gar, Blue Marlin, Sawfish, Moray Eel, Mudskipper, and Goliath Tigerfish.
FAVORITE BUGS: Mantis (any), Water Bugs, Pond Skaters, Mantis Shrimp, Emerald Wasp, Assassin Bug. Ogre Spider, Trapdoor Spider, Bombardier Beetles, Antlion (but only the larvae), butterfly garden with all types of butterflies and moths.
FAVORITE CAGE BIRDS: Harpy Eagle, African Jacana, Quetzal, Hoopoe, Kookaburra, Kea, Victoria Crowned Pidgeon, Snowy Owl, Ground Owl, Hoatzin, King Vulture, Bearded Vulture, Hummingbird, Waterfall Duck, and Caracara, Pheasants (Lady Amherst, Golden and Blood), Pitohui (poison bird)
FAVORITE AMPHIBIANS: Axolotl, Caecilian, and Olm, and the Surinam Toad.
FAVORITE SMALL REPTILES: Moloch, Basilisk, Matamata, Vine Snake, Chameleons.
In aquariums I also like decorative animals such as starfish, urchins, anemones, coral and jellyfish. Don't forget about the awesome Crown Of Thorns starfish as well.
After you're done with these awesome animals, it's time to give the guest humans some re-skins and more models, they are a bit ugly compared to the animals.