A Guide to Minor Factions and the Background Sim

Yeah, I was meaning dropping bonds from war in other systems during war time. But you are saying bounties still work during war time in the non-war systems - and I agree, they are vastly easier to get.

It depends. You might not have a RES at hand, and bonds from a conflicts might prove useful.
Probably been answered before but let's face it, 416 pages is an awful lot...roughly how long does a PENDING conflict state remain PENDING for?
Probably been answered before but let's face it, 416 pages is an awful lot...roughly how long does a PENDING conflict state remain PENDING for?
Because a conflict state trumps and other states, the pending time is generally fixed at 3 ticks - an early table of pending times can be found on the first page of this thread where 'pending' is referred to as 'Count down'. But this is the BGS, so take little as an absolute statement of fact.

Other pending states' times can vary, in spite of what that table says, depending on the circumstances. They can be longer, or shorter, or pends can disappear without ever reaching fruition.

I've often wondered about the order in which pending states appear in the right-hand panel. They aren't - as far as I can tell - implemented in order from left to right and the order of three or more can change if one goes active or drops out of the list for some other reason, but there may be a pattern which I have yet to identify.
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Thanks. Apparently fixed now says Dav, so that's settled.

Conflict pending/active/cooldown should block pending conflict. Case closed.

Part of the bug might have been fixed, but I saw a civil war go pending with a faction while it was in civil war two days ago. The new civil war is still pending and it's with a different faction. All 3 factions are NPC and native factions.

So the passing influence bug on the last day might have been somewhat mitigated, but the back to back conflicts certainly haven't been.
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Probably been answered before but let's face it, 416 pages is an awful lot...roughly how long does a PENDING conflict state remain PENDING for?

here is a full course of a conflict in its shortest possible duration:

t1 war pending
t2 war pending
t3 war pending
t4 war active, cz spawn
t5 war active
t6 war active
t7 war active, assets change hands
t8 war recovering
t9 war cleared, no state or new conflict or expansion can go pending
Part of the bug might have been fixed, but I saw a civil war go pending with a faction while it was in civil war two days ago. The new civil war is still pending and it's with a different faction. All 3 factions are NPC and native factions.

So the passing influence bug on the last day might have been somewhat mitigated, but the back to back conflicts certainly haven't been.

That's a shame, and this scenario is indeed more what I meant. We've seen various conflicts start with only one (minimum witnessed) or two days between, meaning they didn't go pending the last day but rather day 2/3 (i.e. the first or second tick after the tick in which the conflict went active.
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Testing to see if retreat breaks lockdown https://forums.frontier.co.uk/showt...ckground-Sim?p=4980309&viewfull=1#post4980309 I moved us down and it worked. I imediately pulled us back to 5% and left it there.
To my supprise, someone pushed it back down on the last day and we retreated.
I was building us back up to expansion anyway so knew we would go back there, And we did yesterday. But, For what seems no apparent reason, We have re-entered with 15.5%.
Faction A)69.7.. None
Faction B)11.1.. Civil war
Faction C)11.1.. Civil war
Faction D)8.1..Lockdown
Faction A)58.4.. None
Teamsters)15.5.. None
Faction B)9.1.. Civil war
Faction C)9.1.. Civil war
Faction D)7.9.. Lockdown
So I came across this last night on the markets, after banging around my usual hood, in a boom-state High-Tech/Refinery economy.


That's some sweet profit you might think... so I went to the relevant supply economies, and guess what? (No screenshots because they were disparate locations)

CMM Composite - High Supply - ~= 5600cr/t
Insulating Membranes - High Supply - ~= 10500cr/t
Neofabric Insulation - High Supply - ~= 4500cr/t

Relevant systems I checked (multiple in the area) were all the same, and a variety of Boom/None states, all selling at 2-3k over the galactic average.

I really, really want to know what's under the hood of this thing more....
Didn't they boost the value of ex-engineer commodities in last patch when they removed then from blueprints? This might be a manual adjustment
Didn't they boost the value of ex-engineer commodities in last patch when they removed then from blueprints? This might be a manual adjustment

I would've thought so, but then things like Modular Terminals are only a couple hundred credits. More investigation required I guess...

EDIT: For the record, Advanced Medicines attract a sell price of around 3100cr/t in the area, galactic average of 1200. When I go to a nearby neighbour which stocks them, I find them to be around 2500-3000cr/t... and they are def not an engineer commodity.
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I remember someone got all butthurt at me on these forums for referring to engineer commodities as "vendor trash."

Well would you look at that...

Vendor Trash. :D
I think minor factions need a revamp in the game, because its a bit hard to understand everything.

First of all, allegiance. Its only showing "Empire, Federation or Alliance" which is not very helpful. It should be allegiance to the leader "Torval, Mahon, etc.".

Secondly, there is no clue about how minor factions can get a station. For example, the minor faction with the highest influence in the system can have 3 out of 5 stations. There is no informations about influence by stations...
It could explain much more like why some minor factions are in famine state and others not in the same system.

What do you think?
There is no informations about influence by stations...
It could explain much more like why some minor factions are in famine state and others not in the same system.

What do you think?
You are quite correct. There is no information. What we know is through hard effort and dumb questions, well mostly dumb questions. The developers have always been very tight lipped about how the BGS works. There are a few things we have found out or have been told. Most of thes are listed in the first page of this thread.

First of all, allegiance. Its only showing "Empire, Federation or Alliance" which is not very helpful. It should be allegiance to the leader "Torval, Mahon, etc."
Minor faction superpower allegiance has very little to do with powerplay, so no.
First of all, allegiance. Its only showing "Empire, Federation or Alliance" which is not very helpful. It should be allegiance to the leader "Torval, Mahon, etc.".

No, as explained above.

Secondly, there is no clue about how minor factions can get a station. For example, the minor faction with the highest influence in the system can have 3 out of 5 stations. There is no informations about influence by stations...
It could explain much more like why some minor factions are in famine state and others not in the same system.

The rules for how a minor faction can get a station is quite clear to the people who play the BGS. There is practically no relation between the influence of a faction and the number of station it owns.

That said, more information on how the BGS works and some of the hidden numbers (like the Famine you mentioned) to be made available in-game would be nice.
That said, more information on how the BGS works and some of the hidden numbers (like the Famine you mentioned) to be made available in-game would be nice.

I'm not so sure about more info - I certainly don't want too much info. One of the real pleasures of working the BGS for us has been figuring out the rules, innovating new techniques and strategies and the ongoing "arms race" with the developers in relation to new mechanics.

The tightness of FD's lips here is analogous to the rest of the game. Flying your ship has a steep learning curve at first. Earning your first million is tough (without external information), flipping your first system can be a struggle. Its overcoming these challenges that provide the sense of achievement that is fundamental to the game design.
I'm not so sure about more info - I certainly don't want too much info. One of the real pleasures of working the BGS for us has been figuring out the rules, innovating new techniques and strategies and the ongoing "arms race" with the developers in relation to new mechanics.

The tightness of FD's lips here is analogous to the rest of the game. Flying your ship has a steep learning curve at first. Earning your first million is tough (without external information), flipping your first system can be a struggle. Its overcoming these challenges that provide the sense of achievement that is fundamental to the game design.

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