A Complete Overhaul

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Sounds reasonable, a five year wait for the 'better engine' to be incorporated sounds about right. Were you considering UE5?
I don't know. I don't know enough about it to be able to tell if it would work with the requirements of ED. I do know that CIG are constantly modifying the engine of Star Citizen to fit the requirements of the game. One of the big changes this year will be the transition from a single renderthread on the CPU to multithreaded rendering, properly utilising the modern CPUs.
I want to be able to take part in bombing missions against heavily fortified outpost whilst the fodder run about on the surface.

I want to be able to run high value weapons cargo into hot zones that are truly highly contested and represent a real interactive experience.

I want banana pancakes and maybe a sweet bubble tea after.
I don't know. I don't know enough about it to be able to tell if it would work with the requirements of ED. I do know that CIG are constantly modifying the engine of Star Citizen to fit the requirements of the game. One of the big changes this year will be the transition from a single renderthread on the CPU to multithreaded rendering, properly utilising the modern CPUs.
With the issues currently faced by Frontier in getting their own engine to run Odyssey on low-spec PCs and consoles it may be impractical to use another engine for this iteration of the game - the future could be interesting should they drop this version and bring out V5 with much higher base specs.
With the issues currently faced by Frontier in getting their own engine to run Odyssey on low-spec PCs and consoles it may be impractical to use another engine for this iteration of the game - the future could be interesting should they drop this version and bring out V5 with much higher base specs.
I honestly thought at one point, for a brief moment that something like Space Engine was going to be incorporated into ELITE as an engine refresh... how foolish.
The complete overhaul of Elite is already in progress. It's called Star Citizen.
At this point is there truly anyone left that actually believes that game will ever be finished? They do at least have passion for their project over at CRI, but the game is an example of feature creep all but eliminating the possibility of a launch. Chris will have to go for SC to ever launch IMHO. They have the talent and the passion. What they don't have, is a proper guiding hand to say enough is enough, no new features, no new ships, no new anything, get what is here working properly, clean up the code, squash as many bugs as we can, then release. Add the other features later.

What does works in SC is fun for the occasional free weekend, but it's a P2W game with a 45 minimum buy in. I have limits as to what I will accept when it comes to monetization. I will not "buy" into a multiplayer P2W game unless it is FTP.

An overhaul of ED would be nice, but I don't think there are enough of us left to justify much more effort from Fdev than trying to squash some bugs, and tweak a few things here and there, before heading to maintenance mode.
I am starting to have suspicions regarding the console launch not happening on time, or perhaps even at all, right now as it is.

Maybe an ED2 or something is possible. But I don't believe Fdev has the talent or passion for this sort of game left at this point. Not saying they can't or will not try, but......
tenor (5).gif
Do you seriously believe there will be a complete overhaul of Elite by FDev any time soon? Really?
No, but I retain hope in the face of FDev, what what

I still have this Bally slim hope that we as a community are walking the wasteland of Elute development because FDev only placed water at the begining and possibly the end of the journey.

Yes, we will lose many along the journey. Yes, we will feel at times the the DB has abandoned us, but I have faith.

Toodly pipsky
I want to be able to take part in bombing missions against heavily fortified outpost whilst the fodder run about on the surface.

I want to be able to run high value weapons cargo into hot zones that are truly highly contested and represent a real interactive experience.

I want banana pancakes and maybe a sweet bubble tea after.
We have banana pancakes in Space Engineers.
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