Alien archeology and other mysteries: Thread 9 - The Canonn

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There is something fishy about the latest galnet article published,
reflecting the evolution of jump drives:
Continuing our popular series on significant episodes from human history, noted historian Sima Kalhana discusses the development of the hyperdrive.

"Hyperspace technology originated in the early 22nd Century, but it wasn't until the 2800s that consumer ships began to take advantage of it."

"The first commercially available hyperspace system was known as the 'Faraway Jump'. The Faraway system was far from perfect, however, depending on a complex network of monitoring satellites, branch lines, stop points and rescue stations – which took hundreds of years to establish – to operate smoothly."

"It was around this time the phrase 'witch-space' first appeared, reflecting the inherent dangers of early hyperspace technology and the strange 'corridor' a ship travelled through during a hyperspace jump. Some even believed witch-space was haunted by 'ghosts of ships that went into Faraway and didn't come out again'. It is certainly true that a number of ships never reached their destinations."

"The original hyperdrives were powered by a fuel known as quirium, the formula for which was a closely guarded secret. When this formula was lost, the hyperspace industry suffered a major setback. A number of different drives strove to fill the void left by the quirium drives, but it was the Type 2b that proved most popular. Unfortunately, ships equipped with a 2b left behind a hyperspace 'cloud' at their entry and exit points, making it all too easy for malcontents to track and ambush these vessels."

"In the late 3290s, a new hyperspace system emerged that immediately rendered the Type 2b obsolete. Jump times were reduced to mere seconds, as they had been with quirium drives, without any loss in jump range. Journeys that had hitherto been considered unfeasible were now within the realms of possibility."

"Even today, hyperspace remains poorly understood. Many pilots have reported glimpsing inexplicable lights, and even structures, within the witch-space tunnels. It may be centuries before all of its mysteries are unravelled."

Should we be looking to reconstruct the formula for "quirium" and enter witch space
through old and obsolete "faraway-jump beacons"?
Something tells me it is weird, that this article was published after the encounter
with alien entities.
Which facilities of old are connected to the "faraway" jump stuff?

Other thought:
The article mentions "lights" and "structures" in witchspace tunnels
we pass. Is there are way to analyze the "jump sequences" we record
on video, and maybe run a spectral analysis of the changing sources of lighting?
After all light is used as a medium of transportation for information, correct?

It looks like an attempt to rationalise the differences between jumping in Elite, Frontier/FFE, and ED. I'll wait until there is more to go on before trying to find anything related in-game. Interesting that Drew has also written about it though.
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I'm wondering if Metadrive had maybe rediscovered the tech. Whatever it is, witchspace, hyperspace inderdictions, quirim, and Metadrive and Sirius all seem to be related to how we travel in Elite and all of it making the news at around the same time.

I don't know what's about to happen, but something big will.

Well "Meta" is Greek for "Beyond" or "After" .. MetaDrive Could be suggesting a Drive capable of going Beyond.
Probably using a Mix of Current "FSD Tech" and the much older "Galactic Hyperspace Units" that:-

"Unusual modifications to these systems provided rapid transit to other parts of the galaxy, some even claimed they allowed you access completely separate galaxies.
Little is now known about these so called ‘Galactic Hyperspace’ units, though they were reportedly expensive and in short supply."

(Quote is an Excerpt from )
It looks like an attempt to rationalise the differences between jumping in Elite, Frontier/FFE, and ED. I'll wait until there is more to go on before trying to find anything related in-game. Interesting that Drew has also written about it though.

That is why i find it hard to do away with it as coincidence.
In the formidine rift there was something to find
and we got hints through drew's blog and ingame events, right?
We shouldn't brush this away without at least a quick scan,
and keeping it in mind should the next days reveal new info.

What about the light analysis in the jump tunnels though?
That is why i find it hard to do away with it as coincidence.
In the formidine rift there was something to find
and we got hints through drew's blog and ingame events, right?
We shouldn't brush this away without at least a quick scan,
and keeping it in mind should the next days reveal new info.

What about the light analysis in the jump tunnels though?

There was something to find in the Formadine Rift after *years* of hints and it was heralded with a CG. It was way less subtle than this case.

Drew is now involved in the lore-side in an official capacity so I wonder if he isn't actually the ultimate source of the Galnet article. That would explain the coincidence of the same info appearing on his blog at the same time.

I'm not saying it should be discounted, I'm just saying that right now there appears to be nothing to go on. Any talk about using old "faraway-jump" beacons to enter witch-space is beyond premature at this point. But if someone wants to try to analyse the lights in the hyperspace tunnels, by all means go for it.
Could someone help me out with how to get a UP.

I have gone to the original ammonia world near maia that spawned the first free floating UP. I have sat in orbit, gone in and out of orbit, jumped in and jumped out, dropped in and out of SC. No USS have spawned. I have corrosion resistant cargo racks and 2 UA if that makes any difference.

Am I simply out of favour with RNGsus or am I missing part of the incantation.

Could someone help me out with how to get a UP.

I have gone to the original ammonia world near maia that spawned the first free floating UP. I have sat in orbit, gone in and out of orbit, jumped in and jumped out, dropped in and out of SC. No USS have spawned. I have corrosion resistant cargo racks and 2 UA if that makes any difference.

Am I simply out of favour with RNGsus or am I missing part of the incantation.


They're just stupid rare. I recommend switching Ammonia worlds every half an hour or so to keep your sanity intact. Also you're now looking for threat 2 degraded emissions, rather than anomaly detected....not that it makes a difference because you'll probably already be stopping at any signal source to alleviate the tedium.
If bottom of the ship fits to the barnacle... Alien ship is a fungus.

Unknown probe is basidium.
Unknown Artefact will disperse spores after nuclear fusion.
Insignias on both of them are formation of zygospores.
That "alphabet/runes" on the ships I recognize on the right side of this picture (cytoplasmic fusion).

"Basidiomycota are filamentous fungi composed of hyphae (except for yeasts), and reproduce s**ually via the formation of specialized club-shaped end cells called basidia that normally bear external meiospores (usually four)


Need help form SF freaks. There was a weird comic book (black and white, french?, a guy and his girl with black and white stocks) at the same when first Elite come out. They used giant mushrooms to travel from planet to planet.

Barnacles -

I've always liked the 'Fungus hypothesis'.

Barnacles are genetically engineered, based on a pre-exciting life form. Of the life forms we know, it's most similar to the fungus type:

We know that humans in the past, literally have bombed planets with Mycoid. Mycoid is usually referred to as a virus but according to the original lore, it was a complex hybrid organism. The virus was only part of it.
Mycoid literally means: Fungus like.

It is quite possible that the Mycoid has mutated on it's own, or that the Thargoids have actually learned to use it for their own organic technology.

If anyone want to read about the development of Mycoid, it's described in the short story 'Inevitable Consequences' by Moira Sheehan :

Not yet confirmed as lore though.
They're just stupid rare. I recommend switching Ammonia worlds every half an hour or so to keep your sanity intact. Also you're now looking for threat 2 degraded emissions, rather than anomaly detected....not that it makes a difference because you'll probably already be stopping at any signal source to alleviate the tedium.

Could someone help me out with how to get a UP.

I have gone to the original ammonia world near maia that spawned the first free floating UP. I have sat in orbit, gone in and out of orbit, jumped in and jumped out, dropped in and out of SC. No USS have spawned. I have corrosion resistant cargo racks and 2 UA if that makes any difference.

Am I simply out of favour with RNGsus or am I missing part of the incantation.

neither sitting around (interpreting this as idle drifting at 30Mm/sec) nor jumping in or out will help, on the contrary.
go to an orbit distance of OC+ 0,0025*(SOI-OC) and cruise around the planet at a speed between 220-450Mm/sec U will get USS spawning every 2 to 5 minutes.
Degraded Emissions Threat 2 will be amoung them , at least 1 per hour - by my humble experience.

There is something fishy about the latest galnet article published,
reflecting the evolution of jump drives:
Continuing our popular series on significant episodes from human history, noted historian Sima Kalhana discusses the development of the hyperdrive.

"Hyperspace technology originated in the early 22nd Century, but it wasn't until the 2800s that consumer ships began to take advantage of it."

"The first commercially available hyperspace system was known as the 'Faraway Jump'. The Faraway system was far from perfect, however, depending on a complex network of monitoring satellites, branch lines, stop points and rescue stations – which took hundreds of years to establish – to operate smoothly."

"It was around this time the phrase 'witch-space' first appeared, reflecting the inherent dangers of early hyperspace technology and the strange 'corridor' a ship travelled through during a hyperspace jump. Some even believed witch-space was haunted by 'ghosts of ships that went into Faraway and didn't come out again'. It is certainly true that a number of ships never reached their destinations."

"The original hyperdrives were powered by a fuel known as quirium, the formula for which was a closely guarded secret. When this formula was lost, the hyperspace industry suffered a major setback. A number of different drives strove to fill the void left by the quirium drives, but it was the Type 2b that proved most popular. Unfortunately, ships equipped with a 2b left behind a hyperspace 'cloud' at their entry and exit points, making it all too easy for malcontents to track and ambush these vessels."

"In the late 3290s, a new hyperspace system emerged that immediately rendered the Type 2b obsolete. Jump times were reduced to mere seconds, as they had been with quirium drives, without any loss in jump range. Journeys that had hitherto been considered unfeasible were now within the realms of possibility."

"Even today, hyperspace remains poorly understood. Many pilots have reported glimpsing inexplicable lights, and even structures, within the witch-space tunnels. It may be centuries before all of its mysteries are unravelled."

Should we be looking to reconstruct the formula for "quirium" and enter witch space
through old and obsolete "faraway-jump beacons"?
Something tells me it is weird, that this article was published after the encounter
with alien entities.
Which facilities of old are connected to the "faraway" jump stuff?

Other thought:
The article mentions "lights" and "structures" in witchspace tunnels
we pass. Is there are way to analyze the "jump sequences" we record
on video, and maybe run a spectral analysis of the changing sources of lighting?
After all light is used as a medium of transportation for information, correct?

The Lave cluster is connected to the Faraway system.
We can buy paintjobs and weapon colour mods for our ships. That fact that my python is red and my friend's python is grey has no significance whatsoever. So why are you assuming that different colours on the thargoid ship means different (sub-)races and not merely personal preference as it does for us?

They didn't say the old lore never happened, they said it wasn't reliable. There is a big difference.

Indeed: I'll put on the table also the fact that Thargoids could really know morse code very well, as it was widely used by INRA during the first Thargoid War: they called it "The blink code".

Many time I had not been active in a canonn research. Time to do science again!

Cmdrs, here you have a form to submit any alien hyperdiction you experience. Help us finding out what do those aliens want!

Also you can check the database yourself! Help us finding any patterns there!

Sent this to Rizal already, hopefuly he will add it to the first thread soon :).

Also, Drew's blog indicates that Quirium was a closely guarded secret and engineered from Thargoid technology. The data was lost when teh "Galactic Cooperative" that controlled it collapsed. This Blog containing more information about Quirium, was posted today. Another coincidence?

The description of 'Quirium H-fuel' is from the original Elite 'Space Traders Flight Training Manual'. Drew is obviously hard at work, tying in old lore where ever it fits ED. More and more of the old stuff are being re-confirmed. The continuity is now much better than it was between Elite and FE2.

The infamous retcon, seem to relate mostly to the hand coded missions from FFE.

Dream-Ware, Imperial clones and the android population also seem to have lost their place in history.
Could someone help me out with how to get a UP.

I have gone to the original ammonia world near maia that spawned the first free floating UP. I have sat in orbit, gone in and out of orbit, jumped in and jumped out, dropped in and out of SC. No USS have spawned. I have corrosion resistant cargo racks and 2 UA if that makes any difference.

Am I simply out of favour with RNGsus or am I missing part of the incantation.


So I found 2 UP in the space of 10mins the other day, you basically orbit the ammonia world at around 11Mm (quite close) and be patient. I kept moving in the blue zone speed range allow at least 15mins. Pleiades Sector KC-U B3-1

On the other topic of drive technology...

I don't think it is a coincidence that the two top drive modification engineers Palin and Farseer ask for alien items/materials as a means of friendship.
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Reposting from the other forum.
"Oh. For the love of the spaghetti Monster.

Step 1: Find an Ammonia world

Step 2: Pick up a UP (PROBE NOT UA)

Step 3: Honk it in system. Watch pretty things.

Step 4: jump to Merope.

Step 5: Get Hyperdicted.

Try it."

Others have tried it and it's worked.

According to the original pilot he wasn't carrying any UA's just Magnetic Emitter Coils. Has this been confirmed as that apparently was his statement on the interview

[FONT=&quot]"I was headed out with three magnetic emitter coils in my hull and that was it," Bettig tells me.
Hello Research folks!

I've written up a lengthy post about, what we consider, the "Ancient Ruins" in a separate thread on the forums.

I'm just wondering, if anyone fancies a bit of reading, to people who visit just this thread more than the other parts of the forums, if you could give it a read and see you what reckon?


Appreciate feedback and ideas :)


Volunteer Moderator
Many time I had not been active in a canonn research. Time to do science again!

Cmdrs, here you have a form to submit any alien hyperdiction you experience. Help us finding out what do those aliens want!

Also you can check the database yourself! Help us finding any patterns there!

Sent this to Rizal already, hopefuly he will add it to the first thread soon :).
Very nice M. Volgrand. A sheet like this is very useful.
From my experience with the UP Location sheet, I would however recommend you gather as much data as possible. It is extremely frustrating to find something that could be a factor, and then realise that the data isn't available from previous encounters.
From a short look into the sheet, I would recommend adding "system origin", "same system endpoint" (ie. ended up in same system as they started in), and details about the different systems (star type, planet types, etc). I am sure there are other factors that could be added, but those are the first I could think of.

Good job...and good luck keeping it updated ;)
There is something fishy about the latest galnet article published,
reflecting the evolution of jump drives:
Continuing our popular series on significant episodes from human history, noted historian Sima Kalhana discusses the development of the hyperdrive.

"Hyperspace technology originated in the early 22nd Century, but it wasn't until the 2800s that consumer ships began to take advantage of it."

"The first commercially available hyperspace system was known as the 'Faraway Jump'. The Faraway system was far from perfect, however, depending on a complex network of monitoring satellites, branch lines, stop points and rescue stations – which took hundreds of years to establish – to operate smoothly."

"It was around this time the phrase 'witch-space' first appeared, reflecting the inherent dangers of early hyperspace technology and the strange 'corridor' a ship travelled through during a hyperspace jump. Some even believed witch-space was haunted by 'ghosts of ships that went into Faraway and didn't come out again'. It is certainly true that a number of ships never reached their destinations."

"The original hyperdrives were powered by a fuel known as quirium, the formula for which was a closely guarded secret. When this formula was lost, the hyperspace industry suffered a major setback. A number of different drives strove to fill the void left by the quirium drives, but it was the Type 2b that proved most popular. Unfortunately, ships equipped with a 2b left behind a hyperspace 'cloud' at their entry and exit points, making it all too easy for malcontents to track and ambush these vessels."

"In the late 3290s, a new hyperspace system emerged that immediately rendered the Type 2b obsolete. Jump times were reduced to mere seconds, as they had been with quirium drives, without any loss in jump range. Journeys that had hitherto been considered unfeasible were now within the realms of possibility."

"Even today, hyperspace remains poorly understood. Many pilots have reported glimpsing inexplicable lights, and even structures, within the witch-space tunnels. It may be centuries before all of its mysteries are unravelled."

Should we be looking to reconstruct the formula for "quirium" and enter witch space
through old and obsolete "faraway-jump beacons"?
Something tells me it is weird, that this article was published after the encounter
with alien entities.
Which facilities of old are connected to the "faraway" jump stuff?

Other thought:
The article mentions "lights" and "structures" in witchspace tunnels
we pass. Is there are way to analyze the "jump sequences" we record
on video, and maybe run a spectral analysis of the changing sources of lighting?
After all light is used as a medium of transportation for information, correct?

We have an ancient looking place, who always looked to me like an old launching installation, filled with human and reverse engineered alien tech: Xenohenge, the Ruins.

All is in the story: an ancient jumping infraestructure, partially engineered from alien tech (urns, caskets, not unknown but ancient) who was part of an already dismantled network of forgotten interestellar tech, but human. Left behind on purpose by some secret organization and forgotten?. But we have now clues of this old tech in our own UIs and in our lore galnet news... so the ruins, Xenohenge, could be an old faraway beacon to...
So I'm coming into this thread really late and it is... ... Large... *Cough* Anyway, someone has probably already said this, but I just have to admit to a curious thought. Someone has already hypothesized that they almost seem to be looking for something, but of course nothing anyone has been carrying so far has seemed to satisfy them. I've been wondering, but doesn't it seem almost like they're sort of powering up some process and then it suddenly shuts down almost completely unexpectedly? It feels like they're actually looking for something to resonate with the process itself. Perhaps just a standard greeting among those of their technology where data can be exchanged (if I wanted to go off into my own guesses I'd say maybe a mechanism of doing something like a quantum entanglement "handshake" to establish a network connection) or something and when human ships don't do this they just decide they're too primitive even to be bothered with and simply leave.

Of course, if UAs and UPs aren't doing whatever it is they are looking for, I don't know what -- if anything currently existing -- anyone could actually carry that would catch their interest. Then again, these are basically old and largely disabled components ripped out of whatever their original context may have been. Maybe they're just looking for something more active than even the probes (which as far as I know hasn't been found?)

Anyway, just thinking aloud I guess.
Nothing really came of them? We have a second bubble only because Jmanis and others experimented with UA bombing and used it on Jacques'. If you call that nothing, then I really think you're expecting too much.

Bear in mind I've been out for ages and not read everything that has taken place :D
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