News Announcement: Elite: Dangerous coming to Xbox One

When is the Xbox one version going to have the horizons expansion?

Not before 2.2. EDH will probably leave Early Access after 2.1 and will get a some media exposure. If I were FD I'd release it Horizons on XB1 between then and the release of 3.0 on pc, december 2016. Something around july or something makes sense: will give a new wave of exposure, allows them to showcase the additions of 2.2 and 2.3 while giving time to build the hype for 3.0. In any case, rest assured that by the time it releases on XB1 us pc-players will have suffered through the bugs to get you guys a clean experience. :D
I dont know, if any of you pc guys have ever gone to our forum you can find thread after thread it seems, with xbox pilots seemingly willing to deal with the bugs. Myself included. Our player base has deteriorated immensly in part because our updates are including horizons content but with no way to access the content, and also with the serious lack of information regarding ED for xbox from FDev
Not before 2.2. EDH will probably leave Early Access after 2.1 and will get a some media exposure. If I were FD I'd release it Horizons on XB1 between then and the release of 3.0 on pc, december 2016. Something around july or something makes sense: will give a new wave of exposure, allows them to showcase the additions of 2.2 and 2.3 while giving time to build the hype for 3.0. In any case, rest assured that by the time it releases on XB1 us pc-players will have suffered through the bugs to get you guys a clean experience. :D

Lol.. that would be a first...

No complaints here.. totally love the game.. but a bug free Elite? Wow... one can only dream right.. :p
also with the serious lack of information regarding ED for xbox from FDev

There hasn't been a serious lack of information.

When FD have had something they can publicly commit to for Xbox, they've told us. The Dev team visit and talk to players in the XBox forum. Mods are frequently there and give what help they can.

Yes we all want to know when Horizons is coming out, when we'll get skins etc. but there is little value in inaccurate promises from FD.
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Sorry for my english... I wasn't a backer for Elite because I was simply not aware of it but I own it since its release and I'm so        off for them backers. They funded this game becasue they wanted a good PC PC PC PC PC PC game because they don't care about consoles, hates them litteraly because, usually, developpers don't even care for us and give us awfully bad PC ports that runs like crap.

Now that was our chance to have a long awaited game on PC and not them so we gave you our hard earned money and FD took a chuck of it and much TIME to port it to XBOX instead of developping new stuff in the lacking PC version and instead push content later back in a paid expansion. That's the truth.

FD give them the game all baked, all good made with the money of the PC comunity that hates consoles with a feature available 6 month before against the promise of giving things first to backers.

"PC version of Elite is now forever tied to the hardware limitations of the Xbox one" <- truest sentence ever even if anyone try to say otherwise. In other words, that means that if they have an idea in 3 years that would need a Next gen GTXxxx not even out yet to run they can't. they have to think their idea twice to see if it will run or fit in a xbone.
Also they will make stupid dumb console player like request that FD wil implement in the game that will uck balls.
Serioulsy how can you continue playing this after what they have done to you? Xbox players don't deserve this game. How much did tey backed? 0$ they should have 0 game.
Sorry for my english... I wasn't a backer for Elite because I was simply not aware of it but I own it since its release and I'm so off for them backers. They funded this game becasue they wanted a good PC PC PC PC PC PC game because they don't care about consoles, hates them litteraly because, usually, developpers don't even care for us and give us awfully bad PC ports that runs like crap.

Now that was our chance to have a long awaited game on PC and not them so we gave you our hard earned money and FD took a chuck of it and much TIME to port it to XBOX instead of developping new stuff in the lacking PC version and instead push content later back in a paid expansion. That's the truth.

FD give them the game all baked, all good made with the money of the PC comunity that hates consoles with a feature available 6 month before against the promise of giving things first to backers.

"PC version of Elite is now forever tied to the hardware limitations of the Xbox one" <- truest sentence ever even if anyone try to say otherwise. In other words, that means that if they have an idea in 3 years that would need a Next gen GTXxxx not even out yet to run they can't. they have to think their idea twice to see if it will run or fit in a xbone.
Also they will make stupid dumb console player like request that FD wil implement in the game that will uck balls.
Serioulsy how can you continue playing this after what they have done to you? Xbox players don't deserve this game. How much did tey backed? 0$ they should have 0 game.

And you really think FDev will forget what they are developing for? And whom they must be thankful?
I don't think so. The mac can't run the Horizons Addon, it's simply not possible so the mac dont get the horizons addon. If they want to bring something new to the game and the xbox is not able to run this addon they simply don't get it too. So where is your problem? A little gamer-racist? We all are gamers and of course the most of the xbox players didnt spend money for the kickstarter campaign because there was no reason for them. A lot of pc players don't even know that this was a kickstarter campaign. So don't be a racist against consoleplayers, we all are a community and it's good the elite community gets bigger than before through xbox.
I really would understand if the xbox isnt able to run horizons but it seems to work..
Thats what i think, maybe you are not my opinion but think about why you are dont want to play this beautiful game anymore. Because FDev want to expand and a new community can enjoy the new generation of elite?
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I also have mixed feelings about that. Especially about (what was said before) the PC version being tied to the limitations of a console. I have been a bit confused about the lack of mouse control in the cockpit and the flawed mouse control on the galaxy map, where I have to hit a button sometimes to focus on a system or planet. That always had a console-feeling for me, and I have to admit, I really, really don't like the console-feeling. Same with the flares of lightsources, which sometimes look a bit like stickers. Also common for console games/ports and something a never liked about it. These things seem to be "modern" or something, because I keep seing them in other games very often, but well, I don't like that. To me it's "unimmersive", and a proper PC can do more.
Every time a game is released for PC and consoles I hope for more customization options to be able to use the full potential of what my computer can do. In a certain mmo I am playing that would be things like more light sources and longer viewing distance. Yeah, I know consoles couldn't do that, and I am very sorry for you console players, also for your slomo-turn-around controlers, but my computer could do that. Using things like sweetFX and ENB and certain hacks to tune graphics doesn't feel like a way of making up for that, partially because it is always a compromise and not really made to fit a game.

But well, these aren't complains that concern Elite at the moment, just some fears I have about it. I guess you can't turn away from consoles nowadays and perhaps it takes a lot of effort to keep the versions apart and build in more features, I don't really know that, I have to admit. The community grows, that is a good thing, and Frontier will earn some more credits which I trust them to put into developement, but well, Scepticism remains.

Please don't make me feel like playing a console game, not more than I actually do with Elite.
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Sorry for my english... I wasn't a backer for Elite because I was simply not aware of it but I own it since its release and I'm so off for them backers. They funded this game becasue they wanted a good PC PC PC PC PC PC game because they don't care about consoles, hates them litteraly because, usually, developpers don't even care for us and give us awfully bad PC ports that runs like crap.

Now that was our chance to have a long awaited game on PC and not them so we gave you our hard earned money and FD took a chuck of it and much TIME to port it to XBOX instead of developping new stuff in the lacking PC version and instead push content later back in a paid expansion. That's the truth.

FD give them the game all baked, all good made with the money of the PC comunity that hates consoles with a feature available 6 month before against the promise of giving things first to backers.

"PC version of Elite is now forever tied to the hardware limitations of the Xbox one" <- truest sentence ever even if anyone try to say otherwise. In other words, that means that if they have an idea in 3 years that would need a Next gen GTXxxx not even out yet to run they can't. they have to think their idea twice to see if it will run or fit in a xbone.
Also they will make stupid dumb console player like request that FD wil implement in the game that will uck balls.
Serioulsy how can you continue playing this after what they have done to you? Xbox players don't deserve this game. How much did tey backed? 0$ they should have 0 game.

Not even going to bother responding to this bigoted drivel. PC Master Race at its finest.
This is the million dollar question. All we know (all Frontier is telling us) is that it will be here 2016. Also, it won't be here in the 1st quarter. So, theoretically, the earliest we will see it is April of 2016.

GSRTrent, interested in knowing why you think it won't be out in Q1. Have you heard something? I'm looking forward to it anyway.
Yeah, there was something in one of the updates in the last couple of weeks from FD that said "sometime between Q1 and Q4" which has been interpreted as between April and September. It seems clear the truth is they don't know yet because its still work in progress. Personally I don't blame them for being measured in what they tell us as people tend to go off on one with every little bit of info.

I would just like to say thanks to FD for bringing it to Xbox - hands down my favourite game on Xbox one. I play console as I don't have the spare cash and time for the constant arms race to keep a gaming PC up to date and able to play stuff - no disrespect to PC gamers, I'd be there with you if more time/cash was available.
Feel free to hate me for the above if you need to, but us xboxers cash also goes to help FD grow and get stronger to build a better game.

One thing I was wondering from FD - when Horizons comes out on Xbox, will it have all the updates that are out (e.g. the "Engineers" one due in spring) on PC or will it be phased as per the PC one (I.e. we then wait for Engineers, commanders etc). I suspect the former as that's what happened with the main release.

Anyway - thanks FD for bringing one of the most ambitious games ever to Xbox.

Oh.... and thanks to all the KS backers who helped make it happen, this is the game I've been waiting for.
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Volunteer Moderator
GSRTrent, interested in knowing why you think it won't be out in Q1. Have you heard something? I'm looking forward to it anyway.

Gary made a comment here a few weeks ago that it would be this year (2016) and it is more likely to be Q2 or Q3 than Q1 or Q4. Note he said that's more likely, not definite.
Really happy that ed is on Xbox so most of the space game I like are only on pc and if they are on console they are normally crappy parts of it that are hardly worth playing but ED is what I was hoping for Xbox one but the only thing that is holding it back from what I see is the crappy wing/instance system but that may also be in part that xbox has been having big problem with connectivity but it is fun.

I'm happy the Imperial ships have round looks to them
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