Am I missing raw mats for mission rewards?

I get that. I know how to obtain them directly from the wild ..just like you can with data and manufactured. Just seems weird that I can get other mats from mission rewards, but not raw... especially considering that raw is the hardest of the three to obtain in the wild.

I find raw the easiest to find and collect, but then I love driving the SRV. I went searching for antimony last night. Found a planet in the system I was in that had 1.2%, and also arsenic. I'd collected 20 antimony and arsenic in around half an hour, along with loads of lower quality materials. I always aim for large craters when landing, they seem to have a good crop of metallic meteorites and that other thing beginning with m (where the better materials are found).
I agree OP, raws should be available as a mission reward, to the point that I raised it as a suggestion last year only for it to be voted down on the basis that mission numbers were finite and cmdrs thought the reward balance would be negatively affected.
I agree OP, raws should be available as a mission reward, to the point that I raised it as a suggestion last year only for it to be voted down on the basis that mission numbers were finite and cmdrs thought the reward balance would be negatively affected.
Considering how easy Raw Mats are and that mission rewards are a great source of other materials, I can see why it went the way it did.
I agree OP, raws should be available as a mission reward, to the point that I raised it as a suggestion last year only for it to be voted down on the basis that mission numbers were finite and cmdrs thought the reward balance would be negatively affected.

Personally, I get very few of my materials from mission rewards. Given that I rarely see material mission rewards that are worth bothering with, I also feel that adding raw materials to the list would dilute the already poor offerings even further.
I agree OP, raws should be available as a mission reward, to the point that I raised it as a suggestion last year only for it to be voted down on the basis that mission numbers were finite and cmdrs thought the reward balance would be negatively affected.
Also, FD probably wish to retain an incentive for base game players to upgrade to Horizons :)
Considering how easy Raw Mats are and that mission rewards are a great source of other materials, I can see why it went the way it did.
Driving around in an SRV shooting rocks and various other things may be easy, but can sometimes be mind numbingly boring when you're not in the mood, so it would be nice to have an alternative (non-mining themed) choice for raws.
Agreed ! But they also come in handy for refuelling and re-arming (if I remember correctly), and jumponium, so they would have to blast them off rocks with a mining laser in Elite Dangerous.
And what a stroke of good fortune it would be to get some decent jumponium mats of a roid!
OP, I wish there was, as I really dislike driving around in an SRV shooting rocks. I bought a spaceship simulator, not a go-cart simulator. We can get some raws from mining asteroids, but not the higher-tier stuff.

Sigh.... :(
OT, but your comment just reminded me of this, for some reason.
I would say Raw Mats are the easiest by far to gather, their locations are pretty static.

Maybe the work itself is "easy", but you still have to go way out of your way to get to these spots, even if they are "pretty static". You can acquire data and manufactured with minimal deviation from just running missions, trading, bounty hunting, etc...not to mention being able to get them directly as rewards for missions.
Nice job on that mission, here's some salvaged components you can use to upgrade your ship. Or did you want this classified data? Oh ok you just want a pile of rocks. Hey this guy just wants a pile of rocks. There you go, friend. Come back and do another dangerous mission we got plenty of rocks for you.
Mission giver: "You're telling me instead of offering them high tech Military Supercapacitors or Exquisite Focus Crystals for their services they would also have been satisfied with a bunch of rocks!?"
I just started playing ED again after several years doing other stuff. I'm in an A-rated Cobra Mk3, and I have been running mostly small cargo and courrier missions with a bit of PvE combat when I get bored. The other day I made contact with my 1st engineer out of sheer curiosity. I went looking for info on the whole "Engineer" process, and I have seen all kinds of conflicting info, but no mention of where I can actually get the required materials.

Given what I have read so far, is it correct to assume that the only way I can get RAW Mats is Mining (space or surface) or Piracy? I have avoided both of those like the plague, as I find them mind-numbingly boring. So if that's required for Engineering upgrades, I'll most likely just pass on the whole idea.

I have nearly 30Mil in credits. I can buy and kit-out any of several fully-functional spaceships with that much, but I can't buy ONE unit of a simple element like sulfur anywhere in the known galaxy, even though there is an established marketplace for trading those same materials? WHAT the hell?
I just don't get how that makes sense in ANY galaxy.

Can someone set me straight? Please?
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I just started playing ED again after several years doing other stuff. I'm in an A-rated Cobra Mk3, and I have been running mostly small cargo and courrier missions with a bit of PvE combat when I get bored. The other day I made contact with my 1st engineer out of sheer curiosity. I went looking for info on the whole "Engineer" process, and I have seen all kinds of conflicting info, but no mention of where I can actually get the required materials.

Given what I have read so far, is it correct to assume that the only way I can get RAW Mats is Mining or Piracy? I have avoided both of those like the plague, and if that's required for Engineering upgrades, I'll pass.

I have nearly 30Mil in credits. I can buy and kit-out any of several fully-functional spaceships with that much, but I can't buy ONE unit of a simple element like sulfur anywhere in the known galaxy?

WHAT the hell? I just don't get how that makes sense in ANY galaxy.

Can someone set me straight? Please?
Which brings us around neatly to where this thread began. :)

You are supposed to drive around in your SRV and shoot rocks for these, or crystalline clusters etc. at geo sites for higher grade raw materials to trade down. Or even shoot 'roids with a mining laser for them. But whichever way you do it, they will take a while to gather. They come in handy for all kinds of things in the game, so it's a good policy to learn how to gather raw materials.

If you visit a geo site, some of the 'items' there (such as needle crystals and crystalline clusters) yield high grade raw materials that you can collect pretty quickly (by shooting them in the SRV, and they accrue at 3 per item shot). Then you can visit a raw material trader to trade these high grade items for lower grade raw materials, so you aren't chasing all over different planets for different materials. It's not as tedious as it seems, and it's supposed to be enjoyable. Some of the sights at the sites, especially from the SRV, are amazing.
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You are supposed to drive around in your SRV and shoot rocks for these...
Thanks for the response, Lightyear.
I uuhhh... I guess it would have helped if I had mentioned that I consider surface prospecting to be a form of mining. My bad. <D'OOHH!!>
So with that in mind, it seems my current assumption (Mining or Piracy) was sadly correct. Doing it successfully via Piracy would probably
mean "camping out" near RAW Trader stations. NO. I will NOT stoop to camping, and the Devs can't make me!
So it looks like its down to.... 🙄 mining. Uuuugghhh. 😴

I have actually enjoyed mining at times in other games (X3 Terran Conflict, and Albion Prelude come to mind), but in this game it just seems... well,
boring, tedious, time-consuming, and oh-so-GRINDY. And, I'd have to buy and outfit a ship to mine 'roids, or buy a hangar & SRV to go crater scrapin' .

Forcing me learn to practice mining to get a weapon power-up is kind of like my mechanic telling me that he'll put a performance chip in my car, - but FIRST,
I have to spend time, energy, and money learning to play Polo, or something equally silly. The 2 things are totally unrelated.

<Soapbox mode: Engage!>
Personally, I think its nuts to funnel players into an activity they don't enjoy, or in my case, really, I mean, REALLY don't enjoy, just to get things that are already
being traded in the game
! Send me on a quest. Charge me a gazillion credits. Hell, make me drive your mother-in-law around for a week, or whatever you think
is needed to make it a challenge. But for the love of Mike, don't make me waste what game time I can sneak-in doing things that suck the love of the game right out of me,
</ Soapbox>

Thanks again, man, but I'll pass on the whole idea. I'll wait till Horizons update 7.9, when I'll have more money than a small platoon of Jeff Bezos', and I can
hire people to hire people to start a mining company for me. :LOL:
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