97% of Viewers (Players?) Want Ship Interiors!

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TBH now I've experienced the joy of having to run an entire football field to get from the starport lift to my Python's entry point I can safely say I don't want any more of this.
Why? I don't get the appeal. What will walking around a ship add to the game? It will just muddle things. I walked around ships in Star Citizen. It was pointless. "Oh, look, a toilet!" Yes, they have toilets. And the devs think it's "fun" to force you to enter the ship from the rear and walk all the way through to get to the cockpit. Wheeee! Then they hired an FPS map designer to design the interiors. Not an architect, not a ship builder, a map designer. Because ships aren't designed for hauling stuff, they're designed for paintball tournaments. That's what you have to look forward to with ship interiors.
WHOA!! A paintball gun in ED to blind targets... GENIUS!!!

Valid points, but really I think it could be made fun and appropriate. It would just take......., oh yeah imagination and creativity.... which seems to be in short supply these day.
WHOA!! A paintball gun in ED to blind targets... GENIUS!!!

Valid points, but really I think it could be made fun and appropriate. It would just take......., oh yeah imagination and creativity.... which seems to be in short supply these day.
Devs, for any game, have no idea how to make things fun. If they add interiors they will turn everything into a minigame. Back from a base scan mission? Better hurry up and secure your SRV before security finds you.
Well after playing space a legs it's definitely confirmed I only wanted those space legs.

I can't imagine anything further from relevant as upgrading weapons and armor to the limit for no reason whatsoever.

They got away with it in space because there's literally no comparable games. Or games in my backlog register as more important than nothing even if it's in elite.

Moon dog

But really what other space sim u gonna find like elite on Xbox 0% notta none zero.that’s why it’s a poor mans star citizen and deserves to have as much features it can not everyone in the world can afford a fancy computer.it’s best it impressees blue collar joe who wanted to be a astronaut but was a class clown.,and that pot head who wants to see aliens.,I’m just trying to make a point an Xbox is affordable and most PCs that can run it aren’t so if u create a game the with wider range of aspects and diversity it draws in more crowds,and impresses more peps at the same time,also more money.and for all u who disagree just think about that.
And be happy, according to Fdev, and due to some strange quantum physics thing, it's faster to run the entire length of your ship from the outside, than the inside.

Well that makes sense tbh - unless you're implying spaceships are just an open space with no bulkheads, doors, ladders, etc.

I'd like to see how fast Usain Bolt could run the 100 meters inside an access corridor on HMS Sutherland.
A main corridor would make sense. And an easy way to the cockpit to.

You'd need a cockpit, and spacecraft by design are segmented into smaller areas to avoid losing a lot of atmosphere in case of emergency. I doubt it'd be as easy as "climb ladder, get in cockpit"

it's a spaceship, not a B17.

TBH I'd rather do away with the whole lift thing and be able to get back in the ship from the panels in the...promenade?
You'd need a cockpit, and spacecraft by design are segmented into smaller areas to avoid losing a lot of atmosphere in case of emergency. I doubt it'd be as easy as "climb ladder, get in cockpit"

it's a spaceship, not a B17.
Well, they are modeled around WWII planes, so.... You wouldn't have a canopy, or even less a full frontal cockpit, in a spaceship.
Also they are single to 3 crew operated ships. No real need for much seglmentation. We can assume the cargo bay/passenger cabin are separated, and that's about it. No need for the rest.
Well, they are modeled around WWII planes, so.... You wouldn't have a canopy, or even less a full frontal cockpit, in a spaceship.
Also they are single to 3 crew operated ships. No real need for much seglmentation. We can assume the cargo bay/passenger cabin are separated, and that's about it. No need for the rest.

Why wouldn't spaceships have windows? We're not Geth :p
Large ships should have moving sidewalks.

Small ships like the Courier/DBS should have retractable ladders and lifting canopies. Climb up the ladder and jump into the cockpit, canopy goes down and you're off.
Why wouldn't spaceships have windows? We're not Geth :p
It's not windows, you can always say they are a super resistant alloy. But it's both the fact they are pointless (fight in space are likely to be well over visual distance, and eyes can be deceived easily), but mostly because it's easy to spot "the head" and destroy it. having the battle bridge/cockpit well inside the ship make it immune to being destroyed quickly. By the time you reach it, the ship is already gone anyway.
Windows for passenger so they can admire the view ? Yeah sure.
When I heard there was scavenging in EDO, I thought great, a downed ship ripped apart, we can cut our way inside, navigate round the inside and find all the cool goodies to grab, but no, scavenging is basically finding the 4x6 panel that falls in on itself. In the state EDO is in at the moment, I am kind of glad they did not attempt ship interiors or the game would be a bigger cluster than it is now. People would be falling out of their ships left and right. I also don't know if I trust FD to actually come up with useful gameplay uses for interiors, but we have lots of parts of the game that are there just for aesthetics (station interiors, planets, stars, ships), so why not ship interiors? FD can scam some bucks off us for customer wallpaper to pay for the next upgrade.
It's not windows, you can always say they are a super resistant alloy. But it's both the fact they are pointless (fight in space are likely to be well over visual distance, and eyes can be deceived easily), but mostly because it's easy to spot "the head" and destroy it. having the battle bridge/cockpit well inside the ship make it immune to being destroyed quickly. By the time you reach it, the ship is already gone anyway.
Windows for passenger so they can admire the view ? Yeah sure.

I guess logically you're right - but counterpoint is maybe pilots like seeing the view too? :p
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