Am I missing raw mats for mission rewards?

Just mine LTDs in Borann, max out G2 and G1 raw mats of certain categories (then trade for what you need), and get rich in the process.
I guess you could call mining and exploration "parallel activities", but they're both very specific activities, whereas Data and Manufactured can both be collected while doing combat, trade, exploration, passenger runs or mining.

There is not a lot of data or manufactured stuff where I explore....
At least until Borann and the galatic price of LTDs is nerfed in the next update;)

Only reason LTDs work as they do is they aren't respecting the demand rules, apparently (Personally i haven't validated that, but it's mentioned pretty often)

Even then, it won't fix the excessive income of mining entirely.
Nor is there anywhere to use data or manufactured though? (Isn't synthesis all raw mats, except for ax stuff?)

No, heat sink synthesis and such use manufactured. And you did say exploration yields all types in that part I quoted. ;) So:

1) they do need it
2) they don't find it

No big deal, means you have to do some basic preparing for longer expeditions. :)
No, heat sink synthesis and such use manufactured. And you did say exploration yields all types in that part I quoted. ;) So:

1) they do need it
2) they don't find it

No big deal, means you have to do some basic preparing for longer expeditions. :)
Oh... right... Yeah that's a mistake :LOL:
I agree OP, raws should be available as a mission reward, to the point that I raised it as a suggestion last year only for it to be voted down on the basis that mission numbers were finite and cmdrs thought the reward balance would be negatively affected.
I don't see the logic in down-voting that idea, and then allowing the reward balance to be severely negatively affected by allowing mining to net you inconceivably more credits/hr than any other activity in the game that I know of?

Personally, I would prefer to see a system in place that keeps anything required for engineering upgrades (and guardian mods) difficult to obtain, but doesn't require me to spend what game time I have available doing things that bore me to tears.
Charge me a mil$ for that one lump of raw unobtanium if you want. If I want the thing that requires it badly enough, I can go do something I enjoy in game to make the $$ to buy it! But hhe sad fact is that when I clank down at a station I can buy weapons of mass destruction for the right price, but I cant buy a unit of.... SULFUR? Its one of the basic building blocks of the universe, for Pete's sake! The lack of logic in this situation boggles my imagination.
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