Alien archeology and other mysteries: Thread 9 - The Canonn

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The problem with the layout being identical is that it makes all attempts to decode the layout of the ruins to guide us to others entirely pointless. That was a lot of puzzle solving effort wasted.

Plus a puzzle setting element wasted - the isometric projection theory was absolutely brilliant, but I fear much like the Shell being a time-telescope way beyond what's actually been conceived.

That's unnecessary - the problem was even you couldn't explain rationally your own diagram, nor were you willing to test it. Every cmdr that tested it found that it failed and you ignored it. THAT bit is the problem.

We all have theories - all we can ask of each other is that we tend them and care for them, not ignore their failings to avoid heading too far up the swanny. Rather than letting everything get negative let's learn from it and improve our processes

Oh dear, do I need to turn my flame setting up?

EDIT: Right, that's me done for this thread, cos f-this. Fed up. Good luck in finding the other 3 copy+pasted sites with the exact same data sets, everyone. I'm done :D
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Two: No Volcanism

Also, it begs the question about Synuefe ZL-J d10-119 - no planets (that aren't gas giants) have any moons. There are some binaries, but no Planet+Moon relationship (that is landable).

Correct. Also Synuefe ZL-J d10-119 doesn't fit the beacons positions when overlaping the galaxy map. I'm going to avoid this one for now.
So maybe now focus our research for other sites only in the 2 systems left.
Then, my candidates are : IC 2391 Sector ZE-A d101 C 3 and Synuefe XO-P c22-17 AB 3. I'm going to explore a bit, taking into account the moon rise and set theory (I've the feeling this is the theory that matches).
o7 cmdrs.
Ok folks, last bit of Moon-spam from me (for a while, at least!).

Here is a re-post of my moon-tage image (what? No? Well, I laughed[haha]):


The image for the first moon set, btw, is from this video, posted by magik0012.

The projected moon-set in the second pair came from winging up with iamgingerbear and tracking him as he followed the moons orbit line around the planet.

All inspired by cmdr edard asking about moon alignments last night, before site two was found.

And, so obviously I near on forgot (what a churl!) zorbaq made testing the idea possible by finding site 2 in the first place!

As can be seen, both sites have the moon rise above the small circle, and set over the large circle.

Here is a compass overlay for both sites showing the site lines/angles:


Green lines are moon rise/set site lines, green dot is observer position, compass is oriented as in game for each location. Pink line notes "up" on the second site (it aligns with moon setting site line at first site). Cyan spots are beacons - actually located on beacons for 2nd site, approximated for 1st (I got distracted by todays discovery). Apologies for the murkiness of site two in the compass images - its in the dark!

Ok, thats everything in one spot on this matter so far [alien]

-----Edit for disclaimer-----

It could, of course, all be total tosh, but I've had fun figuring this out and presenting it here - thanks to those above named for direct involvement, hope some of you find it entertaining enough not to be a total waste of time.
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I'm still wondering about the commodity-description of the objects. For every item it describes that it had/has a certain purpose or at least it could have one. As a writer myself I know that such things only are mentioned if there is an actual purpose behind it. Otherwise it would be pointless and it would bemuse the reader (he would then think: well, where is the part of the story where this purpose comes up again?)

Writers add irrelevant stuff all the time to add ambience, and the description do tie in with the Alpha/Beta etc descriptions (though we don't know if that's important). Imaging if we instead had them called Alien Artefact A, Alient Artefact B ... the cries from the crowd would the ..., well, like they are now :)
Given that they used launchers to get their ships to orbit, I think it is entirely possible that the theory that was mentioned by a fellow CMDR in this very thread is valid - the one about Larangian points. Angled orbits of both moons to cut the gravity pull of the base body... Larange point well in outer space and closer to the moon. Even the ramps...

We also know that their home world had a moon...

This could be the crucial thing for their base location...
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Oh dear, do I need to turn my flame setting up?

EDIT: Right, that's me done for this thread, cos f-this. Fed up. Good luck in finding the other 3 copy+pasted sites with the exact same data sets, everyone. I'm done :D
OK strop off if that helps, but it will get us no further. The first ruins weren't even visible from the coordinates you insisted they were at to make your theory fit - so why would any other be visible from any other coordinate suggested? The idea isn't to be nasty to anyone - it's just to avoid exploring dead ends. If the theory doesn't even work for the very first and only data point then it's not a good start, and if you can't explain it then it's probably dead in the water.

It's just good scientific process - try not to take it personally, it's not intended that way.
In Recap... none of the theories pushed on these parts panned out? And since the ruin site seems to be a Prop FD just copy/pasted to a new planet... what does that leave us with?

Also, do we have new scans to collect for credits?
Late to the party it seems, question on the find. Was it on a body that contained the "trees?"

I too am interested in this question.

I'm starting to feel a little lunacy encroaching on my mental state from all this moon gazing, think I'll pootle around and see if there are any in the craters near the 2nd site...
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Ok folks, last bit of Moon-spam from me (for a while, at least!).

Here is a re-post of my moon-tage image (what? No? Well, I laughed[haha]):

The image for the first moon set, btw, is from this video, posted by magik0012.

The projected moon-set in the second pair came from winging up with iamgingerbear and tracking him as he followed the moons orbit line around the planet.

All inspired by cmdr edard asking about moon alignments last night, before site two was found.

As can be seen, both sites have the moon rise above the small circle, and set over the large circle.

Here is a compass overlay for both sites showing the site lines/angles:

Green lines are moon rise/set site lines, green dot is observer position, compass is oriented as in game for each location. Pink line notes "up" on the second site (it aligns with moon setting site line at first site). Cyan spots are beacons - actually locasted on beacons for 2nd site, approximated for 1st (I got distracted by todays discovery). Apologies for the murkiness of site two in the compass images - its in the dark!

Ok, thats everything in one spot on this matter so far [alien]

-----Edit for disclaimer-----

It could, of course, all be total tosh, but I've had fun figuring this out and presenting it here - thanks to those above named for direct involvement, hope some of you find it entertaining enough not to be a total waste of time.

Currently trying to verify this for myself at site 2, this is clearly the answer to finding the sites on a planets surface, still how to zone in on a star eludes us.
Currently trying to verify this for myself at site 2, this is clearly the answer to finding the sites on a planets surface, still how to zone in on a star eludes us.

Yeah, this is how its shaping up. Well, without Ram Tah telling us, anyway. If its even possible, I'd like to figure it out. But my thinky parts need a break, so I'm off brain tree hunting around site 2 unti l moon-set!
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:p It's a good observation but I'm not sure how we can use it to find the other sites sadly

What it does hint is that maybe we can restrict our search to planets with moons.

Didn't you see his post? They have observed both sites moons rising over one circle, and setting over the other, thats almost precisely the trajectory of the mounds around each circle and is a clear piece of the puzzle which we can now base all new assertions off of, and if nothing else it means that we can narrow each search down to a single orbital line.
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Late to the party it seems, question on the find. Was it on a body that contained the "trees?"

So far no Braintrees have been found on the same planet as the ruins, at least the first one.

I gave a shot at finding some a couple of days back and scoured around all the deep dish (ejecta?) craters on the planet. Most of them had a small blue POI circle, but that ended up being nothing but an outcrop. No trees anywhere. I might take another look at them at some point, if the lighting is a bit better. And now that I'm pretty sure the trees don't produce their own POI, I'm gonna run trough them at around 400 meters.

A little problem I have with spotting the things is that it's too bloody dark most of the time. Seeing anything is difficult and for some bizarre reason AMD Crimson won't let me increase brightness any higher anymore.

Just another reason why more exploration tools are necessary. I'd happily pay a few million credits for a heatvision and zoom upgrade for my flight helmet.
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Yeah, this is how its shaping up. Well, without Ram Tah telling us, anyway. If its even possible, I'd like to figure it out. But my thinky parts need a break, so I'm off brain tree hunting around site 2 unti l moon-set!

You deserve a break, this is the biggest revelation by far, and accounts for us "missing" clues that were available to us. Well done.
So i may have been mentioned already but one thing i think we may want to focus on for the other sites is
the cords of -29 at the second sight, and -31ish on the first, the have the some lat.
SO maybe on moon orbiting planets we should follow that Lat bearing in a circle around the planet, we may just get lucky.

Also i was at the second ruins this morning, and to debunk my theory , the triangle symbols are the same on the relic beacons..

And the Relic beacon at the A cluster is missing one of the 3 walls holding the relic in place, im not sure if it was the same beacon at Alpha site that was missing a wall aswell.
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So far no Braintrees have been found on the same planet as the ruins, at least the first one.

I gave a shot at finding some a couple of days back and scoured around all the deep dish (ejecta?) craters on the planet. Most of them had a small blue POI circle, but that ended up being nothing but an outcrop. No trees anywhere. I might take another look at them at some point, if the lighting is a bit better. And now that I'm pretty sure the trees don't produce their own POI, I'm gonna run trough them at around 400 meters.

A little problem I have with spotting the things is that it's too bloody dark most of the time. Seeing anything is difficult and for some bizarre reason AMD Crimson won't let me increase it anymore.

Just another reason why more exploration tools are necessary. I'd happily pay a few million credits for a heatvision and zoom upgrade for my flight helmet.

So providing that is a factor, that would eliminate Synuefe ZL-J d10-119 7E, leaving Synuefe ZL-J d10-119 7D as one of the potential candidate for Ruins location.
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