A bind for Shutdown Field Neutraliser

It's needed pretty rarely, but when it's time to use it, it needs to be easily accessible. Pretty frustrating if I over scroll my firing groups and miss it. ECM is a very similar module and it has a bind, so why not SFN? I would even take same bind for both.
Definitely a sound suggestion. Fighting Thargoid interceptors, this is a big limiting factor as you need to keep the groups simple enough to use it effectively. Lately I've mostly skipped it though as hitting FAoff and boosting away, waiting the paralisys out, is good enough...
I've never used SFN, but thought it's an automatic, always-on thing like a shield booster. So you need to fire it while fighting thargoids and your ship want to just shut down? That sucks.
You have to fire it while the shutdown wave of a Thargoid is coming for you. It drains a lot of SYS while it's active, has quite some cooldown if you stop using it and it has to be running the moment the wave hits you. And additional to that, you currently have to have it on your weapon group or quickly switch there, when you hear the warning message.

Having a button for it was suggested many times. I wish that FD would listen to just one of these suggestions and implement that button. It would really be useful and very much welcome. Even better would it be to have several buttons bindable to like "utility 1/2/3/4" and being able to assign them like weapons. But even just a new button for the shutdown field neutralizer would be very welcome.
I know about riding the shutdown with FA off and boost, but managing to "nope" the shutdown is just more satisfying. With the COVAS sometimes bugging and failing to report it and the firing groups being so difficult, I have to predict it before it happens.I usually also FA off and boost just in case.
mine is in my firegroups.
you want it to have its own key , ic

not sure why though other than one person says its easy enough to scroll past.
this, I get, and I have seen sooo many people fumble with groups, or leave a station with wrong weapons, etc...
then you fumble till you notice..

fwiw, for me, I have an interdictor on my combat ships, even if I don't have a use for it, the interdictor marks my spot. so I always easily know which group I am on.
it helps a lot having this as a habit..
any ship I jump into, first thing I do is look at the modules, then the firegroups to see whats what. and if there is no interdictor on the main group, then its the wrong ship.
even if I don't look first, if I don't see it in the main view, I am either on the wrong group or in a non fighting ship
it is always visible in SC or normal space so its a great indicator just like the pointer on an automatic gear shifter...
Would like to second the idea of a shutdown field neutralizer keybind - the UI warning for a shutdown is not always reliable in prolonged/multi-interceptor engagements, and panic swapping firegroups (as you need one for weapons, one for repairs, one for flak in most common AX builds) can lead to awkward fumbles.

It is not essential, but would be a nice quality of life thing - especially if you could hold the button to keep the first SFN charged, then release/ press again to activate the next module in event of multiple SFN (as some Large ships will fit two in case the first one misses, intending to cover a group formation in an AXCZ etc)
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