Alien archeology and other mysteries: Thread 9 - The Canonn

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Volunteer Moderator
Eh, I would have agreed with this pre 2.2, but this latest update honestly impressed me. Frontier did more for exploration oriented gameplay in 2.2 than they did in the past two years combined (surface landings excluded). Plus the devs seem to be much more involved and attentive to the exploration / mystery crowd lately than they have been prior.

My hope is that Frontier has finally realized the huge market appeal and community desire for exploration gameplay, and might finally be changing direction a bit to improve that. Threads like this and events like Distant Worlds have been huge successes for Elite from a marketing perspective. The general exploration community for the game continues to be a strong and positive force in Elite. Our voices might finally be getting noticed.

So much this
I love you Michael, but you frustrate me with equal measure. How can you answer a question of 'when' with 'I hope so' :p

The cost benefit is the exact reason why the only thing added to the mechanics of exploration in 2 years has been the Wave Scanner. How about the fact that we trudge on, accepting of the decisions that are made for the greater good of the game, rather than taking to the forums and social media spouting hate and bile to cause as much disruption as possible to get what we want? How about the fact that exploration is responsible for virtually all of the games strongest community moments and also the most positive national and international press? Do they not count for anything?

This!!!! Game flight mechanics are superlative, but I think that exploration is the really unique and super difficult to reproduce feature of Elite. Something that will make the game survive the turmoils of markets, since i don't see other titles wich such a scope coming. Also this huge scope is what attracted more media coverage. There's so much potential that we are still here after 2 years even if there's not much ingame content for exploration. Curing this career more is in my opinion one of the keys for the future of the game.
New listening post found by Iallexe on Reddit, if someone wants to hunt down the message source:

Graffias system:

Tracked that one down too, seems ninja'd though.
Found it. I am glad Iallexe found the listening post. This is a cool site.

HR 5906 AB 2 A

6.94, -102.4397

Crashed conda with makeshift outpost. Shown in trailer, I think.

Interesting story. Makes me wish we had our legs.

Edit: Forgot the name. "Unregistered Derelict"

Nice Derelict Anaconda with a strange story. Nice sounds at the site, does still sound active.

Listening post messges
Derelict messages 1-3
Pictures of the site
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Found another blue planet, a water world, in the general direction of the camp site:

Not sure, if you have seen my post from 2 weeks ago, about a terraformable water world only 15ly from Orions Folly.

feel free to give it a check. I cruised towards the "Orions Folly"-system at 30c for some hours (got to about a mil LS but no USS, or anything).

Personally I have more or less given up on following those story trails as I doubt there is anything to be found in game (yet).
Tracked that one down too, seems ninja'd though.

Nice Derelict Anaconda with a strange story. Nice sounds at the site, does still sound active.

Listening post messges
Derelict messages 1-3
Pictures of the site

Kinda makes you wonder what security systems we have on our ships. Too bad we don't have legs.

*glares at FDev
My hope is that Frontier has finally realized the huge market appeal and community desire for exploration gameplay, and might finally be changing direction a bit to improve that. Threads like this and events like Distant Worlds have been huge successes for Elite from a marketing perspective. The general exploration community for the game continues to be a strong and positive force in Elite. Our voices might finally be getting noticed.

I really hope you are right. The game would benefit greatly.
I was thinking about this a few days ago. Looking down at the [alien | human] ruins: the large circular platform looks a bit like a sun surrounded by segments that make up a Dyson sphere. The one open segment is where the pyramid is placed. The pyramid could be interpreted as a ship, the lines coming from the side of the pyramid into the missing segment are where it's constructing the final piece (or opening, Pandora's box?). Maybe the ruins aren't a carographically correct map per se, but a picture of an old event. Also, perhaps it's not a sun that's been sealed up, but a planet?

<yup, sounds far fetched when written down>
I was thinking about this a few days ago. Looking down at the [alien | human] ruins: the large circular platform looks a bit like a sun surrounded by segments that make up a Dyson sphere.

When I first saw the ruins the first thought that came to my mind was also a Dyson Sphere. It wasn't until I started taking measurements and marking architecture that the stellar map theory became more probable to me.
So here is another ruins-as-map hypothesis:

Somebody recently reminded me that 2.2 is titled the Guardians....protectors. And it got me thinking, what if the alien ruins is a map of the protective structure created by the Guardians, protecting SOL.

The hexagonal structure in the ruins represents protective points around SOL. SOL is the large "landing pad" and SYNUEFE XR-H D11-102 is the small landing pad

While the the small landing pad is not centred on the south-west corner point of the hexagon, I believe it only represents what is at the corner point (like a projection from the corner point). So when measuring from the large landing pad to the small landing pad you would measure to the corner not to the centre of the landing pad (see yellow line).

Now this also goes for SOL. I am thinking that the position of SOL should not be measured from the centre of the large landing pad but from a point on the hexagon's horizontal line, directly below the centre point of the pad. This would be a point pretty much on the northern-most point of the southern-most "clamp" of the landing pad. (another possibility is that SOL is at the centre of the cross formed by the two large ridges in the middle of the hexagon...a logical place for it to be, right in the middle of the protective barrier).

So I have a couple of predictions:

1) I predict that there are 5 more ruins sites to be found. Each one will be like the SYNUEFE ruins but with a different corner of the ruins hexagon with a small landing pad structure representing the world where the ruins are.
2) The things we collect at the sites have been left for us by the Guardians to help us in the fight against the Thargoids...(yeah, maybe this one is a little more the "duh!" category)


Originally Posted by fallbackcoma777:
"I do some independent research of my own, and disclosing them would ruin my research. Im sure some people reading this have a few secrets of their own as well."

Nah, not me, I post up anything and everything I find so that the community can either help or look at it for themselves. Extra minds helping out are more important than keeping secrets to me. I love the cooperative nature of exploration and mystery solving in Elite honestly.

I am the same...if I think of something I post it, even if it means being embarrassed at my stupidity later. I know everybody wants the glory of the BIG FIND but keeping things to yourself doesn't help in progressing our knowledge. Share and be part of the team who all chipped in the discover the answer...

In the vein of probably sounding stupid (thanks for the green light, Frawd :D), I was hoping someone could fill me in on a couple things:

I just made it to the ruin site. It sure sounds active for looking so dead... Anyhow has anything been made of the triangle patterns on the obelisks or the relics? Has anyone ran the noises emanating from the site through whatever tools you smartypants people have at your disposal?

I've never seen an SAP 8 container. I read there are "shards" in them. Are they visable? I also read that eight of them by a UA makes it purr differently. I have more questions about these things but are SAP 8 containers a thing of the past/an old clue to a solved mystery? So hard to keep up.

MB said in the 2.2 release celebration vid near 1:10:15, "So, um, some of the new stuff that's been added that people haven't found yet but I'm hoping they'll find quite rapidly has a story line associated with it and that's going to be driven by players collecting things and gathering them in the right place and that will unlock new lore for the game. (SIC)"

Anyone have any insights to this statement? The veteran elites out there have seen wads more than I have. Just trying to pick some brains here.
Tracked that one down too, seems ninja'd though.

Nice Derelict Anaconda with a strange story. Nice sounds at the site, does still sound active.

Listening post messges
Derelict messages 1-3
Pictures of the site

Thanks for the pointer.

It's lonely out there ...
The wreck is there.
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MB said in the 2.2 release celebration vid near 1:10:15, "So, um, some of the new stuff that's been added that people haven't found yet but I'm hoping they'll find quite rapidly has a story line associated with it and that's going to be driven by players collecting things and gathering them in the right place and that will unlock new lore for the game. (SIC)"

Anyone have any insights to this statement? The veteran elites out there have seen wads more than I have. Just trying to pick some brains here.

Dunno but now I'm wondering if any group made big piles of the relics on either/both of the circular altars. too simplistic i'm sure
FWIW I know the explorers feel slighted in terms of development but MB again has more soft soothing words for us...

"I think for 2.2 we certainly focused more on adding the new content for explorers to discover."

MkI eyeballs engage!
FWIW I know the explorers feel slighted in terms of development but MB again has more soft soothing words for us...

"I think for 2.2 we certainly focused more on adding the new content for explorers to discover."

MkI eyeballs engage!

We just need orbital scanning mechanics and then we can go from there, as more as more accesssible procedural content


Volunteer Moderator
I am the same...if I think of something I post it, even if it means being embarrassed at my stupidity later. I know everybody wants the glory of the BIG FIND but keeping things to yourself doesn't help in progressing our knowledge. Share and be part of the team who all chipped in the discover the answer...
I don't think fallbackcoma is talking about those kinds of experiments. We've had some here before having a similiar idea as I think he has. It is for example testing to see if sensible harvesting of them keeps them constantly replenished, or whether they all become "harvested" at some point regardless. Also, the other fellow (sorry, name escapes me) wanted to work on reproducing Barnacles, and creating an actual Barnacle Farm.
These types of experiments can't be done if "the whole world" knows about their location, because the need to be in a controlled environment (as much as possible). If they are on a list of known Barnies, then there is no guarantee that someone else hasn't been there and shot at them. If they are "unknown" to everybody, chances of that having happened is far less.

So, while I understand the request for all science being in the open, I also accept that not all science can be because the experiment then becomes invalid.

Just my thoughts, and fallbackcoma is free to correct me if I am mistaken.
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