Alien archeology and other mysteries: Thread 9 - The Canonn

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I am unaware of any obelisks in solo mode at site 1, which do what G4 and E3 are doing at site 3.
So please let me know which 2 obelisks are doing this at site 1. I would love to test that.

According to the Interactive map (Nusantara~) over Site one, C48 should give same data as G20
The win is that we have content.

Why don´t you jump over into a different thread and start whining about the fact that we only have a handful of station types, they are always the same etc.pp?

Stations are a generic game element, A standardisation of designs is expected. Im personally very happy with the station and outpost designs.

If the Alien ruins however are part of a puzzle which people are putting alot of time into solving and given that this part of the game is being reported across various Game media sites and even global news outlets, i would have expected a little more investment into the second site on behalf of the Dev Team.

you could argue a standardised design for these places and i would'nt think that an issue. But the Second Alien ruin was 'EXACTLY' the same in every detail right down to the rocks and scratches as the first.

My disapointment on this is not unique and shared by many and im not whining, this forum is a melting pot of ideas and feed back to the game developers and it's important to give that feedback. My posts on this issue are amoung many.

If you are happy with mediocre content, then good for you. Don't like others voicing their opinion, then why are you on a message board?
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Oh I am happy theres a few astronomers who can make gamers look like plebs, which we all are so fortunate of wasting time on being.

dont get me wrong i think it's awesome and impressive as hell that someboidy worked out the 1st ruins the way they did.
but if you gave that same image to 100 random people probaby only a handful would be able to do it even if you told them they had to triangulate the position.

How were we ACTUALLY meant to find the 1st ruins? that's the problem for me as the method used wasn't the method intended by fdev.
Would there have been clues in the leadup to finding the 1st ruins by the means intended?

I dont think it is going to be anywhere near as complex as people are making it and once the beans are spilled there will be a collective facepalm

if they intended brute force that's bad game design.
if they intended pages and pages of calculations and equations with no tools in game to do so that's bad game design

btw nobody is a pleb... I'm pretty sure that some of these "plebs" have talents that astronomers and mathematicians envy and vice versa.
horses for courses.
not everybody can be einstein and einstein couldn't be beethoven.
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There are two at site one that appear to "do nothing", but may do what you describe. Its been a while.

One is in the cluster of 4 at group G, the other I don't recall. Possibly one of those at the end of the long terraces of obelisks off triangle at group E.

Intreguing observations, BL1P...

Nar the thing with the two at Site 3 is they are the same combination.
Casket as primary artifact with Orb as the secondary.
when you do one you get 1mil mission reward and the data.
but then when you do the other you get no message and no 1mil and no data.

G19 and C38 from site 1 have different primary artifacts (g19 casket and c38 tablet) though they have no known secondary at the moment, so you cannot turn one of them on at all.

And yes m8 intriguing indeed.
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Do I recall correctly a Reddit AMA from months and months ago where Braben said they were "genetically engineered from an earlier life form"?

Reckon that could be the Guardians' doing, then?

No particular reason for mentioning this... I just remembered it when I saw someone in this thread saying that something at ruins 3 reminded them of the "logo" on the barnacles.

I'd be surprised if you guys haven't already taken meta alloys to the ruins and ruins artefacts to a barnacle, though. That'd be right up there in the top 20 things someone had tried already, right?
OK. Based on what zorbaq mentioned about the derivation and what QorbeQ is doing I used my existing tool

For Synuefe XO-P c22-17 AB 3


Using these coordinates
Lunar orbit 1 -4.022885360966261,-141.14320252460524 TO 1.3553877432943762,-53.7101995120991
Lunar orbit 2 (a couple days later) -0.1002, -172.5257 TO 0.0220, -171.5655

I get this

So I recommend focusing on the higlighted points

Here's the detailed points

As good a place as any, I make the first yellow area around : -21.53356097903673, -12.90452488847301

Do I recall correctly a Reddit AMA from months and months ago where Braben said they were "genetically engineered from an earlier life form"?

Reckon that could be the Guardians' doing, then?

No particular reason for mentioning this... I just remembered it when I saw someone in this thread saying that something at ruins 3 reminded them of the "logo" on the barnacles.

I'd be surprised if you guys haven't already taken meta alloys to the ruins and ruins artefacts to a barnacle, though. That'd be right up there in the top 20 things someone had tried already, right?

My pet theory is that the guardians became the thargoids. "Thargoids" sounds like a corruption of "the guardians".

Just putting it out there.

Would also explain why thargoids showed up when we began prodding the ruins...
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Do I recall correctly a Reddit AMA from months and months ago where Braben said they were "genetically engineered from an earlier life form"?

Reckon that could be the Guardians' doing, then?

No particular reason for mentioning this... I just remembered it when I saw someone in this thread saying that something at ruins 3 reminded them of the "logo" on the barnacles.

I'd be surprised if you guys haven't already taken meta alloys to the ruins and ruins artefacts to a barnacle, though. That'd be right up there in the top 20 things someone had tried already, right?

Whilst I've certainly been thinking all the mysteries of ED tie together (Barnacles, Guardians (or should that be Grauniads? ;)), UA's, UP's, weird ships hyperdicting folks (Thargoids, its all Thargoids man!), I've not actually gone that far yet.

Maybe someone else has, though...
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I am unaware of any obelisks in solo mode at site 1, which do what G4 and E3 are doing at site 3.
So please let me know which 2 obelisks are doing this at site 1. I would love to test that.

I will second Mystixx Foxx's statements.

Unfortunately all my results at site 1 were recorded using an older numbering of the obelisks (when it was just 1-15).

My results indicates that you can get Lang 8/21 from both Obelisk 7 (Orb+Tablet) and Obelisk 11 (Tablet only) but it is an either-or situation. I was never able to get any results from #12 but that could be because I had already scanned one of the other Casket+ obelisks.

Again, sorry to be using the old numbering system.

Do I recall correctly a Reddit AMA from months and months ago where Braben said they were "genetically engineered from an earlier life form"?

Reckon that could be the Guardians' doing, then?

No particular reason for mentioning this... I just remembered it when I saw someone in this thread saying that something at ruins 3 reminded them of the "logo" on the barnacles.

I'd be surprised if you guys haven't already taken meta alloys to the ruins and ruins artefacts to a barnacle, though. That'd be right up there in the top 20 things someone had tried already, right?

I wonder if the brain tree's and the Barnicles are Guardian GM bio miners, similar to tiberium from the command and conquer games.
Or fly north/south. ;)

Almost a good point! [big grin] But the earth is an oblate spheroid (ie it's squashed at the poles), so minutes of longitude are smaller than minutes of latitude at the equator, and don't equal a nautical mile as defined either by the traditional measure, or as the SI unit of 1852m.
I will second Mystixx Foxx's statements.

Unfortunately all my results at site 1 were recorded using an older numbering of the obelisks (when it was just 1-15).

My results indicates that you can get Lang 8/21 from both Obelisk 7 (Orb+Tablet) and Obelisk 11 (Tablet only) but it is an either-or situation. I was never able to get any results from #12 but that could be because I had already scanned one of the other Casket+ obelisks.

Again, sorry to be using the old numbering system.

I hope you are right.
Having two sites which both have this "order of preference" ? on 2 obelisks would surly mean something ?
well one can hope :)
My pet theory is that the guardians became the thargoids. "Thargoids" sounds like a corruption of "the guardians".

Just putting it out there.

Would also explain why thargoids showed up when we began prodding the ruins...

Yep, I reckon it's a bit like Ghost in the Shell - they are alive but are like virtual beings now or something lol
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