Alec's Elite: Dangerous Advent Calendar (3307)

It transpires that I've now uploaded over 450 Elite: Dangerous videos to my YouTube channel!

As a celebration of this I've decided to do an advent calendar style countdown to christmas, posting one video a day (actually it's pretty hard to choose just 25 so I may sneak in a few extra occasionally).

See also #AlecsEDAdvent on twitter.

DAY 01 - my first ever Buckyball race

I think this is quite possibly the first Elite: Dangerous video I ever posted. It marks my very first attempt at a Buckyball Race (Buckyball Run 6). I saw these Buckyball Runs appearing occasionally on the forum and just thought what the hell, that sounds fun, let's give it a try. I recall trying a fuel scoop for the first time during practice but I hadn't really figured out the difference in grades so, on the basis of the 2E scoop I tested, concluded that they were rubbish and that it'd be quicker to make a few refuelling stops along the way! 🤣 Suffice to say I didn't do very well but I had an absolute blast and the rest, as they say, is history.

I also had no idea how to go about recording gameplay footage so I came up with the brilliant plan of recording stop-motion footage using an iPad.

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Volunteer Moderator
It marks my very first attempt at a Buckyball Race (Buckyball Run 6). I saw these Buckyball Runs appearing occasionally on the forum and just thought what the hell, that sounds fun, let's give it a try. I recall trying a fuel scoop for the first time during practice but I hadn't really figured out the difference in grades so, on the basis of the 2E scoop I tested, concluded that they were rubbish and that it'd be quicker to make a few refuelling stops along the way! 🤣 Suffice to say I didn't do very well but I had an absolute blast and the rest, as they say, is history.

This were so much simpler then :)

Very much looking forward to this.
DAY 02 - first attempts at SRV base jumping

Sometime back in early 3302 I spotted a post by @PeachSlices who was hosting an SRV "base jumping" event on Njokujinun 1. I think it may well have been this. Anyway, by the time I arrived it was just PeachSlicesV himself and @sn0wman (either of you still around these days?). This was one of the first times I'd attempted anything like this and also one of the first times I'd joined other commanders for a live event. The session was utterly transformative for me in both regards. I recorded a lot of footage which I then edited down to this 10 minute video. Sadly I didn't manage to record my own voice so the conversations you hear are all a bit one sided. I think it still works tho' and PeachSlicesV was a great event host and, alongside ElectricZ (creator of the original Buckyball Runs), a great inspiration for my future involvement with the ED community.

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Hey, it's today, where's the next video? :giggle:
Ahhh, the classic anticipation of wondering what's going to be behind the next advent calendar door!


DAY 03 - Mitterand Hollow

About 2 weeks after the base jumping event I took myself off to see the now legendary Mitterand Hollow in the Epsilon Indi system.

Later on I would write the following description of this galactic wonder for a tourist beacon to mark the spot but I guess the guys who install these beacons never managed to catch up with the planet in order to screw the thing down! 😆

Located in the Epsilon Indi system, Mitterand Hollow is one of the true wonders of the galaxy and an absolute "must see" for any budding tourist. It's a landable rocky world with an Earth relative gravity of 0.09G and a composition of 80% rock 20% metal, however what sets it apart from any other known planetary body is the fact that it orbits its parent water world of New Africa once every 80 seconds. Just landing on Mitterand Hollow is a challenge in itself and a real thrill ride for pilot and passenger alike. Indeed, its ferocious orbital speed has led to it being called "the moon that lands on you". Once safely on the surface the endless cycle of alternating night and day while the awe inspiring body of New Africa rolls majestically across the sky is something few will ever forget.

Whether you consider it to be an insult to the laws of physics, a freak of nature or final proof of the existence of god, Mitterand Hollow is unquestionably somewhere to be seen, even if it cannot be fully comprehended.

Anyway ... enjoy!

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One of my favorite spots (so hard to pick A favorite).

So much so i'm consciously avoiding indi bourbon for the current CG, the temptation to visit M.H. would just be too high!
Ahh Mitterand Hollow, the home of the Mysterious Idol and a plethora of Geological Samples scattered across various crash sites.

DAY 04 - Thargoid Refuelling

It's 3303 and rumours are beginning to circulate of commanders being "hyperdicted" by strange, flower-like, alien ships out in the Pleiades sector. As an active member of the Fuel Rats at the time I have but one thought ... can they be refuelled? I switch to a fast (for its day) ship, equip a fuel transfer limpet controller, stick an unknown artefact in the cargo (it was said that carrying one of these might improve one's chances of a hyperdiction) and head out to the Pleiades with my heart pounding and my camera rolling.

After many fruitless hours jumping around the area, and as I'm beginning to lose all hope of ever seeing one of these things, I finally strike gold and manage to record what would turn out to be one of the most popular videos I ever made.


Oh, and in case anyone was wondering ... yes, there was a slightly more successful attempt #2.

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DAY 05 - Circumnavigating a planet

In November 3303 I embarked on my first planetary circumnavigation, a 1240km long sponsored SRV journey into the East around the moon of Pleione 3A. During the journey, which took me 7 days and ultimately raised nearly £500 for Special Effect, people would occasionally drop in to drive sections of the journey with me (and thanks to all of you, it made the journey very special). The following video is one such occasion featuring Cmdr Tannik Seldon (aka @SushiCW), an early inspiration for me learning how to "flyve" the SRV. I've always loved this video because it really captures the simple pleasure that I get from long distance SRV travel (and now immediately makes me want to go and do another one).

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DAY 06 - rolling wheels

Rewind a year to November 3302 (like all good advent calendars I've accidentally opened a door in the wrong order - doh!).

I've staged an SRV race for the Buckyball Racing Club called "Kick the Alien and run like hell". The race takes place at one of the first Thargoid crash sites and involves driving from the Noctrach-Ihazevich Research Facility to the crash site and back again. On the Friday before the race starts I'm out there filming a bunch of commanders practicing. One of the SRVs blows up, I spot a wheel rolling off down the hill, and decide to follow it. The observant will notice that as the video continues I encounter at least two other wheels. I always loved the idea that, while I was filming this, further up the slope race practice was continuing, SRVs were exploding, and a constant stream of wheels were bounding off down the hill towards me! 😆

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