A Complete Overhaul

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You're better off overhauling your game collection and trying other games. Seriously, I used to think that Elite was the only space game that could satisfy me, but I've since found out that there are other games out there that are in some ways better version of Elite than Elite is.

One thing is for certain, Frontier's version of Elite is what it is. Aside from some bug fixes and gameplay tweaks, there will be no overhaul. Like it or leave it. The good news is that enough ex-Elite players are fleeing to these other games that you'll feel right at home no matter what you end up playing :)
Favorite new-to-you space game. Go.
You're better off overhauling your game collection and trying other games. Seriously, I used to think that Elite was the only space game that could satisfy me, but I've since found out that there are other games out there that are in some ways better version of Elite than Elite is.

One thing is for certain, Frontier's version of Elite is what it is. Aside from some bug fixes and gameplay tweaks, there will be no overhaul. Like it or leave it. The good news is that enough ex-Elite players are fleeing to these other games that you'll feel right at home no matter what you end up playing :)
Do you seriously believe there will be a complete overhaul of Elite by FDev any time soon? Really?

I honestly thought Odyssey was going to be a complete rewrite of Elite's core. I expected much improved networking / instancing, I thought we'd get all the vehicles recoded to behave the same independently from the player avatars allowing multicrew & multiplayer in ANY vehicle (ship, SRV, SLF, etc.), I felt we'd get a new lighting engine to support multiple light sources. I figured this was why EDO was taking so many years with the majority of the team completely focused on just that.

I admit now I gave Frontier too much credit. :(
At this point is there truly anyone left that actually believes that game will ever be finished?
Watch the video I posted earlier and then tell me again which game you think is closer to the finishing line.

Mark my words: No ship interiors in Elite Dangerous, ever. Because these would indeed require a complete overhaul of the game.
Watch the video I posted earlier and then tell me again which game you think is closer to the finishing line.

Mark my words: No ship interiors in Elite Dangerous, ever. Because these would indeed require a complete overhaul of the game.
I regularly watch videos regarding almost every game in this genre. SC included. I take advantage of their free play periods as well to keep up with the current state of that game's actual gameplay and fitness for task. I am not lacking in information or experience regarding it. I just lack faith that they will ever actually finish it. It believe it will always be a buggy glitched up mess that fails to work as intended as often as it does work like it's supposed to.
And to be clear, I consider that a shame. So much promise, effort, and money wasted.

At this point, it is obvious to even the most ardent fan that ED is unlikely to ever have interiors. Even if they ever do, they will likely only be accessible when the ship is docked or landed planet side, or otherwise not moving. However, ED is a complete and finished game without interiors. It's a complete and finished game even without Odyssey. Even if there is virtually nothing I wanted in Odyssey, I am relatively certain they will at least get it to a stable, fit for purpose, condition within the next several months.
In the meantime, SC is a perpetually unfinished game I will only play for free so long as it remains unfinished and has P2W features like cash for credits and ships.

I still would love it if ED received a complete overhaul on a more capable engine.
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