97% of Viewers (Players?) Want Ship Interiors!

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Really? Always enjoyed just being on a ship, with the exception in ME3 of having to go through that stupid checkpoint into the war room.

Yeah, just not my cup of tea.
We‘re all different and have different tastes.

I wouldn’t start a flame war with you over it though, despite you being objectively wrong about it.
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Nearly seven thousand votes on a community poll on YouTube (so far). Sure, YouTube polls aren't scientific and the audience certainly won't be 100% representative of the entire playerbase.

However, it's likely that ~6693 people out of ~6900 gives good margin for error to confidently say that; "Most players want to see ship interiors added to the game at some point."

Isn't that poll like going into a Pub and asking who wants alcohol based beverages?
Granted, 9 out of the 10 people inside are there to drink some, while the 10th is the bartender.

Personally i dont really want ship interiors.
Simply because when i fly my ship i'm interested in what's happening outside.
Also i dont want the ship interior to hamper my transition to srv or to legs - running through ship corridors, negotiating tight corners and stairs is not my idea of Elite

And no, based on the recent movie, i found the travel from the tube elevator to the parked Dolphin quite a trek. I wonder how long of a trek would have been to board a Clipper that sits in the middle of a large pad
Q: Do you want ship interiors at some point? Y/N
I'm surprised only 97% as I'd be clicking yes...

Q: Do you want ship interiors even if it means that other content will be delayed by 2 years? Y/N

That still might hit 97%, I don't know...

(I have a feeling that 2 months to create 40 ship interiors and provide even skeletal content for them is being a little optimistic)
Sorry, I don't buy that. You can't just start with cosmetics (and nothing else is interiors, after all) and then tack on some "gameplay" later. That has never worked anywhere, and certainly not in ED. Come up with a sustainable concept that requires interiors, then we can talk. "Reasonable amount" is just an empty placeholder. Fill it!
I'm sorry but what. Where did I say ship interiors would be cosmetic only to start with?
Like mission objectives to find the mcguffin inside a derelict/deserted ship (is it actually deserted), a mission to help repair a ship in distress. That's 2 off the top of my head. I'm sure others wil think of more.

The first one has potential, but wouldn't it be more practical in an environment specially designed for that sort of thing, rather than shoehorned into an existing ship structure?

As for the second one, we already have repair limpets.

For about 99% of ideas that people have for ship interiors, we either already have what they want in a faster, more efficient manner(IE repair limpets/AFMU), or it would be better to have that thing but NOT inside ships, simply because it removes a lot of limitations.
Q: Do you want ship interiors at some point? Y/N
I'm surprised only 97% as I'd be clicking yes...

Q: Do you want ship interiors even if it means that other content will be delayed by 2 years? Y/N

That still might hit 97%, I don't know...

(I have a feeling that 2 months to create 40 ship interiors and provide even skeletal content for them is being a little optimistic)
What "other content"? The poll had nothing to do with Odyssey or other content. 😂

It was just a simple question. "Want ship interiors or not?"
The point is, polls can very easily be biased by the context in which they're presented. Great example from a tv show:

The polls can also be very biased when they are done among one's followers.
This plus the context and/or the presentation -- 97% approval rate 😇
Since this keeps getting asked every couple days hours anyway...

Mostly copypasted from past posts, but since this keeps getting asked every couple days anyway...

Ship interiors would allow, among other things:

- EVA from and into other ships (you cannot get inside other ships if they don´t have interiors). This alone provides tons of gameplay opportunities. Pirating, salvaging, rescuing, kidnapping, resupplying, investigating etc etc.

The simple fact you could enter any ship (not just your own) would unlock many gameplay possibilities. You could retrieve the black box to find out what happened to a derelict ship, deliver supplies to ships, recover items from ships, investigate why a stranded ship lost comms, breach a stolen / hijacked ship to recover it or sabotage it, salvage parts from abandoned or wrecked ships, etc etc etc etc.

- Other players seamlessly boarding your ship (or yourself boarding someone else's) to go do some missions / exploration / walkabout / whatever together.

- Salvaging, scaveging parts from inside shipwrecks on the ground (again, you cannot get inside ships without interiors), or sabotage / theft missions from landed ships.

And then there is the immersion value, that will vary for each people of course, but its value is often underrated. For instance, RPG games do not need to have things like day/night cycles, seasonal weathers (or even just weathers), NPC daily routines, etc, none of that provides gameplay on it's own, but all of these make the game world feel much richer and usually enhance your experience while roaming those worlds. Again mileage will vary per person.

I'm pretty sure there's much more...
As opposed to the constant suggestions from some people that "But players don't want ship interiors."? 🙂

No, that would be your presumption. There may be some that say "But players don't want ship interiors." of course, but in general there are those that have a desire for X, and those that have no desire for X. The number of people that want to deny X to anyone is effectively what your question has revealed, not how many people actively hope X is added to the game (within a reasonable timescale, not at the expense of something even better, to a reasonable level of detail that accounts for immersive experiences yada yada all the caveats).

Impressive number of answers though, well done ;)

For clarity, I am interested in spacelegs (zero-G), ship interiors & near-exteriors would play a big part in that if it were added. Mostly I'm looking forward to what was described in another thread as 'Actual Atmospheres' :)
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Who doesn't want ship interiors?

For anyone who doesn't get it, player housing if done well can be quite fun. If there's enough detail, you can get a genuine sensation of having your own little space inside the game. It would probably work better for elite than other games which have it, as there's a strong sense of being in your ship, at least to date.

Combined with repairs after combat or an accident, sounds like an amazing package.

There's only one challenge and its not ours (as players). How to come up with the best compromise of not having every inch of the very large ships modelled. I have a feeling even today with just the externals there are some issues with the lore, cutter, type-9, fdl and mamba being the best examples. My opinion there's no chance to get it right, it might be easier to just call it its going to be some sort of approximation from the start, and design the best compromise possible. It would be a bit of tragedy if frontier are holding off on ship interiors because they're anchoring on "there's no way we can model the entire insides on an anaconda, too hard bucket".

PS. the main point though is the moments of roleplay between doing other things in game. The features of housing and repair just go and justify that. To me its looking like that's how space legs is going to turn out anyway. The real value will be when you go for a walk overlooking a creator and do nothing late one night. Not the marketed features.
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Would be a nice-to-have; probably the next feature block after odyssey full release. Of course, one must weigh ones priorities :). I'd rather you guys clean odyssey or do bug fixes than give new features...even if they are cool ones like this. But I absolutely want this eventually.
View attachment 214664

Nearly seven thousand votes on a community poll on YouTube (so far). Sure, YouTube polls aren't scientific and the audience certainly won't be 100% representative of the entire playerbase.

However, it's likely that ~6693 people out of ~6900 gives good margin for error to confidently say that; "Most players want to see ship interiors added to the game at some point."
What seems to be consistently overlooked by the "gimme ship interiors" crowd is that ship interiors by themselves is a bad idea. Ship interiors with fun gameplay however is a good idea.

Demanding one without the other is idiocy and dooms the feature to failure.
If everyone of those 6693 answered the same way to the question WHY, then it might be worth looking at, other wise what would it bring to the core game play? Combat, trading, exploration?
Since this keeps getting asked every couple days hours anyway...

I'm pretty sure there's much more...

1. Shipboard combat would never happen, for one simple reason: The self destruct button. The instant anyone was in danger of being boarded(which would require their ship to be completely disabled to even start, for obvious reasons), they'd hit the self destruct button and wait 10 seconds. They have literally nothing to lose. Not to mention, it raises questions about stealing ships, which, with engineering, would never, ever be possible. The trading of engineered modules is something Fdev have been strongly against since the very beginning. AND it means that all ships need to be modeled with combat in mind, despite them not being anywhere near designed for that purpose.

ANY proposal that involves fighting on board an active ship is dead in the water.

2. Multicrew seamless entry: So what? That complaint is exactly the same as the one about the player entering their own ship, with exactly the same rebuttals. Heck, multicrew is even worse, because multicrew players can just teleport into a ship from literally anywhere.

3. Salvaging: Crashed ships would require entirely different models anyway, to account for the damage. So there wouldn't be much(if any) overlap with the active ship interiors. Not to mention the fact that you'd be unnecessarily constraining yourself to the model of a ship, when you could make far better gameplay by designing areas specifically for salvage/etc. So you have no gameplay overlap and you're constraining yourself to a worse experience, for no benefit.

4. Immersion. Things like day/night cycles are almost unilaterally one of two things: Either they're extremely simple additions that can be added in short order, or they're active components of gameplay. Day/Night cycles, for example, can influence stealth missions, or different enemies might exist during different parts of the day. The point is, it adds gameplay, not just immersion.

Ship interiors are actively the opposite of both of them. They're massive additions (some ships are the size of an aircraft carrier!), and they add very little prospective gameplay.
Next poll: Find out if people are willing to pay for ship interiors. :)
I'd like to cast my vote now, absolutely yes. Working for free is vastly overrated. I would most certainly pay FDEV for their hard work, pay for interiors and everything else they come up with. And I will buy ARX, go to the store and customize the interiors of my ships, buy all kinds of neat stuff.

Gee wiz, I put over a thousand hours into Elite Dangerous. I will put thousands of more hours into Elite Dangerous. I adore Elite Dangerous. I have the highest admiration for all the folks responsible for making Elite Dangerous. I think the Elite Dangerous community is really fantastic. I'm having a great time. And I'm so glad I pre-ordered Odyssey. I'll gladly buy any future addition to Elite Dangerous, without hesitation and surely without regret.

P.S. You have a wonderful Youtube Channel, CMDR Ant! o7
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