4.0 Access on PC: FAQ

will you be testing (and fixing?) Horizons 4.0 for RX6000 series cards
There is no issue with the currently recommended driver, only with the following optional ones, is it truly Frontier's responsibility to 'fix' a driver that has issues in other titles, and then 'fix' it again if AMD find the cause of the issue and the Frontier 'fix' then makes the game 'incompatible' once more? (in your opinion)
Totally a non-issue. Increase the Horizons 4.0 age rating and put a mandatory pop-up in which requires the player to consent on first launch of Horizons 4.0. If they do and they're in fact younger, it's on them. If they don't, then they can't use 4.0 and have to stay on 3.8, which of course keeps it's current rating. This would only be a problem if 4.0 replaced 3.8, but both will coexist.
If it were purely down to PEGI rating, then yes. I completely agree. Just raise the PEGI for build 4.0 and a consent button to allow access. In an ideal situation, Horizon 4.0 should be able to see foot combat and take part from their ships or SRV but not disembark. It would probably be good advertising for the Odyssey DLC.

You can understand how shooting made-up pixel spaceships requires a much lower rating than murdering realistic pixel people. EDH has a PEGI 7 and T - teen rating, but I doubt there's a huge number of 7 yr olds playing. Increasing EDH to PEGI 16 / Teen rating won't impact the playerbase much at all.

If that was the only thing stopping them, FDev would have done it already. There must be technical issues as to instancing foot and ship gamers.
If it were purely down to PEGI rating, then yes. I completely agree. Just raise the PEGI for build 4.0 and a consent button to allow access. In an ideal situation, Horizon 4.0 should be able to see foot combat and take part from their ships or SRV but not disembark. It would probably be good advertising for the Odyssey DLC.

You can understand how shooting made-up pixel spaceships requires a much lower rating than murdering realistic pixel people. EDH has a PEGI 7 and T - teen rating, but I doubt there's a huge number of 7 yr olds playing. Increasing EDH to PEGI 16 / Teen rating won't impact the playerbase much at all.

If that was the only thing stopping them, FDev would have done it already. There must be technical issues as to instancing foot and ship gamers.
I can think of none. The codebase is one and the same, and so already has to have code in place which player gets to access what.
There is no issue with the currently recommended driver, only with the following optional ones, is it truly Frontier's responsibility to 'fix' a driver that has issues in other titles, and then 'fix' it again if AMD find the cause of the issue and the Frontier 'fix' then makes the game 'incompatible' once more? (in your opinion)
Thanks for that first part - that's a relief for me.
As for the second part - no, I don't expect FD to fix it alone. But FD probably has better contacts (and more leverage) towards AMD than individual players. As for what I'd expect from FD would be to have someone sit into a room with a few PCs and AMD 6000 cards for a couple of weeks and let them figure out a viable minimum workaround. The player community (not going to name names, you know who I mean) already has contributed a lot in that direction, but they're limited in what they can cover.
I see. It appears to be more codebases, not less, to worry about, and I'm not sure the diluted instancing pool is great either. But it's good to see you guys have laid a clear road forward for yourselves.
Will this change anyting for a proper VR on foot gameplay? (For example: enabling 360° view when we move our heads around?)
I think they're acknowledging that 4.0 is going to affect performance, so they're giving people the option to stay on 3.8 in case 4.0 isn't playable on their machines. That's just my guess.
If this is the case, then it's just FDev trying to please everyone and breaking the game in the process, as usual... Smh

In my opinion they should just acknowledge the game as a live service and that the requirements will increase over time (like Eve Online or something) or stick to a single player game format and that's it.

To me it seems like they try to be everything and ends being nothing cause they just don't focus on a vision of what they want the game to be. Ends being a kind of Frankenstein, all fragmented, pieces of an awesome game that don't work together the right way.

Don't get me wrong... I think the game is amazing, the tech, the expansiveness, but it has so much more potential. Seems like it's all there but they need to "unlock" it by making the right decisions.
If this is the case, then it's just FDev trying to please everyone and breaking the game in the process, as usual... Smh
In what way is the game "broken"? It might not be the greatest analogy, but it would be something like World of Warcraft having "classic" servers now, alongside the main servers.

To those of us playing EDO, there is no real distinction between someone being allowed to play on 3.8, separate from us, and those same people not being able to play at all because their machine can't handle 4.0. However, the former case at least allows people to continue playing a game they presumably enjoy playing. I don't see the downside.

My major confusion/complaint is that Horizons and Odyssey 4.0 are not instanced together. I'm sure there's a reason for this, but they haven't explained what it is. (which automatically makes me assume the worst but I'm trying my best to fight that urge.)
Good thing that there is a way to alleviate it and Frontier have every right to nudge people into Odyssey. It's there that any further future developments that are hoped for here will appear.
This is the conclusion I'm trying to avoid-- that they could let Horizon and Odyssey 4.0 play together but they're choosing not to in order to force people to buy a DLC they don't want, in order to play with their friends who do want it.
In what way is the game "broken"? It might not be the greatest analogy, but it would be something like World of Warcraft having "classic" servers now, alongside the main servers.
Broken as in fragmented or lacking the dev capacity to focus on an overall better game. E.g.: I always see people complaining how Odyssey is lacking a lot of things and still have several bugs...
Blizzard has the means, funds and player base to keep running several WoW versions, something I don't think Frontier have atm, at least not at ED disposal, which is a niche game not a worldwide phenomenon.

And also FDev focus on multi-player gameplay but also supports a single player mode game. I meant that kind of thing, that spreads the player base and devs support all over the place (online, offline, 3.8, 4.0 Horizon, 4.0 Odyssey...).

In my opinion a game must be developed primarily with a single player or multi-player experience in mind, not both, and I'm not even mentioning keeping several versions running side-by-side. From a management standpoint this seems like a nightmare, and it must be the case by the way things come out from FDev.

Anyway, this is just my pov and my opinion. I hope for the best.
This is the conclusion I'm trying to avoid-- that they could let Horizon and Odyssey 4.0 play together but they're choosing not to in order to force people to buy a DLC they don't want, in order to play with their friends who do want it.
In your specific example then they can all play together in 3.8? Problem solved, so it sounds like Frontier are accommodating rather than restricting, no?

EDIT; Sorry, misread your post.

Elite has to move forwards to achieve its own end development goal, and there are so many aspects still to come to Elite that there will always be a segment for whom x feature that arrives is unwanted compared to y feature that's coming later, Frontier have to work to bring these features in the best order that is deemed possible for many different reasons - it's just the nature of the beast that it's not going to be everyone's preference. It is to be assumed that there are very few who wish to see Elite's development to halt and Frontier call Elite Dangerous: Horizons feature complete, done and dusted, right?
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Elite has to move forwards to achieve its own end development goal, and there are so many aspects still to come to Elite that there will always be a segment for whom x feature that arrives is unwanted compared to y feature that's coming later, Frontier have to work to bring these features in the best order that is deemed possible for many different reasons - it's just the nature of the beast that it's not going to be everyone's preference. It is to be assumed that there are very few who wish to see Elite's development to halt and Frontier call Elite Dangerous: Horizons feature complete, done and dusted, right?
I can hardly see, how adding non-space FPS may be a move forward for a spacesim. It is beyond my imagination - how anybody could come to conclussion, that all those ppl that played Elite, Frontier, First Encounters, and E: D before ody, did so because what they trully wanted is a non-space FPS. As far as I'm concerned - ody as DLC is just off topic. But frankly - I don't find it to be my problem.
In your specific example then they can all play together in 3.8? Problem solved, so it sounds like Frontier are accommodating rather than restricting, no?

EDIT; Sorry, misread your post.

Elite has to move forwards to achieve its own end development goal, and there are so many aspects still to come to Elite that there will always be a segment for whom x feature that arrives is unwanted compared to y feature that's coming later, Frontier have to work to bring these features in the best order that is deemed possible for many different reasons - it's just the nature of the beast that it's not going to be everyone's preference. It is to be assumed that there are very few who wish to see Elite's development to halt and Frontier call Elite Dangerous: Horizons feature complete, done and dusted, right?
I think it's fair to say that DLC should be treated as an optional enhancement of the game, not a new paywall for features you already had. Don't get me wrong; I think EDO is worth the full price and it's on sale right now, even, but it shouldn't be required to play with people that, for whatever reason, don't find value in it. I mean, they occasionally make a big deal about the "sphere of combat"; we can have horizon's players play alongside us without them ever needing to step foot on the ground.

And to be fair, all of this is working on an assumption without real evidence. We don't know why the player base is fragmented. I don't want that lost in the shuffle.
Broken as in fragmented or lacking the dev capacity to focus on an overall better game. E.g.: I always see people complaining how Odyssey is lacking a lot of things and still have several bugs...
Blizzard has the means, funds and player base to keep running several WoW versions, something I don't think Frontier have atm, at least not at ED disposal, which is a niche game not a worldwide phenomenon.
If I understand correctly, 3.8 will no longer be getting anything more than maintenance updates. I doubt it will be much of a drag on resources. (especially since FDev has a much higher bar for what is considered a "game breaking" bug than I think most of us do.)
Good thing that there is a way to alleviate it and Frontier have every right to nudge people into Odyssey. It's there that any further future developments that are hoped for here will appear.
I actually agree with you, in that if someone enjoys Horizons 4.0, they might as well throw a $20 at Frontier and grab Odyssey on sale. Also, as a Horizons 3.8 holdout, I have no expectations of future content (paint jobs, ships, etc), and I accept that I'm living in a shrinking universe of players. I do wish all the half-baked stuff in Horizons was finished and the bugs fixed before Frontier abandoned it to maintenance mode, but I also understand that there's no economical incentive to continue fixing what is now officially "outdated" code. Heck, I'm actually (pleasantly) surprised that Frontier is keeping 3.8 around on PC.

And who knows, with Horizons 4.0 being the new "official" Horizons, maybe that will incentivize Frontier to fix the remaining performance, lighting, and UI issues, since basically everyone but a small minority will likely be on 4.0 after it releases.
I can hardly see, how adding non-space FPS may be a move forward for a spacesim. It is beyond my imagination -
So visiting the Moon and Mars is irrelevant to the Space program or Space exploration? Or the astronauts who landed on the moon stepping out was also irrelevant? Shooting is part of Elite, whether in a space ship or in the SRV, to not have included shooting elements at all would have been beyond my imagination when it comes to having onfoot gameplay in Elite.

how anybody could come to conclussion, that all those ppl that played Elite, Frontier, First Encounters, and E: D before ody, did so because what they trully wanted is a non-space FPS.
So yeah, I'm one of 'those people' who played original Elite on C64 & Amiga, also Frontier Elite 2 on Amiga, always wished I could get out, walk around and explore.. What can I say? Not everyone shares the same views evidently and as one of 'those people' I can say that you don't speak for me.

As far as I'm concerned - ody as DLC is just off topic. But frankly - I don't find it to be my problem.
That's your opinion and you're entitled to it, but it's just that.
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