Alien archeology and other mysteries: Thread 9 - The Canonn

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It is just the most (to this human) logical starting point for alignment observations without any other indication of where to stand. Its also at the tip of the ridge/stalk/key feature in the ruins at sites one and 2.

My most recent raving about it (with pictures) is HERE. With apologies to all who are sick of that link appearing! Trying to find out if its all a dud - if it is, I'll let it go [redface]

The whole notion may be flawed, but until thats shown, I'm hanging on to it [wacky]


I did all my observations of the sky from more or less that point.
That means you were wrong actually. The second site was not found at 32 64, it was at 29 -59, which is the difference off hundreds of kilometers.
Also, just because someone found a site does not mean it was with your theory. Heck, I was searching planets with no theory at all, just for the sheer fun of it. My bro has his own idea we are trying. I am sure loads of others do the same. I'll be honest, I don't even understand your theory let alone apply it. This is a game, not University.
Too many theories... too many...

I did say it could have been just pure luck ^^

I've had similar people turn around and say how close I was despite the few lats/longs - which is why I said not entirely accurate nor entirely wrong - eye of the beholder.
I really like mysteries but unfortunately most of the current mysteries are more about bugs and game design and not about the Guardians.

Now this I agree with. I'm enjoying the whole thing anyway, but I'm surprised by the bugginess. The behavior of everything is in question, which makes it impossible to figure out anything. There's just too much doubt involved, and we don't know what's working right or not.
I'm off to do my OU degree in Orbital Mechanics - so I'll come back and solve this in a few years time.

(I can't seriously think this is the way to go - is it? Anyway this colander is getting uncomfortable - I can see why some of your wear Tin Foil ( or course I know you mean aluminium (aluminum for US) ;) ))
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It's amazing, everything that happens in the game revolves around your theories. Even when you have to twist math or reality to make it happen. Truly amazing.

All you need to do, yourself, is get an image of the ruins, get a compass, get a pencil, possibly a protractor, then draw straight lines through the mounds, then measure them.

Sarcasm is so awesome.

Because that's all I did - and that's all I worked from. That isn't hyperbole nor making reality fit - there was method.

As I said, because the original site was 31ish/128ish, it was the logical assumption to assume they did co-ordinates in 32/64/128 (thus assumed my measurements of 30/60 were just averages in the symbol) - because the 30/30 and 30/60 is entirely different to how it all stacks up.

Believe what you want, to be honest. I've had a landslide of reps compared to the handful of open criticisms I've had, so I know a lot of people see some merit in it.
I did all my observations of the sky from more or less that point.


I hope you will be able to post the pics you mentioned a few posts earlier, when you have access to them again, and the time, of course. Independant corroboration/refutation would be great to have [up]
The second site was not found at 32 64, it was at 29 -59, which is the difference off hundreds of kilometers.

147 kilometers for C 3.



I hope you will be able to post the pics you mentioned a few posts earlier, when you have access to them again, and the time, of course. Independant corroboration/refutation would be great to have [up]

I will, as soon as I get home.
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Sorry, had to snip the rest of your post because I couldn't type because of character limit :D

With regards to finding the 2nd and 3rd ruins so quickly, it was either luck, or people were lucking out over my 32/64 theory after deviating from those co-ordinates and didn't mention that was the method they used, because, hey, "look at me, I did it" glory and all that :p Zorbaq says it was spider sense and he/she had no theory, but used the "Haversine Method", which is otherwise known as Trigonometry, which is something I also raised in this forum more than a week ago with the below pic:

It was something else I was working out and shared it with the community, though it, I assume, largely went unnoticed.

Because the ruins are hard to know where lines are drawn in the gaps (do you measure from the centre of the gap in the mounds, or the right side of the mound or left?), I decided to even out the 30ish and 60ish numbers to "bits" like data - because the original ruin site we knew of at the time was around 31.xxxx'ish by 128.xxxx'ish - I instantly assumed these must be the true numbers (32/64/128ish), based on the lore already uncovered that the Guardians loved AI - it was a logical conclusion, but I should have just stayed with the other measurements, mentioned below.

So I went from the above drawing, to this (looks similar to my trigonometry drawings - trace the lines):

to this:

As it turns out, I wasn't completely wrong, but I wasn't completely accurate either. You'll notice the first measurements I took were around 30/60 in the old diagram I was messing with - and because of error margins on the picture itself (wasn't directly over-head for the best measuring angle with a compass), I put forward that 32/64/128 in any combination had potential - simply based on the only 1 ruin for evidence that we had.

The ruins so far were also located on planets with moons - and because all 3 discovered sites share proper moons, these had proportionately higher amounts of players in solo/private searching anywhere from 30 (or less) to 128 (or more). The IC systems also have less planets to search, so again, this cuts down search time.

The 4th and 5th ruin cannot be easily distinguished like the 3 previous, because the Gas Giants with moons (with occasional binaries) are confusing people as to where to search.

Do they search AB 3 Or D 2, for example?

I think the ruins that are left at the Synuefe co-ordinates are on the binary worlds. Planet 1 in Synuefe ZL-J d10-119 and D 2 in Synuefe XO-P c22-17 - both of which share remarkable, similar characteristics (large body does not move or rotate or spin etc, although the other planet in the binary Orbits the larger one).

Any other planet + moon combinations don't match up with the other 3 sites - so in logical conclusion, the next 2 must be different but the same (binaries).

EDIT: However, all the co-ordinates are going to deviate more than we think they ever will (which is why no one is right*) - simply because Frontier don't want us finding them all at once if we ever figured out HOW to find them. It keeps us guessing.

*Moon Hypothesis, My Hypothesis, whatever hypothesis, etc, etc :D

I just gotta point out that despite your constant harping about how your theories are correct, you've found a total of bupkus. You're even trying to claim other people's discoveries as being derived from your theories.

Seriously Dude, stahp. Go find a ruin and I'll eat my hat, but so far you've just been a narcissist writing walls of text that have led to zero discoveries. Meanwhile the rest of us are spending hours staring at dirt, but at least that's provided 2 ruins. And we're not being our own #1 fan.

Not trying to be a * to you bro, but literally every page of this thread has a post of you harping about your nonsense with absolutely no results. It gets tedious even scrolling past them.

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Hi guys
I am on Synuefe xo-P c22-17 planet AB3.
I'm following a bearing of 270 along lat -28 ; -30
I have some new sounds whilst flying I have no way of doing a sound byte coz I'm on Xbox and I'm clueless lol.
It's a few high pitch bleeps but it sounds almost like interference.
Could this mean I'm close to a site?

Any advice?
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