A More Positive Note

Despite all t he bugs and glitches, I've actually been enjoying myself somewhat in Odyssey. Do I wish I could get more that 30fps at minimum graphics on my GTX 1050? Yes. Do I wish the interface was much more intuitive and easier to use? Also yes. I'm sure I'd be having a much better time if Odyssey was delayed a bit and released in a better state, but I'm still having some fun on my own finding my way and uncovering little details. A lot of the complaints I've seen on YouTube, Reddit, and here on the forums I agree with, but that's not stopping me from enjoying what is working and what is in game.

For instance, the sound. I saw some of the development videos regarding Odyssey a while back, and I remember some of the sound designers talking about some of the decisions they've made during the development process. Like the way the weapons sound in different environments, or the way that all the new sounds seem to blend in well with the ship sounds already in-game.

I'm not denying the fact that Odyssey certainly isn't what it was made out to be at launch, and I certainly don't agree with the decision to release the current build when the graphical issues were known. But I understand that not all of these decisions were made by the people who put effort into making these assets and designing the game mechanics. Maybe it's because I've played games that have lowered my expectations, or maybe it's because I understand that there are going to be issues when a build is released on a large server such as this one. Either way, I'm not expecting perfection, and because of that, I'm actually able to enjoy myself.

I hope that there are at least some people in the community who are having at least some fun with the new DLC.
I'd be lying if I'd claim I'm not having fun playing Odyssey. I do like it, it's just at the same time a bit frustrating, especially if you hit a bug where you can't return a mission or the frame rates drop drastically.
Ah, yes. On a more positive note, eventually the game will be fixed and then it will be more playable, yes.

As of last night the constant 'connection errors' and blue cobras have stopped for me, and my missions are no longer vanishing constantly, wasting all my progress and time. A myriad of other issues still exist, however, and I look forward to their resolution.
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