Alien archeology and other mysteries: Thread 9 - The Canonn

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Heading over to Meene right now to get hold of that algorithm from Ram Tah if it's available, and to check for missions from him.

Edit: once the patch is applied I mean :)
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Agree. 'Finger counting' system is most appropriate.
But why in UP signal radius is in block 3 and we marked --I as 1?

  1. starts with no header, 979/1000 = 0.979
  2. starts with 1 as header, 153/250 = 0.612
  3. starts with 2 as header, 941/200 = 4.705
  4. starts with 3 as header, 1153/200 = 5.765
  5. starts with 4 135 "/" 588.371 82 "/" 50.312 136 "/" 69.859**

** it is not clear to me if the #X denominator should apply to both previous sub-blocks, or only the one just before.

Now, here are the characteristic of merope 5c : Radius = 1478 [km], Surf. Temp. = 297 [K], Gravity = 0.18 g, Orbit T = 6.6 [dy], 5085 [ls] from arrival.

Here are the caracteristic of Pleiades Sector KC-U b3-1 8 : Radius = 8518 [km], Surf. Temp. = 182 [K], Gravity = 0.86 g, Orbit T = 196.4 [dy], 223 [ls] from arrival.

If we do the ratios body X/merope 5c : Radius = 5.763, Surf. Temp. = 0.612[8], gravity = 4.77, Orbit T = 29.76, Dist from arrival = 22.8

As one can see, the blocks with the #1,#2 and #3 headers fit rather nicely (not perfectly, but too good to be fat chance)

What is not known :
The first line : could be the probe health at the transmission start, or something else. It is not the distance to sol as thought previously as the ratio was done in the wrong order.
The last block with header #4 : so far no good theory has been proposed (that I know of).

I never entirely understood what those symbols meant.

All I got out of the drawing initially was that they used an octal number system.

In retrospect, I guess we can make it sort of fit the order of the octal message.

0) Relative distance between Merope and Col 70..... (not in drawing).
1) --| is Radius
2) -|- is surface temp
3) -|| is gravity
4) |-- is orbit time (this is the symbol that is most difficult to accept)

Radius as no 1 and the --| symbol is most evident in my opinion. It's still all a bit unclear to me.
Has anyone been Hyperdicted but have had no contact with UA/AP. I.e never had one in your cargo hold? Because so far all the people me and some friends have heard about been interdicted who haven't had contact with a UA/UP couldn't get Hyperdicted. We think that you need to have at least had one on board at one point or another in order to be "tagged". This is just speculation of cause.... which is why I'm asking if anyone has had an encounter with the Aliens but no interaction with UA/UP.
Afaik somebody had an alt account, and flew an eagle over there having had no contact with any alien objects whatsoever, and he got hyperdicted fairly readily, just seems to be RNG to the max. For the record I've been pulled once, with a single UA...can i get it to happen again, nooooooope.
The fact that these hyperdictions are roughly within the shell radius means there's still something there to be found, that's been blissfully ignored.

It's a pretty not so subtle way of FDev saying, "Hey... it's over HERE!" Unfortunately, folks don't seem inclined to actually search the area. The same happened with the Rift's beacon (which was roughly the same area but sparser.) People focused on the CTD planet issue and that was it. Meanwhile Raxxla is still in the Rift and has been since launch.

With all the beacons, crash sights and barnacles, they've even given clues as to which class systems to look in, and which to ignore. I can just imagine Michael Brookes laughing maniacally. He's been playing Populous, but with Elite ships, trying to get his peons to move in the right direction mostly unsuccessfully. Every now and then he has to start an earthquake or volcanic eruption to get people to focus again.

So, where is it then? You seem pretty sure.
i have a possible test that can be done if someone is quick enough.

you will need an UP and some quick fingers or key binding/voice attack.

once you drop from hyperspace you have approx 10 seconds before power is totally off, as soon as you drop from hyperspace start a system scan (if you can) at the same time drop the UP from the cargo (using key binding or voice attack), i hope that it will be just enough time to activate the UPs EMP before your systems die.

Anyone willing to try this or has it been tried?
I was interdicted earlier today between 36 Arietis > Aries Dark Region VE-Q B5-0 (after a few hours of flying around with a single UA). After seeing the video from CMDR Josh Hawkins, I tried to get my Imperial Courier inside the wake 'portal' before it closed. I wasn't aware of / didn't allow for, the sudden change in direction the ship makes before opening the portal, so I was already going to fast in the wrong direction and came in parallel. My next (hopefully) attempt will be better.

Here's a OneDrive link of the interdiction.
Oh don't misunderstand. That there is more of this "mottling" as people are calling it during the hyperdiction events is utterly undeniable. What I mean is the causes of the mottling during normal jump events may not have changed. Whether it's randomly generated, related to where you are in the galaxy (or maybe where you are relative to an alternate dimension on the other side of hyperspace, lol) is hard to say. The question of whether it has changed recently is the one that may be subject to confirmation bias. A very in-depth analysis is needed to really determine what most affects the likelihood of these appearing more. It may actually be a combination of variables and randomness. Or, maybe it is related to the aliens. I don't know if anyone has the patience to truly test this individually -- this is probably something we'll have to learn over time.

Perhaps the mottling in hyperspace is supposed to represent Dark Matter?
I'm not sure if anyone has already commented on this, but interdiction in Earth is false.
A very poor work of Photoshop
Can be easily perceived by the bugs at the edge of the name.
Then the obvious: a wake as a target in space, appears only as location: deep space, the target is wrong. Even if it were real appearing sun system would be more convincing.

I was suspicious from the start... Thanks to point that out

i have a possible test that can be done if someone is quick enough.

you will need an UP and some quick fingers or key binding/voice attack.

once you drop from hyperspace you have approx 10 seconds before power is totally off, as soon as you drop from hyperspace start a system scan (if you can) at the same time drop the UP from the cargo (using key binding or voice attack), i hope that it will be just enough time to activate the UPs EMP before your systems die.

Anyone willing to try this or has it been tried?

ads doesnt even start, you dont have 10 seconds
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The UP broadcasts a signal containing binary coded octal values that encode the atmospheric composition of the nearest planet and a bunch of other data relative to Merope 5c. That's way more complex and interesting and unintuitive than simply reversing the order (which they've done in codes before, btw) or choosing '-' to mean 1 rather than 0.

Also note that when Han_Zen said "they've drawn it up for us" he was (presumably) referring to the symbols in the UP's spectrograph. But those symbols don't correspond to an obvious ordering for the encoding he's suggesting:
-|- -||
|-- --|
which in his encoding is:
2 3
4 1
If the image is supposed to clue us in that these are binary coded octal then why aren't they in a natural counting order (as we did when we sent the Arecibo message)?

And the implication is that Merope 5C has some special significance for the UP creators, BUT WHAT??
Is this a hyperspace staging post? But in that case why use 5C as the reference since that exists in normal space and if they're staging around 5C why no indications?
So I still think there is something to find on Merope 5C; perhaps they had a base there in the distant past, or originated from there....whatever it is there should be some signs on the surface (& yes, I know people have looked & not found anything, but absence of evidence is not evidence of absence!)

- - - Updated - - -

I apologize if this has been said before, but i cant help but notice the deliberate wording Drew Wagar used when he updated his Thargoids lore page.

Particularly i cant help but notice this entry in the "What we know" section : "Thargoids have been in space for ‘Millennia’"
Notice how the word Millennia is both capitalized and in brackets? Also, it is common knowledge that Thargoids are from witchspace, so why use the regular word "space"?

What this one sentence tells me is that Thargoids have been in space (our space) looking for something called "Millennia". Which is plural for millennium which to me sounds a lot like a material or a substance. The fact that its both capitalized and in brackets tell me its definately not meant to be a description of time period but rather a thing or a place.

Maybe i am thinking too much into this, but Drew is a master of hints. What do you guys think?

Like it! Drew does like wordplay
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I never entirely understood what those symbols meant.

All I got out of the drawing initially was that they used an octal number system.

In retrospect, I guess we can make it sort of fit the order of the octal message.

0) Relative distance between Merope and Col 70..... (not in drawing).
1) --| is Radius
2) -|- is surface temp
3) -|| is gravity
4) |-- is orbit time (this is the symbol that is most difficult to accept)

Radius as no 1 and the --| symbol is most evident in my opinion. It's still all a bit unclear to me.

4) |-- is a partial pressure of three different gases. It's quiate specific but acceptable.
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