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Im a kickstarter supporter/premium beta so i dont need to pay for any expansions. A wise investment with the price/fun in hours-factor in mind. There seem to be alot of discussion about the price of the expansion. I can fully understand some who feels the expansion is pricey. But i also really really want FD to have a good amount of cash to keep Elite-running and make it better (im one of those who really really really would love more core-enhancements, DDF and beyond, there are a load of good ideas in them logs).

But as others have written many times there are alot of different revenue streams for FD to implement (look at TF2 and "hats" ;) )

I still miss the bobblehead.
Pimp your cockpit.
More skins for the ships (all of the ships, if you invested the the time to get a T9, Python or Anaconda, surely you want a skin for it).
Skins for the pilots.
Different colours on the ship lights.
Custom spoilers on the ships (think car customization).
Etc, so many small commitments for a steady flow of revenue, not just one time. Good for overhead-costs etc.
30 quid is NOT an expansion price. It's a full game price. I'd happily pay 10 or 15 for an expansion but I'm not paying 30 to drive a buggy around a lifeless world

You are paying for season 2 called horizons.

Season 1 - Elite Dangerous
1. Elite Dangerous out of the box.
2. Community goals patch (free to the season pass holder)
3. Wing (free to the season pass holder)
4. PowerPlay (free to the season Pass holder)
5. CQC (free to the season Pass holder)
6. one mysterious extra (free to the season pass holder).

Season 2 - Horizons (an addtional expansion price / full price )
1. Landing on Airless planets, Having access to the scarab, new flight mechanic
2. ???????? oooh mystery (free to the season pass holder)
3. ???????? oooh mystery (free to the season pass holder)
4. ???????? oooh mystery (free to the season pass holder)
5. ???????? oooh mystery (free to the season pass holder)

Season3 - walkies ???????
1. ??????

Now from my understanding. Horizons gives you access to all the rest of the seasons expansions - I'm pretty sure they are going to bake all the planetary updates within this same season.

So we start of simple, and then they add on the layers.

The scarab can fit in even an eagle right so 2 tonne cargo space is required.
And more than likely a new computer module / different thrusters??

But that means an Anaconda and Type 9 have these giant cargo bay doors.
What kind of SRV can they have?

there will be one for mining, prospecting, combat, exploration.

We have more places to land, crashed ships to explore, pirate bases, normal bases......(ObsidianAnt mentioned Caves??)

New flight mechanics, it's a whole NEW game and WHOLE set of vehicles.

THEN comes in the heat shields and comming down to planets with atmospheres, right, and another expansion to the season (like wings/powerplay/CQC)
Probably the gas giants allowing us to fuel scoop.

Then the planets with forests and trees,

Then planets with cities.
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Volunteer Moderator
The new life time gives access to all betas and expansions. Buy it whilst you can. I thought there were going to be 3 DLCs. Evidently there's going to be a lot more. Im waiting for my pay to come in tomorrow so I can buy it and not have to spend another penny again

Can you provide the official source for the statement that the new lifetime expansion includes ALL future betas? In the FAQ it's not worded that way - if you read the wording carefully it looks like it includes the Horizons beta, but does not necessarily include future betas.
Lol 30$ for people who bought ED for 60$ on release and 40$ for people which have not even have ED itself? Im done here. XD FD you guys wont make a lot money for long i promise you that. You give the ED Season one a real value of 10$ now already. And the Expension is worth 30$. Big ripoff i would say for people who bought the game not a long time ago for full price. You guys should be sitting in Jita local and scam someone else :3
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I am scared; really. The amount of things that could go wrong is quite noticeable; and since what we saw in the past since Alpha; the concern that things will be done to a basic level, is pretty high.

From the trailer, it seems that you still stay in the ship; which negate the fact that you actually get up and hop in the ATV. I am aware that first person navigation was another one of the features; which makes me think that they won't live in the same expansion, so first planetary landing, then first person navigation.

Also the transition is not clear to me: do you push a button and another effect like the one when you travel through systems start, and you find yourself on the high altitude of the planet instance? I don't see seamless transition, but who knows. Even Star Citizen that wants to do everything in a WOW way, has the transition that is not seamless, because is loading the instance in real time, but it is too early to say. After all if the planets are generated procedurally, and they will be mostly empty with some wreck or space port here and there; it may be possible to do a seamless transition like Evochron does.

Also how is the expansion handling the huge universe and such, with the details of the planetary landing? Are you still able to talk to people in space while on the surface? Can you have missions that will bring you in a specific planet to do specific things? OR will they be disjointed; so when you are in space you do certain missions, and when on the surface you are limited to others, like explore shipwrecks or mine? We will see once the details are out.

Price wise is honest to give a discount to existing players; although for the ones that purchased the expansion pack in Beta, I would expect no additional cost to get this expansion (and the other including the first person navigation); but I have a feeling that when the real changes will hit this game, there will be a price tag on it for everyone, included alpha and beta backers.

Glad to see the first attempt at this, but let's remember what did we get in the past; great features on paper, which were barely implemented in game; so the future has not really a silver lining, if the premises are the ones that we all see nowadays. I hope to be wrong; I have been hoping to be wrong since Alpha...the teasing continue until morale improves; that's what I get all the time.
Lol 30$ for people who bought ED for 60$ on release and 40$ for people which have not even have ED itself? Im done here. XD FD you guys wont make a lot money for long i promise you that. You give the ED Season one a real value of 10$ now already. And the Expension is worth 30$. Big ripoff i would say for people who bought the game not a long time ago for full price. You guys should be sitting in Jita local and scam someone else :3

Hate to be that guy but cheerio!

...and here's how. Wish I'd thought of this before I bought.

1. Do not pre-order!
2. Wait until Horizon releases.
3 Open a new account
4. Buy Horizon on new account
5. You now have two Elite accounts, one with horizon, one without... for the same price as upgrading.

Only down side is you dont have a cobra mk4.. but was it really worth £30?

It's not a free copy.

There is always people who do not mind paying 5-10x for what they like, believe in.
If there are enough fans, then hey, make them pay :D
You are paying for season 2 called horizons.

Season 1 - Elite Dangerous
1. Elite Dangerous out of the box.
2. Community goals patch (free to the season pass holder)
3. Wing (free to the season pass holder)
4. PowerPlay (free to the season Pass holder)
5. CQC (free to the season Pass holder)
6. one mysterious extra (free to the season pass holder).

Season 2 - Horizons (an addtional expansion price / full price )
1. Landing on Airless planets, Having access to the scarab, new flight mechanic


Now let what you said, sink a moment.....

A person that purchased the game, got the game itself and everything in "season 1" (really guys??? Like if someone actually hired a writer or 2 to make some good story? Forgot; ED is make-believe like AD&D, but using nice graphic instead than pen and paper; although the rest is still only in the player's head).

Do you even consider that any of the updates are worth something? Not talking of the work that Frontier put in; because there are people that get paid to do what others tell them to do ( I work in a software company, I am one of the cogs too); but about the intrinsic value that you could assign to such features.
Money wise, you pay when a new feature is add; not when a basic expected feature is add to a game that was basically empty and mostly incomplete at launch. Unless in the year of our Lord 2015, computer games standard changed...because in this case; I think there is more value in Frontier in the 90s, for 39 dollars of that time.

Planetary landing was announced at KS time; it was pulled out because there was no time, and offered as extra. I would expect for it to not be something that you charge for.

GAMING TODAY: You buy a game called joe in wonderland; which let you play with joe, at the gates of wonderland; but you can just run; can't open the gate, can't jump to reach high places.
Then they release the expansion: Joe jumps and hurls, where you ask 30 bucks to let joe jump and roll. Third expansion is the "joe key master"; where you get the key to open the gate and explore the rest of the empty world; in the meantime that the new expansion "joe fight monsters and find objects" will populate the world in a year or 2.

This is close to madness; this is the same madness that put a 30 dollars tag price on the demo of MGS5, for 20 minutes of gameplay. Just because you have a job; or got parents that give you money, it won't diminish the value of the money that you spent....30 dollars are the same value, independently if you make 400 a week or 3000.

I am worried to see people even accepting such ideas; the meme "shut up and take my money" was for make fun of such things; was not a manifesto of how the gaming population should behave :)
Lol 30$ for people who bought ED for 60$ on release and 40$ for people which have not even have ED itself? Im done here. XD FD you guys wont make a lot money for long i promise you that. You give the ED Season one a real value of 10$ now already. And the Expension is worth 30$. Big ripoff i would say for people who bought the game not a long time ago for full price. You guys should be sitting in Jita local and scam someone else :3

after one year, yes, it is common to see games at 10 15 euros, which is the same thing here. So, call for a ripoff is just a flame...
Anyone considered what the transition from the pilot's seat to the Scarab's seat will look like? An instant move for example? You're looking out of your Cobra Mk 3 cockpit, press a key, and then you're looking out of the Scarab?

No biggy of course... Just interesting...
Anyone considered what the transition from the pilot's seat to the Scarab's seat will look like? An instant move for example? You're looking out of your Cobra Mk 3 cockpit, press a key, and then you're looking out of the Scarab?

No biggy of course... Just interesting...

I expect the SRV will be mind controlled, like Clint Eastwood in Firefox... When you press the button to launch it, you will see a short hyperspace tunnel effect as your consciousness adapts to the VR input from the SRV video inputs :)
"Fire rearward missiles!"
Im a kickstarter supporter/premium beta so i dont need to pay for any expansions. A wise investment with the price/fun in hours-factor in mind. There seem to be alot of discussion about the price of the expansion. I can fully understand some who feels the expansion is pricey. But i also really really want FD to have a good amount of cash to keep Elite-running and make it better (im one of those who really really really would love more core-enhancements, DDF and beyond, there are a load of good ideas in them logs).

I disagree with your approach. I am a beta supporter too (sorry, no game in alpha is worth the price asked for alpha), I have the expansion pack too, so I am covered, but this is not a good reason to say "hey guys, tough luck....I have my cool stuff while you pay".
What worries me is the precedent that you create, when such model start to be used more and more often. MMO goes from sub to F2P; and here we go the other way around; which is bad.

I don't really care where Frontier takes money from....I do not support the game development at this point; because I paid for the game development when I pledged in Beta....can't really use the Star Citizen model, where instead of digital ship sold for the cost of a gaming console, you sell expansions. If you look at the old system; a game would be made, sold and if the sale was good, an expansion would come out; if people buy it, a new expansion is done, and so on.
Here you have a game that was paid in advance, released unfinished, and then on top of that, you ask for money for something that was basically part of the deal....did people bought ED because of ED or because they heard "first person" and "planetary landing" ?
Not only got plenty of money from KSers, alpha and beta pledgers, but now you want to milk out also the regular consumers that gave you 60 damn bucks for a game that is at most worth 20? (not because people didn't put efforts in it; let's be clear...I RESPECT the work done by the programmers and artist; but I don't respect the mess that the management is doing with this game); ask 10-15 and it is fair, but 30?

And next expansion with first person will be another 30....which takes us to 120?
While the main game is still flat as the brain waves of a dead person? For which we already paid quite a lot to hop in early and help to shape the revolution in the space sim genre?

Are you sure that ED is worth 120 bucks? And I am not talking about your nostalgia and the good memories spent with the original, I am talking of what is offered now, compared to what you get in any other game (don't limit to just space sims); because games like No man's sky and witcher then, should cost 200 dollars at this point.
How much is it? 10-15 after one year? Dude dont tell me im a flamer if the game still has the same price after a year. Its a fact. Seems more you are a fanboy and im the objective few.

When horizons will came out, it will cost 40 pounds, 30 pounds for "early adopters". Game was released at december 2014, so after one year the elite:dangerous base will cost 10 pounds. Yes, it is normal. Guild Wars 2 exp cost 45 dollars/euro, you call a ripoff for people who bought the game at day1, because inside there is also the base game?

You're just flaming without reason, and now you called me fanboy, chill.
Anyone considered what the transition from the pilot's seat to the Scarab's seat will look like? An instant move for example? You're looking out of your Cobra Mk 3 cockpit, press a key, and then you're looking out of the Scarab?

No biggy of course... Just interesting...

I imagine a quick fade-out and fade-in for now. If it was a forced cut scene of walking/floating to the craft then that would be nasty in VR.

Also, did they really say that all ships could carry it? Like, where the heck does it go in a Sidewinder?

When horizons will came out, it will cost 40 pounds, 30 pounds for "early adopters". Game was released at december 2014, so after one year the elite:dangerous base will cost 10 pounds. Yes, it is normal. Guild Wars 2 exp cost 45 dollars/euro, you call a ripoff for people who bought the game at day1, because inside there is also the base game?

You're just flaming without reason, and now you called me fanboy, chill.

What ever man check out the price of BF4.... There is no math for gameprice development. ;) I doubt that a lot people will buy like 4-6 seasons for 30 bucks + 60 bucks for the main game in the beginning. For that you really need to deliver something on your product. And for the Endprice from around 240 Euros for Elite. Whatever... :D Buy it. Its not my cash i waste.
Are you sure that ED is worth 120 bucks? And I am not talking about your nostalgia and the good memories spent with the original, I am talking of what is offered now, compared to what you get in any other game (don't limit to just space sims); because games like No man's sky and witcher then, should cost 200 dollars at this point.

The 49 euros what I payed recently will be my final investment ever.
Don't get me wrong, I could pay another 49 euros if it would be a totally separate title (Star Trek/Wars etc), but it's just a compatible eye-candy addon.
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