Adjustment to Powerplay Control Mechanics

Tim Smith

Greetings Commanders!

Today, we wanted to share with you a bit more detail about a small adjustment to Powerplay we will be implementing in June following your feedback about how the 'control' and 'taking control' mechanics are working in the live game.

After a change in the January update, the current control systems' ethos calculations would limit its search for controlling minor factions filtered by star systems within 15LY and those that are exploited by the same power as the control system. Previously, the calculations considered all nearby star systems.

In June, we will be adjusting those calculations once more to include the governments of nearby star systems that would become exploited if an expansion action by the same power succeeded. This change will be in addition to the previous one from January, thereby adjusting the limitation on which systems are interacted with.

This change will be coming with the Fleet Carrier update to the live servers in June, so we hope that this information helps you plan ahead for your future Powerplay plans.

o7 Commanders
Greetings Commanders!

Today, we wanted to share with you a bit more detail about a small adjustment to Powerplay we will be implementing in June following your feedback about how the 'control' and 'taking control' mechanics are working in the live game.

After a change in the January update, the current control systems' ethos calculations would limit its search for controlling minor factions filtered by star systems within 15LY and those that are exploited by the same power as the control system. Previously, the calculations considered all nearby star systems.

In June, we will be adjusting those calculations once more to include the governments of nearby star systems that would become exploited if an expansion action by the same power succeeded. This change will be in addition to the previous one from January, thereby adjusting the limitation on which systems are interacted with.

This change will be coming with the Fleet Carrier update to the live servers in June, so we hope that this information helps you plan ahead for your future Powerplay plans.

o7 Commanders

Thanks, nice to see the P word is still spoken in FD towers! Will we be seeing additional Powerplay changes in future updates? It was a bit before your time but there was a proposal with ideas a few years ago now that 'animated' the forums...
Greetings Commanders!

Today, we wanted to share with you a bit more detail about a small adjustment to Powerplay we will be implementing in June following your feedback about how the 'control' and 'taking control' mechanics are working in the live game.

After a change in the January update, the current control systems' ethos calculations would limit its search for controlling minor factions filtered by star systems within 15LY and those that are exploited by the same power as the control system. Previously, the calculations considered all nearby star systems.

In June, we will be adjusting those calculations once more to include the governments of nearby star systems that would become exploited if an expansion action by the same power succeeded. This change will be in addition to the previous one from January, thereby adjusting the limitation on which systems are interacted with.

This change will be coming with the Fleet Carrier update to the live servers in June, so we hope that this information helps you plan ahead for your future Powerplay plans.

o7 Commanders

First of all: thanks, it's rare stuff for us Powerplayers to see some changes (even if minor ones) to our favorite part of the game. To be clear: you're basically saying that in case of expansions only the systems that are not exploited by any Power (except for the one expanding) will be counted for the expansion trigger itself, am I right?
In June, we will be adjusting those calculations once more to include the governments of nearby star systems that would become exploited if an expansion action by the same power succeeded.

It's not clear to me what this means. If Patreus Control System 1 and Patreus Control System 2 overlap, those shared systems currently count for each control system's triggers. My initial reading of this is:

If Patreus Control System 1 is contested by Hudson Control System 1, and those contested systems are within range of a new expansion, Patreus Control System 2, then these contested systems count for both Patreus Control Systems' triggers calculations.

Is that correct?
First of all: thanks, it's rare stuff for us Powerplayers to see some changes (even if minor ones) to our favorite part of the game. To be clear: you're basically saying that in case of expansions only the systems that are not exploited by any Power (except for the one expanding) will be counted for the expansion trigger itself, am I right?

I think they meant that expansions which occur within the 15 Lys radius, apart from taking into account the exploited systems, they will also affected by favorable governments.
If a Power has an Expansion what will become a Shared Control System the Ethos calculation of the first Control System will now include the systems in the overlapping part of the Control Spheres whilst the Expansion is active. Sounds to me as if when an Expansion was running the Ethos calculation was not including the systems of the Expansion that it exploits.

CMDR Justinian Octavius

Edit: I've pinged for confirmation. I think it might be a fix for this issue…
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Can't get complaints that your update doesn't do what it's supposed to do if nobody understands what it's supposed to do.

Jane Turner

Volunteer Moderator
My head hurts. My only concern is that it does not affect some of the carefully managed compositions of some power-play bubbles that we exist in
FDev have confirmed it is a change to the Expansion System ethos calculation to ensure only systems within 15 LY are counted. Thus, the problem of Trigger Reduction not being applied when it should be with Expansion Systems will be fixed.

CMDR Justinian Octavius

So basically the systems within 15 LY which are not already exploited by another Power will be counted, ok.
Not to be a bit of a noob but I've never figured out how you know if the tick has happened or not, can anyone enlighten me?
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