Alien archeology and other mysteries: Thread 9 - The Canonn

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Guys, just noticed something: Is it me or the sound the UA emits is very different than usual? Can someone confirm?

On a side note: I am collecting all theories and observations the Hyperdiction database I built Feel free to check it out and put them to a test!

To my mind the UA does sound different after this hyperdiction encounter. I also note that the interdicted ship's systems do not power down until a couple of seconds after the rentry into normal space. My hypothesis here is that this is related to either the carried UA or to "fireflies" transferred during the hyperdiction which are then removed by the scan (the yellow particles)

1) could the sound experts please check this to confirm or refute? It could be the AWBAAK scan has altered the UA in some way & there is now new information to glean

2) I note that the ship is reporting several systems suffer toxic corrosion damage & that is confirmed in the modules panel. Does this only happen to ships that are carrying UAs when hyperdicted? Is the extent of corrosion affected if using CRCR?

No, it doesn't sound different ;)
Read my previous post:

Was about to head into cinema to watch Assassin's Creed (I give it a solid 7/10. Far from "a flawless masterpiece", but probably best movie adaptation of a game I've seen...) when I saw this series of posts. Tried to listen on phone but was way too hard.

Back home now though with my good headphones and, well, to me it sounds just like any other UA. The sound quality in that video is quite poor which does come through in the UA audio, but I've heard similar distortion when I was listening to UA cuts and I booched the amplification, causing cutoffs and the like. So,, tl;dr nope. Doesn't sound any different to normal.

Just my 40c.
I know that those "has anyone tried something that someone has already tried" posts are annoying but here it goes:

Has anyone tried to reach a hyperdicted player while the "event" is occurring. If you are in a wing with the hyperdicted target do you see his wing beacon if you are in the same system as him ? I know that it can drop you off like 100k ls away from the main star, but it can also drop you closer.

If this is possible you can use the extra time to perform more tasks like cargo scanning, trying to attach a hatch breaker or fuel limpet to the alien
I apologize if this has been said before, but i cant help but notice the deliberate wording Drew Wagar used when he updated his Thargoids lore page.

Particularly i cant help but notice this entry in the "What we know" section : "Thargoids have been in space for ‘Millennia’"
Notice how the word Millennia is both capitalized and in brackets? Also, it is common knowledge that Thargoids are from witchspace, so why use the regular word "space"?

What this one sentence tells me is that Thargoids have been in space (our space) looking for something called "Millennia". Which is plural for millennium which to me sounds a lot like a material or a substance. The fact that its both capitalized and in brackets tell me its definately not meant to be a description of time period but rather a thing or a place.

Maybe i am thinking too much into this, but Drew is a master of hints. What do you guys think?

It's a common misunderstanding that Thargoids are from Witchspace. They are not. They are from Ammonia worlds.

The root of the rumor is this sentence from the original Elite manual: "Thargoid battle-cruisers believed to be able to "hover" in Witch-Space (hyperspace) and destroy through-coming craft".

Please note that Witch-Space and hyperspace was the same, even back then. ;)

Thargoid biology is not that different from our. They are carbon based and bread Oxygen. The main difference is that they use ammonia as a solvent in their bodies. We use water.
They are believed to be able to bread unassisted on Earth, if the temperature is low enough (minimum below -34°C).
One thing I noticed is that if you start travelling far from Maia, the yellow-ish thing on hyperspace increases. Just make check it. Travel from anywhere on the main bubble to Maia and see it increasing on each jump as you are closer.


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If this is possible you can use the extra time to perform more tasks like cargo scanning, trying to attach a hatch breaker or fuel limpet to the alien

Hmmm I wonder if anyone had thought to try that :p

Slow Motion Thargoid Scan


This is an extract from my own encounter on Xbox, I've chopped it to just the scan, and slowed it down so you guys can have a clearer look at what the ship does during the scan, because it does go by quite quickly. Sorry for the video quality - Xbox DVR is awful.
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One thing I noticed is that if you start travelling far from Maia, the yellow-ish thing on hyperspace increases. Just make check it. Travel from anywhere on the main bubble to Maia and see it increasing on each jump as you are closer.

It's been raised many times in the thread and I've seen it myself. I wonder if there is a path to take which increases in 'yellow' intensity which results in arriving at a system of value.
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So here's my scientific factual contribution to this mystery. Just had my first encounter this evening.

Let me preface this by saying I have NEVER had ANY contact with UA or UP prior to first contact. My experiences have all been through Youtube.

I DID however, visit the barnacle on Merope 5c prior to first contact. And that was the only barnacle I visited.

I began my search Saturday night and devoted several hours. After checking this thread and verifying no UA/UP was required, I set about jumping in and around the UA bubble in area of first contact. I made perhaps 30 jumps with no success. I then found a UA. It scanned me, and I honked it. I scooped it, and again set to looking. Another 15-20 jumps in and around the UA bubble, before I decided to head inside the bubble and check around Merope and its surrounds in perhaps a 40-50ly range. Another 15-20 jumps and at some point the UA disappeared on me. I don't know when, I just noticed the corrosion messages hadn't come up for a while. Discouraged, I docked at Obsidian Orbital and called it quits for the night.

I took Sunday off.

Picked up the search again today (Monday, now yesterday), I resolved to collect some Soontill Relics, which I did , and set off to find a UP, which after about an hour of looking, I did, in Pleaides Sector RO-Q B5-0. I scanned it, and scooped it into my hold. On the fourth jump ( -> Asterope -> Merope-> Maia -> Celaeno) I was hyperdicted. The event went the same as any

FACTS from my experience:

-Ship: Asp Explorer
-System: Maia, jumping to Celaeno
-Cargo: 1 UP, 8 Soontill Relics.
-Scanned by UA: once, two days ago

Additional experiments/observations:

-Soontill relics had no impact on event. (This was one time I was sooooo hoping to get ripped open, just so I could say I found something. Alas...)

-Reviewing video of my encounter, determined alien ship did NOT exit jump in direction of Merope. In fact, it jumped away. Reviewing my video and after some experiments, I determine it to be in the direction of Wredguia ZK-X B23-3. Not saying that's the star, there was no visible star in its path, but through extrapolation I judge it's in that direction, which leads up and out of the galaxy. So if you draw a line from Maia to Wredguia ZK-X B23-3, that's where it was pointed I'm about 95% sure, to some destination before or beyond.

-No cargo was lost during the event

- After the Hyperdiction I jumped about 10 more times and ended back in Merope. I thought I'd re-honk the UP and try to re-trigger the event. So I scooted a short distence from the star and dropped down into normal space. I came to a stop and jettisoned the UP and honked. INSTANTLY, I heard the the sound of ships jumping in on me. I was scanned right before my ship shut down. I was wetting my pants as my ship was disabled that pirates were going to slaughter my helpless Asp over 8 tons of Soontill garbage. Not waiting to find out what they were, I scooped it in a hurry and waked out. There was no hail on comms, and I did not see them. For all I know, it was three Thargoid Flowers, but I'm wondering if abandoning the UP after a hyperdiction triggers some other event. Someone else may wish to test this, I'm not likely to go hunting UP's again anytime soon. Bless you guys who have the patience for this. I can only handle so much.

After about two dozen more uneventful jumps, I called it a night. Apparently re-honking does not trigger another event. My hypothesis is, the UP will not trigger an event once damaged.

If I think of anything else I'll post tomorrow. I'm off to bed.

That is very useful. I have added your experience to the database.

In view of the facts, I have also added extra questions to the forms, including UA or UP scans, how long ago, and extra notes for the commanders to add.
Ok, maybe this will help (still we don't know what is means - other than what we suppose what is means <<ammonia planet>>)

:D Just kidding, move along, move along...
They clearly do in that video. In others, they don't.

Perhaps the REAL TRIGGER for the hyperdiction is being low on fuel?! :eek: ....... :)

disproven ;)
check out my fuel during the Jump, and than after my controls come back. I'm running mostly on max fuel tank and it happened to me so being low on fuel is very unlikely to be a Trigger. It refueled the main fueltank but not the Reservoir ;)

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I know that those "has anyone tried something that someone has already tried" posts are annoying but here it goes:

Has anyone tried to reach a hyperdicted player while the "event" is occurring. If you are in a wing with the hyperdicted target do you see his wing beacon if you are in the same system as him ? I know that it can drop you off like 100k ls away from the main star, but it can also drop you closer.

If this is possible you can use the extra time to perform more tasks like cargo scanning, trying to attach a hatch breaker or fuel limpet to the alien

Dunni, but I'm game for trying it?
It's been raised many times in the thread and I've seen it myself. I wonder if there is a path to take which increases in 'yellow' intensity which results in arriving at a system of value.
IMHO its a thing You experience all time if going to diffrent areas of the galaxy.
If You are passing through fields of A-/B-Type stars, the amount ouf cyan, white and white-blue in during jump increases, if You are passing near a green nebula, the quantety of green goes up, same with blue / violet if passing an emission nebula.
Hence, as Your are nearing Plejades and Barnards Loop on Your way to Maia/Merope, it seems not to surprising to get different coloring during Hyperspace-Jump. TBH during my recent trip (today) to Maia whilst jumping I saw nothing out of the ordinary...
Slow Motion Thargoid Scan

This is an extract from my own encounter on Xbox, I've chopped it to just the scan, and slowed it down so you guys can have a clearer look at what the ship does during the scan, because it does go by quite quickly. Sorry for the video quality - Xbox DVR is awful.

Nice - repped! I tried to do this myself last night as I had a theory that maybe the flickering light, if slowed down sufficiently, might prove to be code (morse?) of some sort (i.e. not the barcode itself but the actually flickering on and off). I didn't post anything in the end because I came to the conclusion it was nothing.
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