Alien archeology and other mysteries: Thread 9 - The Canonn

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I am confused to why Fdev have not confirmed that site 2 is a duplication error.
I would be fine if they did.
Then i wouldn't waste time going to it.

Because they do not confirm it as a bug after 2 days at back at work makes me think its not a bug.
Which means I keep going there on my tests :(

Personally i have a few ideas,

1) the 2 identical sites may have more sites around, the 3rd site might be the only 1 of its type, and i think we will find at least another type of site design before we find anything like what we could call a city type.

2) These 2 might be skymaps of the local sky at a certain time, though with the 2nd ruins being identical to the first, either its moon/star rotation both follow the same orbital paths, and the distance to whatever constellation/stars are visible is that great that theyre the same from both sites, that would make great triangulation point though, as you might be able to find the extent of the possible places for that type of ruins to be.

3) These might all be an analogue of the table of elements, possibly might be something like the plaque placed on voyager 1, we are trying to guess the thought processes of an alien group (i dont mean the ancient aliens i mean FDev :p )

4) i think that a lot of this is being looked at with an analysis based thought pattern, unfortunately, this might be like comparing ancien sites on earth, eg Egypt pyramids with South American pyramids, but ignoring things like stonehenge that may have similarities, these sites may have multiple layers that need decoding.

5) I also think that a precursor site to the1st site found may exist, this having the possibly missing artifacts that may decipher other obelisks.

6) The species that is being investigated seems to work with triangular based geometry, which would also mean that there may be a numerical base. As a guess or the well overused "SPECULATION!" alert .... 3rd site if the first and there may only be 1 of them, based on the singular raised area, the 1st 2 found sites may be the 2nd layer of the triangle, with 2 sites, with 2 raised areas, the next site would be 3 of that type with 3 raised areas, (possibly a system with binary planet where 1 has a moon, leading to 3 stellar objects orbiting the planet where the site is)

I have other thoughts too, but these are the ones i think are closer to possible, also, as a further question, and as part of the UA/UP/UF segment of the whole subject, the last CG wanting unknowns was asking for Unknown Energy Systems, or UES's, i dont know if anyone has even found these as they have never been mentioned, i dont know if it was a typo when i read the CG but still, This could be the item that the Flowerships (unconfirmed but suspected Thargoids) are actually looking for, and maybe this should be actively looked for in the areas round Maia, probably in places noone bothers to go, rings of giants, asteroid clusters, things like that ....
Ok this question is for the astonomers here as i am just a foot soldier and ....well i do the searching bit. Iam currently over at synuefe ZL J D10-119 7D checking for any potential sites

I started at -30/30 and kept at -30 flying as starught as possible . When i started the orbitting planet/moon was at my six. Logging in tonight its right in front of me and I am still pointing at -30. Fair to say i am using the moons/planet orbit on this planet?

Also yesterday the Bloop was to the left of the moon , so both in front of me

Thanks in advance and if anyone can give advise on coordinates more than happy to help and search
I've only been able to skim the past few pages, so sorry if this is old/irrelevant/w/e info. I was searching Synuefe XO-P c22-17 AB3 using the "glide in and check loading times" on a few coordiantes:


I calculated [SUB][SUB][may be wrong][/SUB][/SUB] that, relative to AB3's radius, 15° of jump space is just enough to cover a decent area yet not lose anything, even with inevitable error. Naturally, around the poles, you need fewer jumps - thus the blackened out cells.

In my search I disregarded the moon's orbit and looked for Barnard's Loop and whatsitsname-blue-thing to be visible on the sky. Even if I am totally wrong with my assumptions and/or calculations - hey, 30% of the surface was scouted!
Alpha = Biology = Urn
Beta = Culture = Totem
Gamma = History = Casket
Delta = Language = Tablet
Epsion = Technology = Orb

And every scan throws out 1 or 2 patterns, fitting to this. So I'm guessing this is the obvious thing that should help us somehow to solve all the other things.

Ram Tah states in every message that a certain type of information belongs to a certain pattern. So that is a fact.
You'll get a certain information only with a certain item, for example Biology never without an Urn. So that must be a key item.
But how to use the patterns that the obelisk spits out?

For me, this is a given clue and there must be more behind it.
If this theory was already mentioned, I'm sorry :)
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Ok this question is for the astonomers here as i am just a foot soldier and ....well i do the searching bit. Iam currently over at synuefe ZL J D10-119 7D checking for any potential sites

I started at -30/30 and kept at -30 flying as starught as possible . When i started the orbitting planet/moon was at my six. Logging in tonight its right in front of me and I am still pointing at -30. Fair to say i am using the moons/planet orbit on this planet?

Also yesterday the Bloop was to the left of the moon , so both in front of me

Thanks in advance and if anyone can give advise on coordinates more than happy to help and search

i did all 30 circum and all -30 circum on 7D ..and nothing. hope you ll had better luck !
We'd be happy to know why

ok... hmm just an idea but.

Site 3 can be done in two ways
If site 1 and 2 can be done in different ways
then all four could be done in different ways

Dont ask me what happens then but it kinda makes some sense, right ?
Please say it does :)
wait can you get money for the same scans twice?


Scan, wait around get all 30 odd from others, hand in and repeat to your heart's content!

QA never bothered to test it lol it's truly hilarious on a headline feature. Then the duplicate site and all it's been brilliant

They are hiring new QA. Should hope so

Scan, wait around get all 30 odd from others, hand in and repeat to your heart's content!

QA never bothered to test it lol it's truly hilarious on a headline feature. Then the duplicate site and all it's been brilliant

They are hiring new QA. Should hope so

GTheyve been hiring new QA for the last 2 years, do you have a link to the new positions or just heresay ? I thought the QA was beta testing removing the most gamebreaking bugs and then inserting more buggy content.
Actually, for aviation purposes a nautical mile is fixed at 1852m. It was defined as a minute of latitude, but that definition has lapsed as the NM is now a Standard Unit. The reason is simple: it would be useless as a measure of distance if it were variable, and my job (driving aeroplanes) would not be able to employ it except at and along the equator.


I stand corrected.
I've learned something today.

Perhaps you could too.
Both the things you've said are not true.

First, it *is* possible to use the old measure as a unit of measure. Doesn't matter if it's not consistent as a distance, it still can be used as a reference. Angular displacement is still easily calculable. After all FMS give out lat and long, despite the units not being consistent distances in either direction.

Second, and this is a doozy, and should really be known by anyone who drives aeroplanes. The latitude at which the distance subtended by 1 minute of arc longitude is equal to the distance subtended by 1 minute of arc latitude is *not" the equator. (The earth is an oblste spheroid, remember.)

Any guess as to which latitude the distances of 1min lat and 1min long are equal? Its a common misconception about the equator amongst lay persons but kinda core knowledge for a professional aviator.

Yours Aye

Mark H
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